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There have been a lot of requests for a way to meet up with other witches and pagans. So, thats what this page is for meeting other witches. You can send an e-mail requesting a listing on this page to meet other teen pagans and witches.
Rules and stuff: This is all handled by a real person checking e-mail and then adding listings by hand. This is done to keep spambots from overwhelming things with advertisement listings (you know what spam is like). But this means that adding listtings will be slow it may take as much as a month after you send in your listing.
You have to be over 12 years of age to make a listing (U.S. law sorry). You must be 13 or older. Please dont lie just to get a listing you might get us all in trouble.
Provide a little information on yourself for your listing: things like how long youve been practicing, what tradition or belief you follow, how old you are, who you are looking to meet up with, and so on.
Include your general location (such as state or city or coutnry). Do not give your street address (you dont know who might read this page). Dont give your phone number (same reason).
You need to include your e-mail (so people can contact you). The problem is that about two to three months after you get your listing, a bunch of web-bots will start sending spam. The solution is to get a temporary e-mail (such as free e-mail from Google, HotMail, Yahoo, etc.) or create a special subaccount (such as at AOL Earthlink, MSN, etc.) so that your regular e-mail doesnt get spammed. When the spam starts, send us an e-mail (from the old e-mail addrress) and tell us the new one to change it to and we will change your listing. We wont change a listing if it comes from a different e-mail.
To keep the listings from getting too long, we will be removing listings after one to six months. If your listing is removed, you can resubmit a new listing.
This service no longer availabel!
Do NOT request a listing if your parents dont approve. It is a hassle for us to get angry e-mails from your parents, and your parents probably wont be angry just at us.
Aaron U.S. (Burlington, Washington) age unknown: hey my name is aaron i live in burlington washinton and i dont really know anyone who practices around here ive been practicing for a long time and then i lost everything i had and its getting really hard so i was just lookin to see if i could find anybody on here e-mail me at e-mail not available
Tasha U.S. (Seattle, Washington) age unknown: hi! my name is natassja (tasha) from seattle washington. i have been practicing Wicca for about 1 year. me e-mail is e-mail not available
Laura New Zealand 19: Hi all. Ive been studying all different aspects of paganism, such as wicca, helenism, etc, but would like to meet some people who follow these paths, as I dont do much more than very basic spells, and candle spells. Email me
Kasey U.S. (near Nashville, Tenn.) 14: My name is Kasey Payne, Im from Tennessee, and Im 14. I have been interested in Wicca and reading about it for going on 5 years now. I consider myself a witch, and would like to participate in craft gatherings and such. If you want a friend to talk to, or if you live in my area (Around abouts Nashville) send me an e-mail and well talk! I am also single and would prefer a boy interested in the craft, so send me an e-mail, Ill reply every time!
Leigh U.S. (Lawerenceville, Georgia) 15: my name is leigh
i live in the USA and live in lawerenceville GA. i have been into magick and witches since i saw hocus pocus and researched it to see if it was real and found that although magick is real it isnt like in the movies. everytime i read a book with magick in it or read website it feels like it could work for me. im not sure if im a witch or not i know that when i read things about witches though it seems to click. but i have a lot of questions and i have a lot of thinking that was drilled into me that doesnt seem right but i just want some body to help me with a path to becoming a witch.
Jaime U.S. (Brick, N.J.) 16: Hi My Names Jaime and Im 16. I live in Brick, N.J., and ive been practicing for about 6 months to a year, havent exactly kept track heh. Im looking toward a celtic path but Im not sure yet. i wanna meet any other witch about my age, and im really interested in meeting any male witches and seing their perspectives on every thing, as well as those with witches for parents. my email is
Ashley U.S. (Kentucky) 19: My name is Ashley Ive been studying witch craft since i was old enough to talk. My Grandmother was Wiccan so I was raised in a home with parents who studied witch craft. Im from Kentucky in the USA, my email addresses are and I have messengers on both yahoo and msn so if you want to come chat with me sometime. Blessed be. e-mail not available
Morgan U.S. (northern Kentucky) 15: Morgan u. s northern Kentucky 15Hey! Ive been a witch for 3 years and if anyone would like to talk or get together sometime e-mail me. e-mail not available
Terri U.S. (Crestiew, Florida) 13: hi,my name terri im 13 from crestiew,florida i need help with my witch craft. e-mail not available
Casey U.S. (Florida) 13: hey there . my name is casey (female) have brown hair and brown eyes . i am 13 . i am just starting witchcraft and it is kool . i live in florida usa . i am in the 7th grade. and my parents dont agree with witch craft but you know parents . well my e-mail address is e-mail not available
Chelse U.S. (Florida) 13: hey Im 13 and Id love to meet or at least talk to another witch. i live in Florida. pls feel free to e-mail me. yours truly Chelse! ^^ e-mail not available
Jaimee U.S. (Manassas, Virginia) 13: I am Jaimee I am 13 years old. I began studying the craft at 7 years old and I am seriously searching for a coven. I live in Manassas Virginia. e-mail not available
Christine U.S. (Virginia) 13: hi my name is christine and I live in va im 13 years old and I have just began witch craft I would just like to have a friend to talk to about it or others.I just would like to talk lol e-mail not available
Paige U.S. (Virginia) 14: My name is Paige. I am 14 years old and I live in Northern Virginia, about forty-five minutes from DC. I am currently studying the craft as my mom has a Wiccan friend who is living with us right now. Witchcraft has always interested me and I have decided to pursue it, I just want to be able to talk to people my age about the subject. My email is e-mail not available
Diane U.S. (New York) 15: Hi my name is Diane. I am 15 years old and I live in U.S, New York.I have been interested in Wicca all my life and I havent really found a way to persue it. Lately I have been reading books and going into sites to try and help me becaome a witch. I have a problem with my parents though. I dont think that they would approve of me being a witch but I really want to. I would like to talk to someone who has been though this with their parents and also someone who can help me become a witch. Also I would like to talk to someone my age about witchcraft too. e-mail not available
Ashley U.S. (upstate New York) 13: 13 years old 1 1/2 practice belief is wrong doers are very wrong looking to meet up with a experienced witch e-mail not available
Emil U.S. (New York) 14: i started practicing wicca two years ago but never thought i was good unuf to actoly try things!! I use to stand for hours in odd book stores staring at magic and wicca books. If you would like to talk to someone who has hit some obsticals and is trying to learn all she can about wicca please e-mail me at e-mail not available
Dibble U.S. (Cleveland, Texas) 15: HI IM DIBBLE I LIVE IN CLEVELAND TX IM 15 AND LOOKING TO TALK TO OTHER WITCHES E-MAIL ME e-mail not available
Anna U.S. (San Antonio, Texas) 13: Hi! im Anna, i am 13 years old. i am from san antonio texas, and i am looking for witchs in my area. but if you have any questions or are in my area, please e-mail me at e-mail not available
Laura U.S. (Houston) 15: Hey im 15, my name is Laura i live in houston and im interested in just talking to some other pagans in the area. Dont be shy. Email me at e-mail not available
Sarah U.S. (Texas) 17: Hey, my name is Sarah, Im 17 years old, female and Ive been practing magic since I was 13 years old. I took 2 years off because of some problems with friends in it. I live in Texas, USA. Im intrested in to getting back into the magic. I would like to meet other and talk to other. Email me so we can talk. e-mail not available
Skstok U.S. (Ohio) 13: Want to meet other people in the process of becoming a wiccan or people who can help me learn about becoming a wiccan e-mail not available
Bryanna U.S. (Ohio) 13: I have been studing and duning witchcraft since I was 7. I am looking for a friend to talk to about witchcraft because you cant talk to many people about it. I am looking for someone between the ages of 12-18 to chat with. Email me at e-mail not available
Dewann U.S. (Trotwood, Ohio) 16: want to be a warlock need information on how to be one e-mail not available
Casey U.S. (Ohio) 13: hi I am interested in witchcraft info me about it! e-mail not available
Kaylee U.S. (Uxbridge, Massachusetts) 14: Hi Im not sure exactly what to write but Im a 14 year old female in Uxbridge, Ma. My name is Kaylee. Im wiccan and would like to speak to someone advanced to kind of mentor me My email is e-mail not available
Tony U.S. (Massachusetts) 13: hi my names tony and i am from massachussettes im 13 and i would love 2 meet up with some1 who can help me increase mi empathic powers and help me get 2 the level of learning teleconesis,psychoconesis,freezing time, and levitation or maybe i can help u 2 achieve something if you want to talk contact me at e-mail not available
Kay U.S. (Massachusetts) 13: My name is Kay and I want to meet a witch. Iwant to meet a with so I can finally have someone to relate to. Im 13 years old and I have been interested in the art of witchcraft for all of my life. I sometimes have dreams that come true and it used to scare me, those images in my head and not knowing why I did. I want someone to help me get better at these talents. If you could just give me someone who will understand me and be a friend to me Id greatly appreciate it. I live in Taunton Mass and I really want this opertunity. So thanx for your time. e-mail not available
Moondancer U.S. (Massachusetts) 14:hey guys im a 14 year old witch in massachussetts and im just looking for some other witches to chat to i have im but my e mail is e-mail not available
Roses of J U.S. (Maryland) age unknown: I am sorta new to wicca and the craft i have some practice. I am looking for someone to talk to who will understand and may be able to help me. I have been trying my magical side out for 2 years solid so far. And i feel improvment but its very slow. I am not sure what form of magic i will end up sticking to but as far as i have practiced so far wicca is the form of magic the fits me. I am ok at reading minds and i can help others out with that too. I can feel a pressence in the room and i also have visions and sometimes i know whats going to happen befor it does i would like to expand theese things and help others out too. I dont 100% understand theese things because i look at myself as a beginner but i would like to, so email me at = i am only able to check my e-mails every two weeks so please be patiant thanks e-mail not available
Eva U.S. (Indiana) 15: hey, my names Eva. Im 15 and Im from Indiana. Im a beginner wiccan, and a natural witch, and would just like people to talk to who understand what Im all about. You can IM me anytime at punkskatrgrl89 ((thats aim)) or email me at Once you IM me, you can email me at punkskatrgrl89, but on that account I dont accept email from people not on my mailing/buddy list. So, whatever. IM or email me anytime! C~ya! e-mail not available
Cody U.S. (Indianapolis) 13: My name is Cody, I live in the United States in Indianapolis. I have not been practing the craft for very long and I would like to meet up with people could help me with what im am trying to accomplish.I have not found a tradition to belive in yet. Im 13 and i would like to meet with people who can help me to control water or fire. e-mail not available
Sarah U.K. (Aberdeenshire) 13: Hi, my name is Sarah. I am 13 and from Aberdeenshire, in the UK. I am a begginer witch, and would like to talk to a more experienced witch who could talk me through any thing I dont fully know about or could answer any questions I have. I would also like to talk with other witches, begginers or experienced. e-mail not available
Bradley U.K. (Blackpool) 19: hi my name is bradley i live in blackpool i would like to meet other pagans/witchs in my area could you give me any other info i am 19 e-mail not available
Carrie U.K. 16: Hiya, my name is Carrie and i come from the U.K. I am 16 and have been interested in witchcraft for quite a time. It would be nice to have a chat with any of you at some point. My email is and i have AIM. hope to speak to you soon. Blessed be. e-mail not available
Ruth England 18: hi my name is ruth im 18 from england im a beginner at witchcraft, i would like to talk to other people and learn some new things so feel free to email me. e-mail not available
Stephanie U.S. (St. Louis, Missouri) 18: hello my name is stephanie and im 18. ive been interested in wicca for several years and would like to meet others of like mind. im very interested to find others in the Ara Tradition and would like to find a coven in my area. please contact me at thankyou and i hope to hear from you soon. e-mail not available
Willow U.S. (Iberia, Missouri) 15: Hi people! I have been studing the Craft for about two years. I am not very advanced yet but am getting better. I am a solitarty practitioner but am looking for friends. I have found some in yahoo and on the neopets boards (yes I am a proud neopian. lol) but would like more. Please contact me at e-mail not available
Sarah U.S. (Louisiana) 13: hi my name is sarah and m 13 from louisiana, i was wondering if i can get help on determining if im a natural witch or wut kind of witch i can be. i would like to study under an advanced witch preferable in my area. my email is feel free to email me ne time :) e-mail not available
Aime U.S. (Louisiana) 15: Hi my name is Aime' & I am 15. I am From Louisiana, & I am very interested in witchcraft. I am a beginer. I would love to learn about wicthcraft & talk to other witches. I would also like to learn how to cast & handle spells. Please Write me at e-mail not available
Lilprincess U.K. (Heartfordshire area, England) 15: hey, I am 15 years old and i have been believing and studying witchcraft(wicca) for about three years now all thugh i have belived in it for most of my life,i have tried so hard to suceed in my spell casting but nothing ever seems to come of it, i want to meet people who can do witchcraft and can tech me i want to learn about this more than any thing and i also want to meet people who believe in the same thing i do. i live in the heartfordshire area in england, my e-mail address is . thank you for reading this. e-mail not available
Gemma U.K. (London, England) 13: Hi! My name is Gemma, im 13 years old, i started studying wicca quite a while ago, and have only just started practicing it. i come from London, England and i want someone i can talk to about Wicca without them getting freaked out like most people! also someone who can help me develope my knowledge of wicca. preferably a beginner like myself, but a more experienced person is totally welcome! Blessed Be e-mail not available
Amandah U.S. (Pennsylvania) 17:Hey, My names Amandah, and Im 17 years old. Ive been studying witchcraft and Wicca since 6th grade and I would love to talk to other witches. If anyone is up to talking, I can be e-mailed at, or you can IM me at the same address. e-mail not available
Ann U.S. (South Carolina) 13:Hi! My name Ann, and I have been into the craft for about 4 months, im not doing so well, I study alot, and I would like someone around my age to help me out. im 13. and live in south carolina, u.s. my friend helps me out alot but im seeking further attention. e-mail not available
Tasha U.S. (New Hampshire) age unknown:hi im Tasha im and from New Hampshire..Ive been reading up on witchcraft for about 2 years now on and love to meet some other witches or beginners~! e-mail not available
Fay U.S. (New Hampshire) 15: Hi! My name is Fay. Im 15 years old amp; live in NH. I am a wiccan, and Im very interested in someday becoming advanced enough to be a high priestess. so please email me at Id love to talk to other witches! e-mail not available
Melissa Canada (St. Johns area, Newfoundland) age unknown:I just started The Craft and Im not into it in depth. I need someone to help me well for guidance and what not. If anyone could give me advice on it it would be so great! e-mail not available
Rosie U.S. (Bay Area, California) 16: Hey, my name is Rosie (Bay Area, California) and I am just starting to learn about Wicca. I would really like to meet another witch who is a bit more experianced so they could compare notes with me on this. I am really excited to learn and it would be great to have someone to talk to. Im 16, and love to write. e-mail not available
Eva U.S. (San Francisco, California) 15: Im a beginner and complete novice at witchcraft, but I know a lot about the background, and am looking to understand more. Id like to meet more witches, someone wholl understand it all and discuss it. Blessed Be! e-mail not available
Thorn Canada (British Columbia) 16: Hi, my names Thorn and Im 16, I'm an intermediate solitary witch from Vancouver, Canada. Id like to learn some more about the craft, and I want to meet people and find out if anyone knows any covens around my area. If anyones up for talking my emails e-mail not available
Amanda U.S. (Michigan) 13: Hey, Im Amanda! Im 13 and I would like to talk to another witch! I live in Michigan and I think that paganism is extremely cool. e-mail not available
Jordan Canada (Ontario) 14: hi im Jordan (male) and i am 14 years old (05/22/90) and im from Ontario, Canada and havent yet begun practicing the Craft in depth i just need some guidence i am just a beginner but would love to mett/ e-mail someone who can help me i would also like to find a coven near me if thats possilble. N E 1 who can help me i would love it. Thanx. FallenAngel Contact me at e-mail not available
Silvermist U.S. (Delaware) 15: Hi I am a beginner at the craft. I really want to hear from others. So if anyone has any tips for someone new or just wants to talk please email me. I will get back to you. e-mail not available
Brittany U.S. (Alabama) 13: Hi I am Brittany and I am from Alabama. I am 13 years old and My mom and her mother before that and before that have been into Wicca so know i am kinda interested. If anyone can help me (my mom doesnt tell me anything:P:() with things along that line please email me at It would be pretty neat to meet more wics. my age as friends. See ya! Britany e-mail not available
Elyse U.S. (Colorado) 13: Hey, Im 13 and Id love to meet some wiccans/pagans in my area or at least talk to some over the internet. I think its great to learn from others. e-mail not available
Lady Athena U.S. 14: HI my name is Lady Athena Im 14 and have been studying witchcraft for about 9 years i was taught by my aunt who is a high priestess so if you want advice or just to talk email me @ e-mail not available
Elizabeth U.S. 13: hello! in Elizabeth im 13 and currently living in the U.S. ive always liked witchcraft and stuff like that but i me a girl that is a witch but kinda is not practicing, mostly because her parents found out and forbidd her from the craft but she still tries to study up in the craft well she told me a lot and i sparked up something and i ve come from a line of christians i tried to explain my belifes to my mom but she went on a rampage but understands that she cant change me. anyways ive been studying up on the subject and i was wondering if you have andy advice or any thig else to share email me. e-mail not available
Wise Midnight U.S. 14: *~HI! My name is Wise Midnightt and I am 14. I live in the United States. Im a new witch and Id love to talk to other witches, so I can talk about the craft to someone who actually knows what I am talking about and who really cares. Im welcome to anybody emailing me at Just put teenwitch in the subject so I wont delete it.~* e-mail not available
Cynthia location unknown 14 & 14: hi my name is cynthia wolfard and i was wondering about being a witch and iam for real i have been studying and i want to know more please send my some one who will help me and i can talk to about it thats around my age iam 14 e-mail not available
Janie and Emily location unknown 15 & 13:My name is Janie I am 15 years old my sister name is Emily she is 13 and we want to be witches. our e-mail address is and we would love to here from some people and hopefully help some people to. we will ALWAYS reply. e-mail not available
Tyrek location unknown age unknown: hi my name is tyrek i am a solitair witch and i do all types of witchs i juz wanted to meet other types of witchs e-mail not available
Angel location unknown age unknown: Hi. My name is Angel. I'm Interested in becoming a wiccan. I wish to meet another witch or wiccan to teach me. e-mail not available
Amanda location unknown 13: Hi, People call me Rodent eyes i a female witch and am just starting i have been reading a lot about peginsm and witches and i fully inderstand what is all about. I understand that the things you see on TV arent real MAGICK and can come true my parents are ok with me making this dission i am 13 so i am olde enough so please give me a chance to countine learning as much about wicca! Rodent Eyes (amanda) e-mail not available
Amber location unknown age unknown: hi. my name is Amber.ive been studying whitchcraft for three years now. Iwould liketo chat with other whitch. e-mail not available
Kiadeezy location unknown age unknown: I am a Wiccan wich nobody knows yet though. e-mail not available
Andrea location unknown age unknown: Hey, Im Andrea i am a devout beginner witch and i hope to get better. I want to talk to maybe some older more advanced wiccan participant to show me some basics and just to discuss magik in general. E-mail me at Thanx!!! e-mail not available
Sativa location unknown age unknown: Hey Im a beginner and Id like to talk to some more experienced shamans (witches) for some advice and a friend. My names Sativa e-mail me at and my screen name is bubblegum741 thankyou e-mail not available
Nakita location unknown age unknown: Hi. Im a beginer. I would like to talk to some other witches. Im very interested in witchcraft. e-mail not available
Ksmith location unknown age unknown: hi if there are any witchs out there e-mail me at e-mail not available
Brandy and Lisa Hilton age unknown: Our names are Brandy and Lisa Were both 14 and live in Hilton we just started We need some advice and such on how to do things Wed love some coments and help dont be shy just e-mail us at thank u! e-mail not available
Yisenia location unknown age unknown: hi my name is yisenia and u can im me any time u want. e-mail not available
Zippy location unknown age unknown: Hi to u all Im zippy im also new to this all but im graet with giveing advice and i just love witchs and witchcraft and all of that stuff. but im trying to fimd a site that will show me some real good spells cause me and my mate what to become teenwitchs. MY E-MAIL IS AND IF U SEND ME ANY THINK I ALWAYS REPLY. even if its some think small. ZIPPY e-mail not available
Wiccanblade location unknown age unknown: HEY CONTACT ME SEE YA e-mail not available
LiLaNgELfRoGiE21 location unknown age unknown: hey would like to meet new witches and practicers email me e-mail not available
Krystal location unknown age unknown: i think i am a witch e-mail not available
Camilla location unknown 13: Hi Guys!! My name is Camilla and im 13 i have been learning witchcraft about a year now from a guy called Pazuzu. but im still quiet new to it i know alot of spells already and some i remeber them by heart i havent met any witches or warlocks :( but im hoping too!!! so if u aint got nuthing to 2 send me an email 100% reply from me! Buh - Bye e-mail not available
Jenny location unknown age unknown: Hey! My name is Jenna. Im a wiccan but Im still kinda new at this. Is there anyone out there that can help me out, Id like to learn as much as possible. e-mail not available
Emily location unknown 13: Hola, im Emily, 13 and Im kinda new to the craft and wanna know if anyone or someone can give me advice. Im not begging but i beleive that it would help me in my experience.And Im also interested in finding another witch so i can talk to about stuff. so if someone can get back to me on that i would really appreciate it alot. e-mail not available
Liz location unknown age unknown: My name is liz and Im a beginner at witchcraft. I would like to meet more witches so e-mail me. e-mail not available
warning to spammers: The e-mail addresses on this page belong to minors. Your collection robot has been warned. You will almost certainly ignore this warning, but when it comes time to determine your prison sentence, the fact that you specifically ignored this warning should add years to your imprisonment.
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![]() Enigma techno rock |
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![]() Time Heals love song |
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free Witchcraft lessonsFree lessons on Witchcraft, ancient Goddesses, astrology, and nutrition. I will answer short questions on-line through TeenWitchdotcom at Twitter and in person in the Costa Mesa/Newport Beach area. I will teach you what you need to know to be a successful priest, priestess, or witch, including the ability to perform weddings and readings. For more information read Witchcraft lessons. |
private and small group lessonsContact Milo for information on private and small group lessons in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, California. Tutoring in Witchcraft, chess, guitar, English grammar and writing, history, or computer programming. Low cost or free for the poor. Recommended donation of $25 an hour (or $15 for half an hour). Minors need written permission from parent or guardian. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781. |
A few recommended local services: guitar repair, Macintosh repair, raw food, recording studio, search engine optimization, and sign painting.
Contact Teen Witch at: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for any reply). My computer is broken, so I cant send or receive e-mail.
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