Summary: Seshat is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Goddess of creative thought.
Kemetic names: Seshat, Seshet, Sashet
(NOTE: In addition to native variations by locality or over time, there are often several possible transliterations into the Roman alphabet used for English.)
basic information:
Seshat Goddess of creative thought: Goddess of creative thought, mathematics, and counting. Sometimes associated with the moon. Wife of Djehuti. According to myth She invented math and writing, then taught Djehuti and He taught the other deities, including Aset, who taught humanity. Shown as a tigress or leopard or as a beautiful dark-skinned woman wearing a leopard skin.
In modern times Seshat is referred to as the Silicon Goddess or the Glass Cat and is considered to be the Goddess of computers, operating systems, software, telecommunications, electronic networks (including the Internet), knowledge systems, and other related technology. Some view the Internet as an example of the Silicon Goddess manifesting Herself in space and time.
Seshats relations:
Wife of Djehuti.
Sister of Bast (Bastet), Djehuti, Sekhmet, Het Heret (Hathor), and Maat..
herbs associated with Seshat:
holy days
New Years Day Magick: A spell requesting Seshat grant your wish for the new year. Tie four knots equal distance into a piece of red hemp twine less than one meter (or one yard) long. Red represents life force. The hemp twine represents time. Tie the knots from left to right and concentrate on your wish for the year being tied into the fabric of time. Open your front door. Tie the knotted hemp twine into a circle. On the first knot tell Seshat your hope. On the second knot tell Seshat your wish. On the third knot tell Seshat your belief. On the fourth knot receive Seshats blessings. Place the knotted red hemp twine on your altar to remind yourself of your request of Goddess. Note that this spell involves breathing on knots and therefore carries the death penalty in Islamic nations.
The ancient Egyptian goddess Seshat (above in her role as the Goddess who measures) is depicted with a hemp leaf in her head dress. Pharaoh Tuthmosis III (1479 to 1425 B.C.E.) called her Sefkhet-Abwy (She of the seven points). Hemp was used to make measuring cords. Seshat was the goddess of libraries, knowledge, and geomancy, among other things. Spell 10 of the Coffin text states Seshat opens the door of heaven for you.
religious title certificate

Get a beautiful certificate declaring that you are a priestess, priest, high priestess, high priest, hem, hemet, kher, sesh per ankh, scribe, witch, or shaman of Seshat. This is a real religious certificate meeting government standards for conducting marriages and other ceremonies.