The following is a brief introduction to a variety of religions, spiritual traditions, and magick traditions that are at least in part based on the ancient Egyptian religion.
In addition to 4,000-15,000 years of widely varying ancient practice (depending on how you count it), there is an extreme diversity of modern practice and belief that is at least in part based on some portions of the ancient beliefs. With this kind of diversity, just about every believer is going to have at least some disagreement with the material in this web site. Some individuals have gotten very angry about some of the material.
This web site is dedicated to Bast. The Introduction to Bast can also serve as a starting point for exploring some of the Tameran deities.
Stone Age: The Stone Age is divided into three cultural periods: the Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), and Neolithic (New Stone Age). This covers the period from approximately 35,000 B.C.E. (B.C.E. = Before Common Era) to approximately 3,000 B.C.E. (the onset of the Bronze Age). Between 30,000 B.C.E. and 8,000 B.C.E. humans were conducting trade over extremely long distances and the early Earth Mother Goddess worship was becoming increasingly sophisticated. North Africa was a fertile plain with many active river systems and the now-extinct North African buffalo. During this period the Capoids of North Africa were displaced to East and South Africa, while European and North African Rock Art spread from the Franco-Cantabrian Province to Eastern Spain to Northwest Africa and across to the Upper Nile Valley. There is the extremely controversial theory that the Great Sphinx was built sometime between 15,000 and 12,000 B.C.E. by an advanced civilization in the Nile Delta.
Agriculture: Agriculture started to spread around 8,000 B.C.E. The Nile valley was one of the sites of the onset of agriculture. At the same time, climatic changes were turning North Africa into the Sahara Desert. For several thousand years the Nile ran so low that the human population dropped to under a thousand.
Pre-Pharonic Egypt: Around 5,000 B.C.E. Fayoum Lake began to reappear and farming returned to the Nile Valley. During this time period both pottery and weaving were also introduced, apparently by mysterious strangers who wandered in from the west. The Nile Valley was divided into Nomes (kind of like states or provinces), each ruled by a Nomarch. Narmer [whom the Greeks called Menes] united all of Egypt into a single nation, the first nation in history.
Old Kingdom: (2664-2181 B.C.E.) This is the time period when the Great Pyramids of Giza were constructed. Some of the greatest artwork of all time was created during this period.
First Intermediate Period: A time of extreme chaos.
Middle Kingdom: (2134-1786 B.C.E.) Generally considered a stable, but boring period in Egyptian history.
Second Intermediate Period: Occupation by the Hyksos, also known as the Shepherd Kings.
New Kingdom: (1570-1075 B.C.E.) A period of great expansion, including conquering large portions of the Middle East. Such famous Pharaohs as Tuthmose III, Amenhotep III, Tutankhamen, and Ramses II ruled during this period.
Nubian Period: Much of Egypt came under the rule of the Nubians.
Assyrian Period: Much of Egypt came under the rule of the Assyrians.
Persian Period: Much of Egypt came under the rule of the Persians.
Ptolemaic Era: In 332 B.C.E., Alexander the Great conquered Persia, and was welcomed as Pharaoh by the native Egyptian population. After Alexanders death, a series of Greek Pharaohs known as Ptolemy and Cleopatra ruled with excessive taxation and oppressive laws. During this time a Greek version of the native Egyptian religion came into existence.
Late Pagan Era: Egypt came under the rule of the Roman Empire. During this time a Greco-Roman version of the native Egyptian religion became popular throughout the Roman Empire. It is this version of the religion, along with the Greek deity names, which is best known.
Coptic Era: After Christians took military and political control of the Roman Empire they imposed their religion through extremes of violence. During this time many native Egyptians hid their traditional practices and beliefs in their own unique version of Christianity. This church, known as Coptic Christianity, continues to be practiced to this day.
Arabic Era: In 639 C.E. (C.E. = Common Era), an Arabic Moslem army conquered Egypt.
Medieval Era: Several heretical Christian groups influenced by often wild interpretations of the ancient Egyptian religion spread across Europe, spawning various secret societies. There is a possibility that some secret pockets of Greco-Roman style Isis and Bast worship continued in parts of Europe. The Gypsies appear in northern India and according to folklore are the descendants of native Egyptians who fled the Moslem invasion of the Nile Valley.
Modern Era: Many different variations of modern interpretations of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices come into existence, including such groups as the Masons, the Golden Dawn, and several Wiccan and Neo-Pagan religions.
If you follow any of the links offered on this web site, no spell begging. Especially no love spell begging.
I strongly recommend the Osiris List, an Internet mailing list for those interested in the historical ancient Egypt. Discussions of New Age ideas or modern interpretations of ancient beliefs are strictly forbidden from the list, but discussions of ancient Egyptian history, language, and modern archaeological work are welcome. The list welcomes both curious amateurs and working Egyptologists, including the opportunity for amateurs to ask questions of the professionals. To subscribe, send a message to
The heart of Egypt is the Nile, at more than 4,000 miles (1/3 of a hemisphere), the longest river in the world. The Nile has two sources. The White Nile has its source in East Central Africa, near the place of the origin of humanity, and provides a steady, dependable year round supply of water. The Blue Nile has its source in Ethiopia and is the source of an annual flood that laid down a thick rich black fertile soil.
The fertile growing region along the Nile is called the Black Land. It is surrounded by the red desert, called the Red Land. Together they make up the Two Lands, an ancient native name for Egypt.
There are disputes about who has the real version of various traditions. I do not have enough information to arbitrate these disputes. And I really dont want to even become involved in these disputes. I am putting on-line groups into the category in which they claim to belong.
Kemetic: This is an attempt to practice the religion exactly as it was practiced in antiquity. Named for the most common native name for Egypt, KMT (or Kemet).
Kemetic Orthodox: This is an attempt to practice the religion exactly as it was practiced in antiquity. Named for the most common native name for Egypt, KMT (or Kemet).
Tameran: Any of a number of modern traditions based at least in part on the ancient religion. Named for a common native name for Egypt, Ta-Mri (or Tamera), this term was first applied to Wiccan use of the Tameran deities.
My own practice is a blend of Tameran and Kemetic. I believe that a religion is a living, changing thing, and although I use the ancient native religion as my primary reference, I feel free to draw on Greco-Roman and even modern beliefs and practices (as just one example, I accept the modern law of gravity rather than insisting on using the ancient principle that everything seeks its own level). The pages in this web site reflect my personal biases, but I am attempting to honor and respect the entire range of Egyptian and Egyptian-influenced beliefs and practices.
Click here for an authentic ancient Egyptian love spell.
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MichaelM offers TeenWitch t-shirts.
Stop corporate Blood Libel!!!
Take action for Witches Rights!!!The state of California claims that Witches dont have the same equal protection under the law as Jews and Blacks!
The Blood Libel is the false claim made by the Inquisitions, Witch Hunts, and Witch Trials that supposedly Witches (the Inquisitions, Witch Hunts, and Witch Trials) and Jews (the Inquisitions), who supposedly were extremely ugly with large noses, supposedly kidnapped Christian babies and children (supposedly Witches lured them with offers of herbal candies), supposedly raped Christian babies and children (including oral and anal sodomy), supposedly tortured Christian babies and children, supposedly murdered Christian babies and children by baking or cooking them, and then supposedly committed canabilism by eating the cooked bodies of Christian babies and children.
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing claims that Ralphs grocery Company (part of Kroger) has the right to engage in the Blood Libel. The DFEH said it would take action against the Blood Libel aimeed at Jews, but not when aimed at Witches.
If you are against the Blood Libel, please contact California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Call 916-445-2841 now. Or e-mail the Governor (choose Fair Employment and Housing from the subject menu). Those outside of the U.S. can write a letter to: the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. Please be very polite.
Read the Blood Libel web page for more information on the history of the Blood Libel in the Inquisition, Witch Hunts, Witch trials, and Burning Times.
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private and small group lessonsContact Milo for information on private and small group lessons in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, California. Tutoring in Witchcraft, chess, guitar, English grammar and writing, history, or computer programming. Low cost or free for the poor. Recommended donation of $25 an hour (or $15 for half an hour). Minors need written permission from parent or guardian. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781. |
A few recommended local services: guitar repair, hair cutter, Macintosh repair, raw food, recording studio, search engine optimization, and sign painting.
This web site handcrafted on Macintosh computers using Tom Benders Tex-Edit Plus
Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998, 2002 Milo the Witch.
Last Updated: January 9, 2002
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If you spot an error in fact, grammar, syntax, or spelling, or a broken link, or have additional information, commentary, or constructive criticism, please contact Milo: PO Box 5237, Balboa Island, California, 92662, USA.
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