Common name: Baldurs brow, butter daisy, dun daisy, field daisy, goldens, great ox-eye, horse daisy, horse gowan, marguerite, maudlin daisy, maudlinwort, moon daisy, ox-eye daisy, weed, white
Scotch name: gowan
Use the botanical name when ordering seeds (bulbs, etc.) or when looking up information in the library. Common names vary by nation, culture, and region, and sometimes the same common name is applied to different plants.
magickal correspondences and uses:
Magickal substitutions:Rosemary usually may be safely substituted for any herb in magick spells and rituals. Roses may safely be substituted for any flower.
6. Another son of Odin is BALDUR. Of him there is lonly good to tell; he is the best of all and all praise him. He is so fair and shining in visage that light comes from him, and there is a plant so white that it has been compared to the gods eyelashes and called Baldurs brow; it is the whitest of all plants. Baldur is the wisest, most eloquent and gracious of all the Aesir. This peculiarity follows him, however, that none of his decisions hold. His dwelling is in heaven in Breithablik, and in this place there can be nothing impure. from The Handbook of Norse Mythology:, by Karl Mortensen, 1898 (Nordisk mythologi), original Danish, translated into English 1913 by A. Clinton Crowell
Some herbs may be poisonious under some conditions. Exercise appropriate care.
Wild gathering: Avoid wild gathering. Some plants are endangered species. Some plants can be toxic just by touch. Even experts can make deadly misidentifications of wild plants. Please grow your own herbs in your own goddess garden (or window boxes).
Free lessons on Witchcraft, ancient Goddesses, astrology, and nutrition. I will answer short questions on-line through TeenWitchdotcom at Twitter and in person in the Costa Mesa/Newport Beach area. I will teach you what you need to know to be a successful priest, priestess, or witch, including the ability to perform weddings and readings. For more information read Witchcraft lessons.
private and small group lessons
Contact Milo for information on private and small group lessons in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, California. Tutoring in Witchcraft, chess, guitar, English grammar and writing, history, or computer programming. Low cost or free for the poor. Recommended donation of $25 an hour (or $15 for half an hour). Minors need written permission from parent or guardian. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781.
Contact Teen Witch at Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for any reply). My computer is broken, so I cant send or receive e-mail.
These web pages are about witchcraft. Attempting to be an amateur doctor is potentially dangerous to your health. These web pages are not professional medical and/or legal advice. Nothing on this website should be considered as a substitute or replacement for professional legal and/or medical advice. Persons should seek the advice of qualified health and/or legal providers.
Recommended professional health providers in southern California: ayurveda, chiropractic, and yoga.
If you spot an error in fact, grammar, syntax, or spelling, or a broken link, or have additional information, commentary, or constructive criticism, please contact Milo the Witch at PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781.