Summary: Ptah is a Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) God of creation.
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Kemetic name: Ptah
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
basic information:
Ptah: The God of creation and creative arts. Usually the husband of Sekhmet, but sometimes the husband of Bast. By the New Kingdom Bast no longer is associated with any one husband, instead being the perpetual virgin sexual partner of every God and Goddess. Creation occurs when the Cosmic Lotus rises from the Chaos of Nun. On this Cosmic Lotus is the Cosmic Egg, which is Ra-Sekhmet-Bast. The Cosmic Egg opens to reveal Ptah. In some myths Ptah creates the Elder deities: Ra, Atum, Amon, and Mwt. Ptah is shown as a bald man, a hawk, or a scarab beetle.
Ptahs relations:
Husband of Sekhmet.
magickal information and correspondences:
Sacred candle color: gold, white
herbs (and foods) associated with Ptah:
myths and beliefs:
An example from the Shabaka stela:
There comes into being in the heart; there comes into being by the tongue as the image of Atum! Ptah is the very great, who gives life to all the neteru and their kas. It is all in this heart and by this tongue.
His [Ptahs] Puat [Ennead] is before him as heart, authoritative utterance, teeth, semen, lips, and hands of Atum. This Puat [Ennead] of Atum came into being through his semen and through his fingers. Surely, this Puat [Ennead of Ptah] is the teeth and the lips in the mouth, proclaiming the name of all things, from which Shu and Tefwt came forth as him, and which gave birth to the Puat [Ennead of Ptah]. The sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, and the breathing of air through the nose, they transmit to the heart, which brings forth every decision. Indeed, the tongue thence repeats what is in front of the heart. Thus was given birth to all the neteru. His [Ptahs] Puat [Ennead] was completed. Lo, every word of the Ntr came into being through the thoughts in the heart and the command by the tongue. Thus all the faculties were made and all the qualities determined, they that make all foods and all provisions, through this word. [Life] to him who does what is loved, [death] to him who does what is hated. Thus life is given to the peaceful and death is given to the criminal. Thus all labor, all crafts, the action of the arms, the motion of the legs, the movements of all the limbs, acording to this command which is devised by the heart and comes orth by the tongue and creates the performance of everything.
An example from the Leyden Papyrus of Qenna:
All the neteru are three: Amun, Re, and Ptah, who have no equals. He whose nature [literally whose name] is mysterious, being Amun; Ra is the head, Ptah the body. Their cities on earth, established forever are: Thebes, Heliopolis, and Memphis [stable] for eternity. When a message comes from heaven, it is heard at Heliopolis, it is repeated at Memphis to Ptah, and it is made into a letter written in the letters of Thoth [at Hermopolis] for the city of Amun [Thebes].
holy days
Paopi: Ptah is the God of the month of Paopi of the season of Akhet (Inundation), which was from approximately mid August to mid September.
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