Heather is a plant and an herb.
- botanical information
- origin
- part used
- astrological correspondences
- magick correspondences and uses
- ritual uses
- Goddesses and deities
- cautions and contraindications
botanical information:
Botanical name: Calluna spp., Erica spp., or Erica spp. vulgaris
Common name: heather
Use the botanical name when ordering seeds (bulbs, etc.) or when looking up information in the library. Common names vary by nation, culture, and region, and sometimes the same common name is applied to different plants.
Origin: Ireland, Scotland, Scandinavia, Russia, and northern North America
part used:
The flower is used in wines, teas, and some meads.
Part Used: Dried flowers and leaf. Information courtesy of Mountain Rose Herbs |
astrological correspondences:
Astrological planet: Venus
magickal correspondences and uses:
Gender: feminine (traditional western European magickal gender)
Western element: water
Magickal uses: beauty, good fortune, inner beauty, long life, luck, networking, protection, rain, self-awareness
An ancient spell for being beautiful is to bathe in heather water once a year by the light of the Full Moon. Many modern witches make their own heather soap to magickally be more beautiful.
Potpourri: Use heather flower petals in magickal potpourris for spells regarding: beauty, long life, luck, protection, rain

Venus spells: Heather (as an herb) may be used in as an ingredient or substitute for magick spells and formulas related to Venus matters (beauty, compassion, fidelity, friendship, happiness, interchanges, joy, love, luck, meditation, pleasure, reconciliation, and youth). Be careful about substitutions for preparations that will be ingested or come in contact with the skin. These substitutions do not apply to medical uses. See the article on Venus for a list of herbal substitutes for heather.
Magickal substitutions: Rosemary usually may be safely substituted for any herb in magick spells and rituals. Roses may safely be substituted for any flower.
ritual uses:
Ritual uses: rain libations
deities associated with heather:
- Aset (Kemetic/ancient Egyptian Goddess)
- Isis (Kemetic/ancient Egyptian Goddess)
- Venus (Roman Goddess)
cautions and contraindications:
Cautions and contraindications: Heather is believed to be safe.
Wild gathering: Avoid wild gathering. Some plants are endangered species. Please grow your own herbs in your own goddess garden (or window boxes).
See also: herbs.