- fixed holy days (same date every year)
- Kemetic calendar
- Zoroastrian calendar
- Celtic Ogham tree calendar
- Roman calendar
- numerology
- tarot
- 2010 lunar days
- 2010 astrological
- 2009 lunar days
- 2009 astrological
- 2008 lunar days
- 2008 astrological
fixed holy days
These holy days are on the same day every year on the solar calendar.
Lammas: Wiccan holy day. One of the eight Wiccan Sabbats. Lammas is derived from loaf-mass, which in turn is derived from Lughnasadh. Celebrated in modern times with offerings of bread and beer.
Lughnassadh: Celtic/Druidic holy day. Also called Lunasa. Ancient Celt feast to the corn god, Lugh of the Long Hand (known as Llew in Welsh). Lughnassad literally means Assembly of Lugh. Lugh was the life force of the crops. Lugh was slain during harvest time and dwelt in the underworld in the form of buried wine jugs. Lugh was reborn at the winter solstice.
Day of Offerings:
Day of Offerings: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. Make offerings to the neteru of your city.
Feast of Spes:
Feast of Spes: Roman holy day.
This day on different world calendars.
Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) information
Season of Akhet (Inundation)
Month of Tot-abet or Djehuti (Djehuti [Thoth])
Day 14
Zoroastrian information
(Fasli calendar)
Month of Amurdad (fifth month)
Day of Goshorum
Day 14
The day of Gosh celebrates the Av. Geush, Sentient Life or the Ox-Soul. Special prayers from the Khorda Avesta are recited in honor of the days spiritual being.
Activity for the day from the Counsels of Adhurbadh, Son of Mahraspand: (132) On the day of Gosh (the Bull) see to the stables and train your oxen to the plough. Adarbad Mahraspandan was a famous saint, high priest, and prime minister of Shapur II (309-379 C.E.).
The second seven days (second week) of each Zoroastrian month celebrates light and nature.
The Fasli, or seasonal, calendar is one of three Zoroastrian calendars still in use.
Celtic (ancient Druid) information
Ogham tree calendar
Tinne (T)
Holly Moon
Day 25
The Celtic calendar started out as a moon calendar, but was aligned with the solar year during antiquity. Robert Graves proposed the Celtic tree calendar described here. While widely used by Neo-Pagans, many critics dispute the authenticity. The Beth-Luis-Nion calendar (the one used here) starts with New Year on the Winter Solstice. The Beth-Luis-Faern calendar starts with New Year on Samhain.
Each Celtic tree month (or moon) is named for a Celtic Ogham letter (first line above) and a tree (second line above). All of the Celtic months also had additional folk names (folk names for this month listed below).
Polarity: Feminine
Planet: Earth
Archetype: Danu
Symbol: flaming spear
Folk Names:
Moon of Encirclement
Moon of Polarity
Asatru (ancient Norse) information
Month: Harvest
Roman information
Kal. Avg. or Kal. Sex.
Kalends of August
Month: Sextilis or Avgvstvs or Augustus
The Kalends is the first day of the month and was celebrated as a religious holy day to Juno, the Roman Queen Goddess. In the earliest Roman lunar calendar, the Kalends was the day of the New Moon. In Roman society, interest on a debt was due on the Kalends. Under the lunar calendar, a pontifex (priest) would observe the sky and call out the first sighting of the thin lunar crescent of the New Moon, indicating the start of a new month. The English word calendar comes from the Latin word Kalends, which in turn came from the Latin word calare meaning to announce solemly or to call out.
The Roman month of Sextilis is named for sex or sext, because it was originally the sixth month of the Roman solar year. In 8 BCE, the Roman Senate renamed the month Augustus (August), for then Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar. August was sacred to Ceres, Roman Goddess of grain.
The earliest Roman months were lunar. According to Roman mythology, the ten month solar calendar aligned to the vernal equinox was introduced by Romulus, the founder of Rome, around 753 BCE. In Romulus calendar, Sextilis (the sixth month) had 30 days. Numa Pompilius, the second of the seven traditional kings of Rome, added two more months, for a 12 month year. In Numas calendar, Sextilis had 29 days. Gaius Julius Caesar, as Pontifex Maximus (supreme bridge-builder, a religious title), reorganized the calendar on the first day of 45 BCE. In Caesars calendar (the Julian Calendar), Sextilis had 30 days. Caesars calendar was calculated by Sosigenes, an Egyptian astrologer/astronomer. In 8 BCE, Augustus Caesar fixed errors by pontiffs after Julius death and made other minor modifications (including expanding August to 31 days), resulting in the modern Western calendar. The Roman Senate changed the name of the month Sextilis to Augustus (August) in honor of the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar. The modern Gregorian Calendar, named for Roman Catholic Pope Gregory the Thirteenth, was a realignment in 1582.
Today totals 1 in modern Western numerology. See the article on one for more information.
Todays tarot card is The Magician.
date: | Sunday | August 1, 2010 | |
Moon:![]() | waning gibbous | 3rd Quarter | in Aries![]() |
Mercury:![]() | Direct until August 20 | ||
Jupiter:![]() | Retrograde until November 18![]() ![]() | ||
Uranus:![]() | Retrograde until December 5![]() ![]() | ||
Neptune:![]() | Retrograde until November 7![]() ![]() | ||
Pluto:![]() | Retrograde until September 14![]() ![]() |
lunar information 2010
Moon: | waning gibbous | 3rd Quarter | in Aries![]() |
![]() Next Waning Quarter August 3 | ![]() Next New Moon August 9 | ![]() Next Waxing Quarter August 16 | ![]() Next Full Moon August 24 |
Third Quarter in Aries:
Third Quarter: The moon is in the third (3rd) quarter (waning gibbous) in Aries.
Void of Course:
Moon Void of Course: The moon is Void of Course (V/C) starting at 11:54 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 8:54 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). The Moon is void of course from the last traditional aspect in a sign to the ingress into the next sign. Moon void of course is a time of distractions and miscommunications. Things started during Moon void of course tend to sputter and fail.
Aries Rewarding: This day in 2010 is rewarding for those who are Sun sign Aries because the Moon is in your Sun sign.
Libra Challenging: This day in 2010 is challenging for those who are Sun sign Libra because the Moon is in the sign opposite your Sun sign.
astrological information 2010
Moon Quincunx Venus: The Moon is quincunx Venus at 5:28 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 2:28 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). Time to be discerning and careful in romance. Spells regarding discernment about love and romance (especially picking romantic partners).
Moon Sextile Neptune: The Moon is sextile Neptune at 11:54 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 8:54 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). Moon Void of Course (V/C). Time for intuition, creativity, and meditation. Meditation magick. Spells for ceativity, music, and art. Intuition activated. Perform magick and ritual before the Moon is void of course.
Magick Color:
Gold: The magick color for this day, based on planetary influences and the day of the week, is gold. You may want to burn a gold candle or wear some gold this day.
Magick Incense:
Eucalyptus: The magick incense for this day, based on planetary influences and the day of the week, is eucalyptus. You may want to burn eucalyptus incense this day. You may substitute a similar incense if you dont have or dont like eucalyptus.
See also the article on incense. An American source for high quality incense is Mountain Rose Herbs. A British source for incense is Pagan Magic.
date: | Saturday | August 1, 2009 | |
Moon:![]() | waxing gibbous | 2nd Quarter | in Sagittarius![]() |
Mercury:![]() | Direct until September 7 | ||
Jupiter:![]() | Retrograde until October 13![]() ![]() | ||
Uranus:![]() | Retrograde until December 1![]() ![]() | ||
Neptune:![]() | Retrograde until November 4![]() ![]() | ||
Pluto:![]() | Retrograde until September 11![]() ![]() |
lunar information 2009
Moon: | waxing gibbous | 2nd Quarter | in Sagittarius![]() |
![]() Next Full Moon August 5 | ![]() Next Waning Quarter August 13 | ![]() Next New Moon August 20 | ![]() Next Waxing Quarter August 27 |
Second Quarter in Sagittarius:
Second Quarter: The moon is in the second (2nd) quarter (waxing gibbous) in Sagittarius.
Sagittarius Rewarding: This day in 2009 is rewarding for those who are Sun sign Sagittarius because the Moon is in your Sun sign.
Gemini Challenging: This day in 2009 is challenging for those who are Sun sign Gemini because the Moon is in the sign opposite your Sun sign.
astrological information 2009
Moon Square Saturn: The Moon is square Saturn at 6:44 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Time for serious thinking.
Moon Sextile Jupiter: The Moon is sextile Jupiter at 3:27 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Time of cheerful cooperation.
Moon Sextile Neptune: The Moon is sextile Neptune at 7:02 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Creativity spells. Meditation.
Venus Opposite Pluto: Venus is in opposition with Pluto at 7:35 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Start exciting romance.
Moon Square Uranus: The Moon is square Uranus at 8:31 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Time of erratic behavior.
Magick Color:
Brown: The magick color for this day, based on planetary influences and the day of the week, is brown. You may want to burn a brown candle or wear some brown this day.
Magick Incense:
Parsley, Rue, Thyme: The magick incense for this day, based on planetary influences, is rue. The magick incense for this day, based on the day of the week, is parsley or thyme. You may want to burn parsley, rue, or thyme incense this day. You may substitute a similar incense if you dont have or dont like parsley, rue, or thyme.
See also the article on incense. An American source for high quality incense is Mountain Rose Herbs. A British source for incense is Pagan Magic. Another American source for incense is Pagan Shopping.
lunar information 2008
Fourth Quarter in Leo:
Fourth (Last) Quarter: The moon is in the fourth (4th) quarter (waning crescent) in Leo.
New Moon:
New Moon: Lunar. Occurs at 6:12 a.m. Eastern Time in 2008. This is a Wiccan Esbat. Solar Eclipse. See also Aphrodite New Moon love spell.
First Quarter in Leo:
First Quarter: The moon is in the first (1st) quarter (waxing crescent) in Leo.
astrological information 2008
Sun Conjunct Moon: The Sun is in conjunction with the Moon at 6:12 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). New Moon. Solar Eclipse.
Solar Eclipse:
Solar Eclipse: The moon starts the first (1st) quarter (waxing crescent) in Leo with a solar eclipse at the New Moon as the Moon and the Sun are in conjunction at 6:12 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Moon Conjunct Mercury: The Moon is in conjunction with Mercury at 11:52 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Moon Quincunx Jupiter: The Moon is quincunx Jupiter at 2:47 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).