The Hecate black candle love spell is used to connect to the mystery of love. This is an intermediate level spell and may not be appropriate for beginners.
You may want to read in advance so that you can prepare for the success of this spell.

You may also want to read the article on the Greek Goddess Hecate.
You may want to seriously consider performing this spell with other Witches internationally to increase the power of the spell. Where two or more are gathered, the power of the Goddess increases. Making a donation (as described below) creates the connection with other Witches.
You may optionally perform this spell in a tub of water (with bubble bath or scented bath salts or oils). See the article on love baths for more information.
The Hecate black candle love spell can be performed on the night before any New Moon, especially at midnight. The night before the New Moon is known as the Hecate Moon. Hecate Moons in 2009 include: January 25, February 23, March 25, April 23, May 23, June 21, July 20, August 19, September 17, October 17, November 15, and December 15.
Start by casting a circle.
You may optionally dance to the mysterious energies of love.
Light a black candle to Hecate. If you know the proper herbs for a love spell, you can prepare the candle in advance. Otherwise, any black candle (of any size and shape) is acceptable.
If you do not know how to prepare a candle with magick herbs (which is a more advanced Witchcraft skill), light some incense instead. You may choose any kind of incense (or use herbs), but apple (wood or blossoms if making your own), apricot, avens, basil, cannabis, cardamom, chamomile, cherry, cinnamon, clove, copal, coriander, crocus, cubeb (seed if making your own), dill (seed if making your own), dragons blood, elm, gardenia (petals if making your own), ginger, grains of paradise, hyacinth, jasmine (oil if making your own), juniper (berries if making your own), lavender (petals or oil if making your own), lemon (peel or oil if making your own), lemon balm, lotus (bouquet if making your own), maple wood, marjoram, orange (flowers or peel or oil if making your own), peach, peppermint, poppy (seed if making your own), rose (petals or oil if making your own), rosemary, rue, saffron, spearmint, thyme, tonka (bouquet if making your own), vervain, violet (root or flowers or oil if making your own), willow (white willow bark if making your own), wood aloe, and yarrow are particularly appropriate magickal choices for a love spell. Note that cannabis should only be used in locations where there is a legitimate legal right to religious cannabis use.
Focus your magickal energies in the flame of the black candle. Visualize magick flowing from the candle into your hands and your heart. Concentrate on the mysterious nature of love. If age appropriate, you may concentrate ont he mysterious nature of sex and sexual attraction.
You may read a poem that you have personally written that expresses your feelings about the mystery and mysterious nature of love.
If your candle is still burning, snuff it out rather than blowing it out. If you blow out the flame, you will also blow out the magick of the love spell.
You may optionally eat a small meal. Foods particularly appropriate for love spells include apple (including apple juice or apple cider), apricot, avocado, barley, beans, beets, Brazil nuts, capers, cherry, chestnuts, fig, leek, lemon, licorice, lime, nuts, orange, papaya, peas, peach, peppermint (including peppermint tea), plum, quince, raspberry, rose hips (including rose hip tea), spearmint (including spearmint tea), strawberry, sugar cane, and tomato, as well as foods prepared with barley, basil, chili pepper, cinnamon, coriander (cilantro), dill, ginger, licorice, maple syrup, marjoram, peppermint, pimento, saffron, spearmint, sugar cane, thyme, tomato, and vanilla. You may also make magick love pies with any of the listed fruits. The juice of any of the listed fruits may also be used in love spells.
Close the circle as described in the article about casting a circle.
You may also optionally leave a small meal or snack at a cross roads at midnight (note that you should use a paper plate because you can not take back anything you leave for this meal without angering Hecate).
You may perform this spell on you own, but for extra power, you can join together with others who are performing a shared Hecate black candle love spell each Hecate Moon.
By working together with others all over the world you greatly strengthen your love spell. There is power and strength in unity and coordinated magick. This works like a coven, except on a worldwide basis.
The physical thread that brings together the worldwide Hecate black magick love spell is making a donation to Teen Witch. You can perform this spell on your own at no cost, but if you want to participate in the group spell energy, you must make an actual donation. The donation should be $3, $7, or $21 (the first two divine numbers and the multiplication of the first two divine numbers). You may also make the donations in Euros. If you send a check, please make sure it is in U.S. dollars only and that it is valid. Send the donation and your name (it can be craft name rather than your given name) to: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, 92781, USA.
The exchange of energy through a donation to Teen Witch is a very powerful component of a spell. By giving up something of value to you, you invest your personal energy into the spell and make it more likely to be successful. If you dont invest any personal energy into the spell, it wont have much power because it isnt important to you and therefore the spell is bound to fail. Obviously a donation is not the only way to invest significant personal energy into a magick spell, but it also has the advantage of physically connecting your personal energy with the personal energies of many other Witches around the world.
You can send a donation as late as the day of the Hecate Mon, but sending in a donation early guarantees a stronger connection to the collective magickal energy.
While love and the results of love spells can be very personal, you are invited to share the results you personally had with this spell by sending a short message to Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781.