Summary: Heru sa Aset (orus the Younger) is the solar hawk.
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Kemetic names: Heru, Heru Sa Aset, Har, Hor
Greek name: Horus, Horus the Younger
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
Manifestations: Harpokrates (Heru-Pa-Khret, Harpakhrad), Horus the child; Haroeris (Har Wer), Horus the elder; Harakhte (Harakhti, Heraktes), Horus of the horizon; Harendotes (Har-nedj-itef, Har-End-Yotef), Horus the saviour of His father; Harmachis (Heru-Em-Akhet, Harmakis), Horus in the horizon; Harsiesis (Harsiese, Har-si-Ese, Hor-Sa-Iset, Heru-Sa-Aset), Horus, son of Isis; Harsomtus (Har-mau), Horus the uniter; Hor Behdetite (Behedti), Horus of Behdet
basic information:
Heru Sa Aset [Horus]: Solar deity. Twin brother of Bast and son of Aset and Asar. Heru Sa Aset means Heru son of Aset Heru was also the son of Het Heret. Heru is shown as a golden-skinned man, often with the head of a falcon.
Herus relations:
Son of Aset and Asar. Sometimes viewed as son of Het Heret.
Twin brother of Bast.
Associated by the Greeks with Apollo, that is, the Greeks believed that Heru (Horus) and Apollo were the same God.
Heru-Behutet was the deity of the ancient Egyptian Nome of Thes-Hertu in Upper Egypt. The Capital was Teb (Apollinopolis Magna).
Heru (Horus) was the deity of the ancient Egyptian Nome of Neterui in Upper Egypt. The Capital was Tu-qat (Antaeopolis).The Gods of the Egyptians Studies in Egyptian Mythology Volume 1, E.A. Wallis Budge, Chapter III: Primitive Gods and Nome-Gods
magickal information and correspondences:
Symbol: hawk or Wadjet
Sacred candle color: royal blue, yellow, gold
Planet: Sun
holy days
Payni or Paoni: Heru is the God of the month of Payni or Paoni of the season of Semut or Shemu (Harvest or Summer), which was from approximately mid April to mid May.
Heru arrives in Heliopolis: Dedicated to Heru. Celebrated on November 2.
May 12: Horis son of Isis & Orisis. He teaches absolute power & knowing both spirit & body.@LadyOceanStar on Twitter
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Isis With Horus At the apex of her influence, this Goddess of Rebirth was worshipped throughout the Greco-Roman world. Her temples were finally closed in the fourth century AD, but her role as Mother of God, as well as many other Christian borrowings from her mythos were assumed by the Virgin Mary. Originally Au Set, a predynastic Egyptian Goddess dating from 3000 BCE., she laid upon the dead body of her husband-brother Osiris (whose annual death symbolized the fertilizing of fields by Nile floodwaters), and conceived Horus, the original Son of God. Her name means throne-woman and she was venerated as inventor of agriculture, law, and medicine, the Mother who placed the sun god Ra in the sky. According to Egyptian scriptures, In the beginning there was Isis, Oldest of the Old, the Goddess from whom all becoming arose.
See Isis Winged also. picture and text © 1996 JBL Statues (now called Sacred Source), original web page and text created by Tom Laudeman
Picture courtesy of JBL Statues
this reproduction was sold by Sacred Source
JBL Statues is now Sacred Source
The distinction exists between the primitive or predynastic element in the Egyptian religion and the Asiatic element. This element was of a solar character undoubtedly, and was introduced into Egypt by the Followers of Horus, or the Blacksmiths, who invaded the country, and conquered the natives, and settling down there, built up the great dynastic civilization which we call Egyptian.
The Gods of the Egyptians Studies in Egyptian Mythology Volume 1, E.A. Wallis Budge, Preface [NOTE: The belief that lighter skinned Aryans conquered the darker skinned Black Africans and introduced the Egyptian civilization was last seriously proposed by Adolph Hitler and is no longer taken seriously.]
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external links:
If you follow any of the links offered on this web site, no spell begging. Especially no love spell begging.
If you have a Heru Sa Aset [Horus the Younger]-related web page, please send the URL to Milo. Please indicate if there is a picture on your web page.