name analysis

    Name analysis information provided by Hienrih.

Hienrih has passed away.

    ÊHienrih is a master Name Analyst and Word Analyst. He has been analyzing names and words for over 35 years. He is so amazingly accurate that when he tells people about their personalities, or the personalities of loved ones, many people simply think he is psychic.

    He has been hired by actors to help determine a sound choice in hiring assistants based on the personality differences reflected in the candidates’ names. He has also been consulted to assist in naming businesses, products, and babies.

    “Numerology is only part of the equation,” Hienrih states. “That only tells you the measurement, but it doesn’t tell you of what. It is like saying I have a 12" x 14" x Ê2". But what is that? Is it a box? Is it a bag? Is it a book? Is it a notebook? It could be a number of things that happen to be that measurement. The measurement is an aspect. It is of importance, but the measurement does not contain the actual definition of personality, that is in the letters.”

    Although Hienrih uses NUMBERS as a secondary factor in Name Analysis and Word Analysis, to measure certain aspects of range and effectiveness, in personality or in the meaning of a word, it is not to be confused with the pseudo-science known as “NUMEROLOGY”. Numbers only measure and measurements by themselves are meaning-less.

    Letters reveal meaning, which can be measured. ÊLetters show qualities, numbers indicate quantity.

    The Law of Meaning (LETTERS) is the Law of the WORD.

    For a demonstration of letters and their meaning, for a reading/analysis of yourself or someone you love, or to inquire as to how Hienrih can help you with something of name interest, please give him a call.

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Reach for the moon with Llewellyn

free Witchcraft lessons

    Free lessons on Witchcraft, ancient Goddesses, astrology, and nutrition. I will answer short questions on-line through TeenWitchdotcom at Twitter and in person in the Costa Mesa/Newport Beach area. I will teach you what you need to know to be a successful priest, priestess, or witch, including the ability to perform weddings and readings. For more information read Witchcraft lessons.

private and small group lessons

    Contact Milo for information on private and small group lessons in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach, California. Tutoring in Witchcraft, chess, guitar, English grammar and writing, history, or computer programming. Low cost or free for the poor. Recommended donation of $25 an hour (or $15 for half an hour). Minors need written permission from parent or guardian. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781.

    A few recommended local services: guitar repair, Macintosh repair, raw food, recording studio, search engine optimization, and sign painting.

Contact Teen Witch at Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781 (please include a self-addressed stamped envelope for any reply). My computer is broken, so I can’t send or receive e-mail.

    These web pages are about witchcraft. Attempting to be an amateur doctor is potentially dangerous to your health. These web pages are not professional medical and/or legal advice. Nothing on this website should be considered as a substitute or replacement for professional legal and/or medical advice. Persons should seek the advice of qualified health and/or legal providers.

    Recommended professional health providers in southern California: ayurveda, chiropractic, and yoga.

    Numerology and divination are often practiced by witches and other pagans.

    Get a Pr Ntr Kmt certificate as proof that your religion is real and you are a real witch, shaman, priest, priestess, etc.

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Please send donations to:
P.O. Box 1361
Tustin, Calif.

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    If you spot an error in fact, grammar, syntax, or spelling, or a broken link, or have additional information, commentary, or constructive criticism, please contact Milo the Witch at PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781.

Copyright © 2006, 2007 Milo the Witch.

Last Updated: April 6, 2007

May the Goddess grant YOU love, peace, joy, bounty, and wisdom.

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