Chocolate comes from the cacao plant. Chocolate is made from cacao solids (also called cocoa powder) and ocoa butter, both found naturally in cacao pods.
- botanical information
- origin
- history
- nutritional information
- preparation
- cautions and contraindications
botanical information:
Chocolate comes from cacao beans. Cacao beans are the seeds of the cocao tree.
Origin: Mexico and Central America.
History: The Aztecs and the Mayans had the first cacao plantations.
nutritional information:
Dark chocolate is single greatest source of antioxidants of any commonly available food.
Chocolate is a source of copper.
An Aztec drink called chocolati was made by mixing crushed cacao beans and water. Chili peppers and vanilla were sometimes added for flavoring. Montezuma II (emperor of the Aztecs from 1502 to 1520) drank chocolati from golden goblets. He said It is the divine drink that builds up resistance and fights fatigue. A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food..
Europeans added cane sugar to make modern chocolate.
Mole poblano is a common Mexican sauce made from cacao and chiles and used on chicken and turkey. This sauce was created by nuns at the convent of Santa Rosa in Puebla, Mexico, in the 17th century.
Sprinkle cinnamon on hot chocolate.
cautions and contraindications:
Toxic to animals: Chocolate (especially dark chocolate) should never be fed to cats or dogs.
save real chocolate:
U.S. corporate interests, led by Hershey, are trying to get federal law changed to take away your real chocolate.
Under current U.S. law, real chocolate has to be made with cacao solids and cocoa butter, both products of the cacao trees natural cacao pods. And milk chocolate must be made with whole milk.
Under the proposed changes, real chocolate will become a specialty product reserved solely for the very rich, and the word chocolate would be used for fake chocolate that substitutes non-cacao products, including using cheap vegetable oils instead of real cocoa butter and using milk protein concentrates instead of whole milk in milk chocolate.
Under current law, these kinds of fake chocolate must be called chocolate flavored, chocolaty, or cocoalicious, making clear to thew consumer that they are fakes that have no health benefits.
Real chocolate reduces the risk of stroke and heart failure and has strong anti-cancer benefits. The fake chocolate increases health risks.
In order to increase corporate profits at the expense of the nations health, Hershey Co. got the Chocolate Manufacturers Association, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the Snack Food Association, and the National Cattlemens Beef Association to submit a citizens petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claiming that Americans no longer wanted real chocolate.
These corporate thugs lied to the FDA under oath and falsely claimed Consumer expectations still define the basic nature of food. There are, however, no generally held consumer expectations today concerning the precise technical elements by which commonly recognized foods are produced. Consumers, therefore, are not likely to have formed expectations as to production methods, aging time or specific ingredients used for technical improvements, including manufacturing efficiencies.
The corporations are claiming that Americans dont want real chocolate when they purchase an item labelled choclate!
The only way to stop this corporate travesty is to flood the FDA with protests, but the FDA has purposely hidden the method for real citizens to protest the proposed change by burying the comment on their website under the bureaucratic title 2007P-0085: Adopt Regulations of General Applicability to All Food Standards that Would Permit, Within Stated Boundaries, Deviations from the Requirements of the Individual Food Standrads of Identity.
You need to get your comment in to protest this corporate thievery. The website Dont Mess With Our Chocolate has specific instructions on how you can wade through the ridiculous government standards designed to prevent citizen comments.
Comment and get your friends who enjoy chocolate to comemnt. And get your comments in by April 25, 2007.
To take action, go to Dont Mess With Our Chocolate.
You can also boycott Hershey Co. for their attempts to destroy American choclate. Among their chocolate brands to permanently avoid ever buying are: Almond Joy, Cacao Reserve by Hersheys, Cadbury, La Dulceria Thalia, 5th Avenue cnady bar, Heath toffee bar, Hersheys chocolate bar, Hersheys Extra Dark, Hersheys Pot of Gold, Hersheys Sticks, Kissables, Hersheys Kisses, Kit Kat, Krackel, Mauna Loa, Milk Duds, Hersheys Miniatures, Mounds, Mr. Goodbar, Hersheys Nuggets, Payday, Reeses Fast Break, Reeses Nutrageous, Reeses peanut butter cups, Reeses Pieces, Reesesticks, Rolo caramels, Hershey;s SMores, Skor toffee bar, Special Dark, Hersheys Symphany, Take 5, Whatchamacallit, Whoppers, and York peppermint pattie.
Herhsey products to boycott include: Almond Joy, Hersheys Bake Shoppe, Breathsavers mints, Bubble Yum, Cacao Reserve by hersheys, Cadbury chocolates, Hersheys chocolate Milk Mix, Hersheys cocoa, Hersheys hot cocoa mix, Hersheys Cookies, La Dulceria Thalia, Hersheys Extra Dark, Reeses Fast Break, 5th Avenue, Good & Plenty, Hersheys Mini Kisses Cookies, Hersheys Sticks, Heath toffee bar, Hersheys Bake Shoppe, Hersheys Brownies, Hersheys chocolate bar, Hersheys chocolate milk mix, Herhseys cocoa, Hersheys Cookies, Hersheys dessert toppings, Hersheys Extra Dark, Hersheys hot cocoa mix, Hersheys Mini Kisses Cookies, Herhseys Pot of Gold, Herhseys Really Nuts, Hersheys Sandwich Cookies, Snacksters, Hersheys Syrup, Ice Breakers chewing gum, Ice Breakers Liquid Ice mints, Ice Breakers mints, Jolly Rancher fruit chews candy, Jolly Rancher gummies candies, Jolly Rancher hard candy, Jolly Rancher jelly beans, Jolly Rancher lollipops, Jolly Rancher Screaming Sours candies, Kissables, hersheys Kisses, Kit Kat wafer bar, Krackel chocolate bar, Mauna Loa, Milk Duds candy, Hersheys Miniatures, Mounds candy bar, Mounds sweetened coconut flakes, Mr. Goodbar chocolate bar, Hersheys Nuggets, Reeses Nutrageous candy bar, 100 Calorie Bars, Hersheys Sticks, Payday peanut caramel bar, Hersheys Pot of Gold, Hersheys Really Nuts, Hersheys Brownies, Reeses Fast Break, Reeses Nutrageous candy bar, Reeses peanut butter, Reeses peanut butter cups, Reses Pieces candy, Hersheys Sandwich Cookies, Reesesticks wafer bars, Rolo caramels in milk chocolate, Hersheys SMores, Skor toffee bar, Snack Barz, Snacksters, Special Dark, Hersheys Sugar Free candy, Hersheys Sweet & Salty granola bars, Hersheys Symphony, Hersheys Syrup, Take 5 candy bar, La Dulceria Thalia, Hersheys desert toppings, Twizzlers candy, Twizzlers cherry bites candies, Twizzlers Nibs candy, Twizzlers Twerpz candy, Whatchamacallit candy bar, Whoopers malted milk balls, York peppermint pattie, Zagnut candy bar, and Zero candy bar.
Lets put Hersheys out of business.