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Mars is one of the basic Western astrological planets. Mars is personal in sign, house, and aspects. Mars the planet is named for Mars the Roman god.
Mars rules physical energy and efforts. It describes the strength and direction of the physical force that drives your ego, fires your emotions, and encourages your mental endeavors and communicative skills. It desrcribes male relationships and associations, risk-taking inclinations, and the physical challenges you are likely to encounter. Peggy, astro-consulting
Mars and Saturn are considered malefic. Mars and Saturn appearing in a significant relationship in the sky is supposed to herald bad events on earth.
In 1345 a conjunction of Jupiter (the planet of health), Mars, and Saturn in Aquarius marked the beginning of the Black Death.
In 1496 the conjunction of Mars and Saturn in Pisces heralded the introduction of syphilis into Europe.
In the traditional ages of man, Mars rules the prime of life.
Mars is considered to be the planet of energy and courage. Its position in your natal (birth) chart shows your ability to start and finish tasks and how you oppose and challenge the world.
Celtic astrology:
The Celtic month of Fearn (F), Alder Moon, from March 18 to April 14 is associated with Mars in Celtic astrology.
In numerology Mars vibrates to the number 9.
the Heavens of Assiah: 5 is the Sphere of Mars in numerology Aleister Crowley
herbs associated with Mars:
Plants (and herbs) ruled by Mars can be used in spells relating to: aggression, courage, defensive magick, exorcism, healing after surgery, hex-breaking, lust, physical strength, politics, protection, sexual energy, sexual potency, and strength.
Herbs marked with an asterisk (*) usually may be substituted for other herbs in magick spells and formulas related to Mars matters (see list in paragraph above). Be careful in any recipes that will be ingested, as not all herbs are safe for internal use. These substitutions are not appropriate for healing or medicinal uses (where you need to use the exact right herb).
- allspice *
- asafoetida *
- basil *
- bdellium
- benzoin
- bloodroot
- broom *
- coriander *
- cumin *
- deerstongue *
- dragons blood *
- galangal *
- ginger *
- gum bdellium
- nettle *
- peppermint *
- pine *
- tobacco *
- woodruff *
- wormwood *
essential oils associated with Mars:
Essential oils ruled by Mars can be used in spells relating to: aggression, courage, defensive magick, exorcism, healing after surgery, hex-breaking, lust, physical strength, politics, protection, sexual energy, sexual potency, and strength.
Any of the following essential oils usually may be substituted for each other in magick spells and formulas related to Mars matters (see list in paragraph above). Be careful in any recipes that will be ingested, as very few essential oils are safe for internal use. These substitutions are not appropriate for healing or medicinal uses (where you need to use the exact right esssential oil).
Important: See the article on essential oils for detailed information on how to mix and use essential oils (especially the importance of diluting them so that they dont irritate or burn your skin).
stones associated with Mars:
Stones that are red in color are ruled by Mars.
days associated with Mars:
Tuesday is named for Mars in the Romance languages. See tuesday.
deities associated with Mars:
- Mars (Roman God)
The word Mars is derived from the Latin Matulus, meaning Hammer of the Thunder God and is related to the word Mer - Shine, meaning Sun and Lightning in reference to spring storms and springtime planting. This word is similar to the Teutonic word Mjolnir, which was the hammer of Thor (the sounds l and r are linguistically interchangeable).
See also: astrology