Summary: Juno is the Roman Goddess of heaven, marriage, time, and women.
Roman/Latin name: Juno
Greek name: Hera
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
The name Juno means vital force.
basic information:
Juno: Roman Goddess of heaven, marriage, time, and women.
Juno ruled in the heavens with Jupiter.
Juno was the archetypical deity in charge of femininity, womanly virtues, menstrual cycles, childbirth, breezes, rain showers, and new beginnings.
When the Romans conquered the Greeks, the myths of Hera as jealous wife of Zeus were absorbed into Juno.
Junos relations:
Wife of Jupiter.
Mother of Mars, Vulcan, and Hebe.
Considered by the Romans to be the same Goddess as the Greek Hera.
Associated with the Celtic Goddess Brighid.
Planet: Jupiter
herbs (and foods) associated with Juno:
holy days
January: Juno is associated with January.
February: Juno Februa is associated with February.
June: Juno is associated with June.
Festival of Gamelia: A celebration of Juno Gamelia as patroness of marriage held on January 1st.
religious title certificate

Get a beautiful certificate declaring that you are a priestess, priest, high priestess, high priest, witch, or shaman of Juno. This is a real religious certificate meeting government standards for conducting marriages and other ceremonies.
If you have a Juno-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.
The following are some of the titles of Juno:
- Dea Statina
- Juno Antevorta
- Juno Caelestis (heavenly)
- Juno Caprotina (Juno of the Goat)
- Juno Cinxia (she who loses the brides girdle)
- Juno Conciliatrix
- Juno Conservatrix
- Juno Covella (binder with cords)
- Juno Curiatia (of the curiae)
- Juno Domiduca (she who leads the bride to her new home)
- Juno of Falerii
- Juno Februata or Juno Februa or Juno Februtis (of the cleansing month)
- Juno Fluonia (to prevent menstrual flow)
- Juno Fortuna (of fortune or of fate)
- Juno Gamelia
- Juno Inferna
- Juno Interduca (she who leads the bride into marriage)
- Juno Juga or Juno Jugalis (the uniter)
- Juno Lacinia
- Juno Lanuvina
- Juno Levana
- Juno Lucetia (bringer of light)
- Juno Lucina (she who brings children into the light)
- Juno Luna (of the Moon)
- Juno Lupa (of the wolf)
- Juno Martialis (of Mars)
- Juno Matrona
- Juno Maturna
- Juno Moneta (she who warns)
- Juno Nacio
- Juno Natalis
- Juno Nundina
- Juno Nutrix
- Juno Nuxia
- Juno Opigena (daughter of Ops)
- Juno Ossipaga (bone strengthener)
- Juno Perficia
- Juno Pertunda
- Juno Perusina (of the city of Perusia
- Juno Populonia (of the people)
- Juno Postvorta
- Juno Prema
- Juno Pronoba or Juno Pronuba (matron of honor)
- Juno Regina (queen)
- Juno Seispita
- Juno Sispes
- Juno Sororia
- Juno Sospita (savior)
- Juno Unxia
- Juno Vagitanus
- Juno Virginalis
- Juno Viriplaca
- Juno Volumna
- Mother of Lights
- Queen of Heaven
- Queen of the Gods
- Queen of the Mothers