Summary: Kherpi is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) beatle God of the sun.
Kemetic names: Kherpu
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
basic information:
Kherpi: God of the sun. Guides the solar barge. Shown as a scarab beetle.
magickal information and correspondences:
Symbol: scarab beetle
Planet: Sun
scarab tattoo
This picture is donated by Bastet Cat.
religious title certificate

Get a beautiful certificate declaring that you are a priestess, priest, high priestess, high priest, hem, hemet, kher, sesh per ankh, scribe, witch, or shaman of Kherpi. This is a real religious certificate meeting government standards for conducting marriages and other ceremonies.
If you have a Kherpi-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.
Important and valuable artwork from the Egyptian Museum in Cairo Egypt and other important locations have been stolen during the Egyptian Revolution (possibly from insiders of the old regime). See stolen artwork.
Heart Scarab of Yuya.
The original publications of the objects from the tomb of Yuya and Tujya seem a bit unclear about Yuyas heart scarab. A number of scarabs have the name of Tujya inscribed on them and none seem to be mentioned with Yuyas name. An unattributed scarab from the tomb, Cairo CG 51165, is described in James Quibells The Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu, Catalogue Général du Musée du Caire 51001-51191 (Cairo: IFAO, 1908). The scarab is described thus on page 61 and a photograph is provided, reproduced below, on plate 49: 51165. Scarab. Green feldspar. Length 0m 114mill. (pl. XLIX). Scarab of green stone decorated with gold; the base plate is longer than the scarab itself and is carved to represent a heart. The end was pierced for suspension and is broken. There is a second hole through the middle of the plate. On the base is an incised inscription of thirteen lines containing the Heart Chapter (xxxb). BIBL. : Th. Davis, Tomb of Iouiya, p. 33, pl. XLIII.
Heart Scarab of Yuya(?), photo from Quibell, The Tomb of Yuaa and Thuiu, 1908, pl. 49..
The entry for this scarab is linked in the bibliography to what seems to be a completely different scarab in Theodore Davis The Tomb of Iouiya and Touiyou (London, 1907), a scarab is depicted in the painting reproduced here in plate 43 and described on page 33 as: Scarab-amulet in green beryl with head chipped, and inscribed with the chapter of the Heart from the Book of the Head. It bears the name of Touiyou.
Heart Scarab of Tujya, photo from Davis, Tomb of louiya, pl. XLIII.
The first scarab seems the much more likely candidate, but Im still not sure, and I hope that we can clarify this soon.