Candle magick is magick using candles.
One of the earliest forms of candle magick was Full Moon celebrations in honor of Aset (Isis) in which ancient Egyptians would place lit candles on miniature boats and float them on the Nile. Often colored paper would be rigged around the candle so that the Nile River surface was aglow with the silvery light of the Full Moon combined with the many different colors from the candles, creating a fantastic light show in honor of the Goddess Aset (Isis).
You can make your own candles (see candle making) or purchase your candles with the scents and/or colros needed for your candle magick.
Candles used for magick should be annointed (this is called dressing the candle) with herbs appropriate to the magick, spell, or ritual. Combine finely grounds herbs appropriate for the spell with some kind of vegetable oil (the vegetable oil is just a carrier for the herbs and can whatever you have handy). See the article on essential oils for detailed information on how to mix and use essential oils (especially the importance of diluting them so that they dont irritate or burn your skin).
Rub the mixture of oil and herbs on the outside of the candle starting from the center and rubbing to the top of the candle. Recite an appropriate chant or poem to consecrate the candle as a magickal tool. Then rub the mixture of oil and herbs from the center of the candle to the base. Recite a chant or poem to dedicate the candle to the Goddess (or other divine) that will be called on for the magick, spell, or ritual.
divine sacred colors
![]() Taper candle 6" long by 11/16" diameter, poured taper all purpose candle (in black, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, purple, red, white, or yellow) Earth Spirit Emporium (note that products and availability may change over time) |
Candle magick involves using candles for magickal or ritual or ceremonial purposes.
The following is a listing of deities associated with specific candle colors:
- Anu (Celtic Mother Goddess)
- Apollo (Greek Sun God)
- Arrianrhod (Celtic Fertility Goddess)
- Arrianrhod (Welsh Fertility Goddess)
- Artemis (Greek Moon Goddess)
- Asherah (Hebrew Fertility Goddess)
- Asherali (Canaanite Fertility Goddess)
- Astarte (Phoenician Love and fertility Goddess)
- Astraea (Greek Goddess)
- Athena (Greek Goddess)
- Bast (Kemetic Goddess)
- Brighid (Celtic Goddess)
- Diana (Roman Moon Goddess)
- Khons (Kemetic Moon God)
- Maat (Kemetic Goddess of Truth)
- Selene (Greek Moon Goddess)
- Themis (Greek Goddess)
- Vairocana (Buddhist God)
White: Anu, Apollo, Arianrhod, Artemis, Asherali, Astraea, Athena, Bast, Brighid, Diana, Khons, Luna, Maat, Ptah, Selene, Themis
White candles are associated with: Monday
White candles are associated with: purity, truth, sincerity.
- Aah (Kemetic Moon God)
- Artemis (Greek Moon Goddess)
- Asherah (Hebrew Fertility Goddess)
- Asherali (Canaanite Fertility Goddess)
- Astarte (Phoenician Love and fertility Goddess)
- Djehuti (Kemetic Mathematics God)
- Nebt Het (Kemetic Mystery Goddess)
- Selene (Greek Moon Goddess)
Silver: Aah, Artemis, Asherali, Astarte, Djehuti, Nebt Het, Selene
Silver candles are associated with: cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.
Gray candles are associated with: cancellation, neutrality, stalemate.
Pillar candle 6-1/2" long by 3" diameter, hand poured heavy weight pillar candles (in black, light blue, blue, green, pink, purple, red, white, and yellow). These candles will provide you with long hours of burning pleasure. Earth Spirit Emporium (note that products and availability may change over time) |
- Anpu (Kemetic Death God)
- Anu (Celtic Death Goddess)
- Anubis (Kemetic Death God)
- Asar (Kemetic Regeneration God)
- Freya (Norse Goddess)
- Osiris (Kemetic Regeneration God)
- Persephone (Greek Goddess)
- Set (Kemetic God)
Black: Anpu, Anu, Anubis, Asar, Freya, Persephone, Seth
Black candles are associated with: Saturday.
Black candles are associated with: evil, loss, discord, confusion.
- Agni (Hindu Sun God)
- Amitaba (Buddhist God)
- Aodh (Celtic Fire God)
- Aphrodite (Greek Love Goddess)
- Bast (Kemetic Goddess)
- Freya (Norse Goddess)
- Odin (Norse God)
- Odin (Norse Thunder God)
- Set (Kemetic God)
- Woden (Anglo-Saxon God)
Red: Agni, Aodh, Aphrodite, Astarte, Bast, Bellona, Freya, Mars, Neith, Odin, Sekhmet (crimson), Seth, Thor, Woden
Red candles are associated with: Tuesday.
Red candles are associated with: strength, health, vigor, sexual love.
- Sekhmet (Kemetic Goddess of Wisdom and the sunset)
Crimson: Sekhmet
- Aphrodite (Greek Love Goddess)
- Astarte (Phoenician Love and fertility Goddess)
- Cybele (Roman Mother Earth Goddess)
- Venus (Roman Love Goddess)
Pink: Amon-Ra, Aphrodite, Astarte, Cybele, Venus
Pink candles are associated with: honor, love, morality.
- Demeter (Greek Grain Goddess)
Orange: Ceres, Demeter, Mercury
Orange candles are associated with: encouragement, adaptability, stimulation, attraction.
Brown: Ceres
Brown candles are associated with: hesitation, uncertainty, neutrality.
- Amaterasu (Japanese Sun Goddess)
- Ratnasambhava (Buddhist God)
Yellow: Amaterasu-O-Mi-Kami, Ceres, Heru, Sol
Yellow candles are associated with: Sunday.
Yellow candles are associated with: attraction, persuasion, charm, confidence.
Greenish-yellow candles are associated with: sickness, cowardice, anger, jealousy, discord.
- Amaterasu (Japanese Sun Goddess)
- Apollo (Greek Sun God)
- Helios (Greek Sun God)
- Ra (Kemetic/ancient Egyptian Sun God)
- Sunna (Scandinavian Sun Goddess)
- Zeus (Greek Sun God)
Gold: Amaterasu-O-Mi-Kami, Apollo, Helios, Heru, Ptah, Ra, Sunna, Zeus
Gold candles are associated with: attraction, persuasion, charm, confidence.
- Amogashiddhi (Buddhist God)
- Amon (Kemetic Sky God)
- Anaitis (Persian Fertility Goddess)
- Arrianrhod (Celtic Fertility Goddess)
- Arrianrhod (Welsh Fertility Goddess)
- Aset (Kemetic Goddess)
- Asherah (Hebrew Fertility Goddess)
- Asherali (Canaanite Fertility Goddess)
- Astarte (Phoenician Love and fertility Goddess)
- Bast (Kemetic Goddess)
- Demeter (Greek Grain Goddess)
- Frey (Norse God)
- Freya (Norse Goddess)
- Geb (Kemetic God)
- Nebt Het (Kemetic Mystery Goddess)
Green: Abundantia, Anahita, Arianrhod, Aset, Asherali, Astarte, Baal, Bast, Ceres, Demeter, Frey, Freya, Geb, Nebt Het (pale green)
Green candles are associated with: Friday.
Green candles are associated with: finance, fertility, luck.
Greenish-yellow candles are associated with: sickness, cowardice, anger, jealousy, discord.
Light Blue:
- Het Heret (Hathor) (Kemetic Goddess)
Blue: Aditi, Djehuti (royal blue), Heru (royal blue), Het Heret (light blue), Nuit (royal blue)
Blue candles are associated with: Thursday.
Light blue candles are associated with: tranquility, understanding, patience, health.
Dark blue candles are associated with: impulsiveness, depression, changeability.
Royal Blue:
Royal Blue: Djehuti, Heru, Nuit
- Athena (Greek Goddess)
- Djehuti (Kemetic Mathematics God)
- Odin (Norse God)
- Tiu (Germanic God)
- Tyr (Norse God)
- Woden (Anglo-Saxon God)
Purple: Athena, Bacchus, Djehuti, Jupiter, Odin, Tyr, Woden
Purple candles are associated with: Wednesday.
Purple candles are associated with: tension, ambition, business progress, power.
Web Sites
If you follow any of the links offered on this web site, no spell begging. Especially no love spell or curse begging.
Book of Shadows Consecration Ritual
If you want your book reviewed, please send a copy to: Milo, POB 1361, Tustin, CA 92781, USA.
The Magick of Candle Burning; by Gerina Dunwich; Citadel Press ((Library of the Mystic Arts); 1989; ISBN 0-8065-1141-9; paperback; 194 pages; $6.95; This book is out of print, but Amazon will search used book stores for you.
If you want your book reviewed, please send a copy to: Milo, POB 1361, Tustin, CA 92781, USA.
See also: candle making