Summary: Inanna is the Sumerian/Babylonian Queen of Heaven and Earth, and a fertility Goddess.
Babylonian name: Inanna
Sumerian name: Inanna
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
basic information:
Inanna: Sumerian/Babylonian Queen of Heaven and Earth, and Goddess of love (fertility) and war (battle).
holy days
Nativity of Inanna: Birth of Inanna celebrated on January 2nd.
Inanna of Fertility The Queen of Heaven and Earth. The flowering of Sumeria, its temples, ordered cities, irrigated fields, birth-place of cuneiform writing and codes of law, and mastery of terracotta arts, all offer tribute to this earliest named Great Goddess. Worshipped as early as 7000 BCE., Inanna was still widely revered after patriarchal incursions into the Euphrates plain. She descended from heaven to bring prosperity to Her people, then descended into the Realm of Death in a quest for wisdom. Returning, she condemned her lover and son Dumuzi to replace her there in punishment for his arrogance; their annual sexual union was viewed as the source of fecundity and plenty. Here, bejeweled and serene, she offers Her chalice-shaped body in sacred marriage to Dumuzi. picture and text © 1996 JBL Statues (now called Sacred Source), original web page and text created by Tom Laudeman
Picture courtesy of JBL Statues
this reproduction was sold by Sacred Source
JBL Statues is now Sacred Source
![]() Picture courtesy of JBL Statues this reproduction was sold by Sacred Source JBL Statues is now Sacred Source |
Inanna of Power Goddess of Battle. Just as she images fertility, the Great Goddess also serves as archetype of natural extremes: monsoon-like storms, great heat, earthquakes. Ancient clay inscriptions depict her raining down fire , mounted on a beast , devastatrix of the lands. Her chthonic powers become explanatory of earth-scourging catastrophes, and these aspects still live in the forms of Kali, and Durga. For Sumerians, battle was known as the dance of Inanna. She stands Amazon-like, rooted and erect, garbed as Warrior Queen, gesturing confidently with her lance of power. The image comes from a cylinder seal. picture and text © 1996 JBL Statues (now called Sacred Source), original web page and text created by Tom Laudeman
religious title certificate

Get a beautiful certificate declaring that you are a priestess, priest, high priestess, high priest, witch, or shaman of Inanna. This is a real religious certificate meeting government standards for conducting marriages and other ceremonies.
external links:
If you follow any of the links offered on this web site, no spell begging. Especially no love spell begging.
If you have an Inanna-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.