- astrological information
- numerological information
- herbal information
- stones and gems
- days
- Goddesses and deities

Jupiter is one of the basic Western astrological planets. Jupiter is personal in sign, house, and aspects. Jupiter the planet is named for Jupiter the Roman god.
Jupiter rules your potential for growth and expansion on many levels; physical, intellectual, spiritual, cultural, and the accumulation of material assets, power, and status. It describes your optimism and aspirations. It represents your father and his position in society. Peggy, astro-consulting
In the traditional ages of man, Jupiter rules middle age.
Celtic astrology:
The Celtic month of Duit (D), Oak Moon, from June 10 to July 7 is associated with Jupiter in Celtic astrology.
In numerology Jupiter vibrates to the number 3.
the Heavens of Assiah: 4 is the Sphere of Jupiter in numerology Aleister Crowley
herbs associated with Jupiter:
Plants (and herbs) ruled by Jupiter can be used in spells relating to: growth, legal matters, luck, meditation, money, prosperity, settling legal matters, and spirituality.
Herbs marked with an asterisk (*) usually may be substituted for other herbs in magick spells and formulas related to Jupiter matters (see list in paragraph above). Be careful in any recipes that will be ingested, as not all herbs are safe for internal use. These substitutions are not appropriate for healing or medicinal uses (where you need to use the exact right herb).
- anise *
- barley *
- cinquefoil *
- clary sage
- clove *
- common sage
- dandelion
- honeysuckle *
- hyssop *
- maple *
- millet
- nutmeg *
- oakmoss *
- sage *
- sarsaparilla *
- star anise *
- ti *
- wood avens
essential oils associated with Jupiter:
Essential oils ruled by Jupiter can be used in spells relating to: growth, legal matters, luck, meditation, money, prosperity, settling legal matters, and spirituality.
Any of the following essential oils usually may be substituted for each other in magick spells and formulas related to Jupiter matters (see list in paragraph above). Be careful in any recipes that will be ingested, as very few essential oils are safe for internal use. These substitutions are not appropriate for healing or medicinal uses (where you need to use the exact right esssential oil).
Important: See the article on essential oils for detailed information on how to mix and use essential oils (especially the importance of diluting them so that they dont irritate or burn your skin).
bouquets associated with Jupiter:
Bouquets are similar to essential oils, and are used and mixed the same as essential oils. Bouquets ruled by Jupiter can be used in spells relating to: growth, legal matters, luck, meditation, money, prosperity, settling legal matters, and spirituality.
stones associated with Jupiter:
Stones that are purple in color are ruled by Jupiter and Neptune.
days associated with Jupiter:
Thursday is named for Jupiter in the Romance languages. See thursday.
deities associated with Jupiter:
See also: astrology