The black pepper love spell is a very easy spell that can be used to attract new love. This spell is safe even for beginners.
You may want to read in advance so that you can prepare for the success of this spell. Everything needed should already be in most homes.
Teenage boys are often too shy to ask out a girl, being so afraid of being rejected that they dont even notice incredibly obvious hints that the girl is available and interested.
One solution is for the girl to ask the guy out.
This takes extra courage because girls dont normally take on this role. It can be very scary risking rejection (now you can see why so many boys are too shy to ask).
This simple spell uses an ordinary black peppercorn as its main ingredient.
On white paper (plain or lined) write out your desires about the particular person you want to ask out (boys can use this spell to work up courage as well). Include three different ways to ask the person out (if ou are very ambitous, you can use seven ways). Three is a divine number (so is seven). You may also optionally write down how youfeel about the person and what you hope comes from this love spell.
Place one, three, or seven black peppercorns in the center of the paper. Black peppercorn is the magick ingredient for courage, which you will need a lot of to ask the person out.
You may optionally sprinkle some basil, cinnamon, dill seed, ginger, poppy seed, rosemary, spearmint, or thyme on the paper. These are all love herbs.
Visualize the process of asking the person out, strongly visualizing success.
Pray to the divine (however or whoever you view the divine) for success and courage.
Remove the black peppercorn(s) (and optional spices) from the paper and wrap in a small piece of paper or cloth.
When it comes time to ask the person out, carry the magickally empowered black peppercorn with you. You can put it in your purse or pocket. Keep it wrapped in the small piece of paper or cloth so that it doesnt end up in the bottom of your purse or pocket.
If you have added the optional love spices (other than catnip), you can strengthen the spell (after removing one black peppercorn) by crushing the remaining herbs and spices together and cooking something with them. The food you prepare can be presented to the person to make it easier to ask him or her out.
You may perform this spell on you own, but for extra power, you can join together with others who are performing a shared black pepper love spell.
By working together with others all over the world you greatly strengthen your love spell. There is power and strength in unity and coordinated magick. This works like a coven, except on a worldwide basis.
The physical thread that brings together the worldwide black pepper love spell is making a donation to Teen Witch. You can perform this spell on your own at no cost, but if you want to participate in the group spell energy, you must make an actual donation. The donation should be $3, $7, or $21 (the first two divine numbers and the multiplication of the first two divine numbers). You may also make the donations in Euros. If you send a check, please make sure it is in U.S. dollars only and that it is valid. Send the donation and your name (it can be craft name rather than your given name) to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, 92781, USA.
The exchange of energy through a donation to Teen Witch is a very powerful component of a spell. By giving up something of value to you, you invest your personal energy into the spell and make it more likely to be successful. If you dont invest any personal energy into the spell, it wont have much power because it isnt important to you and therefore the spell is bound to fail. Obviously a donation is not the only way to invest significant personal energy into a magick spell, but it also has the advantage of physically connecting your personal energy with the personal energies of many other Witches around the world.
While love and the results of love spells can be very personal, you are invited to share the results you personally had with this spell by sending a short message to Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781.