Summary: Het Heret (Hathor) is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Cow Mother and Goddess of love.
- names
- basic information
- relations
- magick
- symbol
- candle color
- herbs
- myths
- holy days
- priests/priestesses
- titles
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Kemetic names: Het Heret, Het Heru, Het Hert
Greek names: Hat Hor, Hathor, Athyr
Semitic name: Baalat
Byblos name: Baalat Gebel (Mistress of Byblos)
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
basic information:
Het Heret [Hathor] Mother Cow Goddess: Goddess of love, beauty, and pleasure. Sometimes a lunar deity and sometimes a solar deity. Known as the Eye of Ra. Some creation myths claim She gave birth to the universe. Sometimes combined with Sekhmet. Daughter of Nwt and Ra. Originally the mother of Heru (in later times Aset [Isis] and Asar [Osiris] become the parents of Heru and Het Heret becomes combined with Aset [Isis]). In later times after Aset becomes the mother of Heru, Het Heret becomes the consort of Heru. Het Heret is shown as a cow arching over the sky or as a naked woman arching over the sky.
The priestesses of Het Heret (Hathor) were particularly known for their erotic dance ritual, the forerunner of modern erotic dance and stripping.
Het Heret may have originated in Byblos as Baalat Gebel (the Mistress of Byblos), the Astarte of Byblos.
Het Herets relations:
Sometimes considered to be another aspect of Sekhmet.
Het-Heru (i.e., Hathor) was the deity of the ancient Egyptian Nome of Aa-Ta in Upper Egypt. The Capital was Ta-en-tarert (Denderah).
Het-Heru was the deity of the ancient Egyptian Nome of Seshesh in Upper Egypt. The Capital was Het (Diospolis Parva).
Het-Heru was the deity of the ancient Egyptian Nome of Uatchet in Upper Egypt. The Capital was Tebut (Aphroditopolis).The Gods of the Egyptians Studies in Egyptian Mythology Volume 1, E.A. Wallis Budge, Chapter III: Primitive Gods and Nome-Gods
magickal information and correspondences:
Symbol: mirror, shield, or sistrum
Sacred candle color: light blue
herbs (and foods) associated with Hathor/Het Heret:
myths and beliefs:
As Mistres of Bylos, the first city that ancient Egypt established sea trade with, Hathor was credited with the invention of the oar.
holy days
Wednesday: Hathor is associated with Wednesday.
September: Hathor is associated with September.
October: Hathor is associated with October.
November: Hathor is associated with November.
Festival of Het Heret: Dedicated to Het Heret. Celebrated on November 2.
religious title certificate

Get a beautiful certificate declaring that you are a priestess, priest, high priestess, high priest, hem, hemet, kher, sesh per ankh, scribe, witch, or shaman of Het Heret (Hathor). This is a real religious certificate meeting government standards for conducting marriages and other ceremonies.
- Picture of Hathor (PICTURE)
If you have a Het Heret or Hathor-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.
The following are some of the titles of Het Heret:
Hathor was known as the Mistress of Byblos.