![]() Picture courtesy of JBL Statues this reproduction was sold by Sacred Source JBL Statues is now Sacred Source |
Summary: Athena is the Greek Goddess of wisdom and the crafts of civlization (including war).
Greek name: Athena
Roman name: Minerva
Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) name: Neith
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
basic information:
Athena: Greek Goddess of spiritual quests. Athena is the Greek Goddess of wisdom. Athena is the Greek Goddess of the arts and crafts of civlization (including war).
Athena was derived in large part from the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Goddess Neith (notice that the two names share the same sounds in a different order).
Athenas relations:
Athena was the Greek version of the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) goddess Neith.
magickal information and correspondences:
Sacred candle color: purple and white
Planet: Venus
herbs associated with Athena:
holy days
June: Athena is associated with June.
July: Athena is associated with July.
Athena was a virgin goddess (virgin meaning unmarried). Athena was one of three primary Kore (virgin) goddesses in the Greek religion (Hellenism), representing the three kinds of unmarried women in Greek society. Kore Persephone represented the young maiden awaiting marriage. Kore Athena represented the professional woman. Kore Artemis represented the wild woman (often lesbians).
Athena Mentor of Spiritual Quests. This [reproduction of an] image by Pheidias, 30 feet tall, was enshrined in the Parthenon of her holy city, where she was worshipped as the giver of civilization and wisdom. Her patriarchal overlay as daughter of Zeus belies more ancient North African roots as an-Ath [Neith], Mistress of All the Gods. In this neolithic form she wore a goat skin aegis (apron) decorated with phallic serpents. Virgin Athena inherited these powers, incorporated in Gorgon Medusa (the Libyan Amazon serpent goddess) whose face embosses her shield. Athenas attributes are self-confidence, courage, strength, intelligence, judiciousness, and fairness. See Minerva. picture and text © 1996 JBL Statues (now called Sacred Source), original text created by Tom Laudeman
religious title certificate

Get a beautiful certificate declaring that you are a priestess, priest, high priestess, high priest, witch, or shaman of Athena. This is a real religious certificate meeting government standards for conducting marriages and other ceremonies.
external links:
If you follow any of the links offered on this web site, no spell begging. Especially no love spell begging.
If you have an Athena-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.
Professor Prasads links:
Retired professor Dr. V. Siva Prasad of Andhra University, India, provided this fantastic group of Athena websites:
![]() Picture courtesy of JBL Statues this reproduction was sold by Sacred Source JBL Statues is now Sacred Source |
- www.perseus.tufts.edu/Herakles/athena.html (Perseus Encyclopedia)
- www.moonspeaker.ca/Athena/athenamain.html
- zero-point.tripod.com/pantheon/Athena.html (analysis)
- www.desy.de/gna/interpedia/greek_myth/greek_myth.html
- www.theoi.com/olympios/artemis.html
- www.loggia.com/myth/athena.html
- homepage.mac.com/cparada/GML/Athena.html
- www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Athena/athena.html
- waltm.net/athena.htm
- www.mlahanas.de/Greeks/Mythology/Athena.html
- www.mythweb.com/gods/Athena.html
- www.britannica.com/eb/article-9010063/Athena
- www.goddessgift.com/goddess-myths/greek_goddess_athena.htm
- ancienthistory.about.com/cs/grecoromanmyth1/p/Athena.htm
- www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/3449/athena.html
- www.hranajanto.com/GoddessGallery/athena.html
- www.ic.arizona.edu/ic/atheneum/athene.html
- www.athenasoft.org/sub/goddess.htm
- www.elysiumgates.com/mt_olympus/histathena.html
- www.ancient-empires.com/athena.html
- www.uwm.edu/Course/mythology/0500/athena.htm
- www.infoplease.com/cig/mythology/first-war-first-peace-athena.html
- www.freewebs.com/adara/allaboutathena.htm
- www.ascension-research.org/athena.html
- www.messagenet.com/myths/bios/athene.html
- web.uvic.ca/athena/bowman/myth/gods/athene_t.html
- www.timetrips.co.uk/athena.htm
- userwww.sfsu.edu/~setareh/Athena.htm
- groups.msn.com/kosmosgenesis/athena.msnw
- www.goldenageproject.org.uk/237athena.html
- www.columbia.edu/~jac34/athena.html
- library.thinkquest.org/J0112190/athena.htm
- www.hiddenmysteries.org/themagazine/vol7/athena.shtml (e-magazine)
- www.rahoorkhuit.net/goddess/ancient_priestesses/goddess_of_the_sun.html
- www.mythinglinks.org/euro~west~greece~Athena.html
- www.answers.com/topic/athena?method=22
- www.richeast.org/htwm/Greeks/athena/athena.html
- www.suite101.com/article.cfm/goddess_weekly/62833
- www.athena-divinewisdom.com/index.htm
- encarta.msn.com/Athena.html
- www.loggia.com/myth/galleryathena.html
- www.greekmythology.com/Olympians/Athena/athena.html
- deoxy.org/gaia/goddess.htm
- www.hfac.uh.edu/MCL/Classics/Athena/Athena.html
- groups.yahoo.com/group/shrinetoathenapromachos/ (encyclopedia)
- www.pantheon.org
- athena_mm.tripod.com/athena.htm
- www.123helpme.com/assets/9012.html (free essays)
- www.noteaccess.com/APPROACHES/AGW/Athena.htm
- www.bartleby.com/65/at/Athena.htm (Columbia Encyclopedia and others
- www.greekspider.com/greekgods/athena.htm
- www.lycos.com/info/metis--athena.html (Lycos retriever)
- www.gurupedia.com/a/at/athena.htm
Thank you, professor Dr. V. Siva Prasad of Andhra University, India!!!
If you have an Athena-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.