Brazil nut is a tree.
- botanical information
- origin
- nutritional information
- preparation
- magick correspondences and uses
- cautions and contraindications
botanical information:
Botanical name: Bertholletia excelsa
Common name: Brazil nut
Use the botanical name when ordering seeds (bulbs, etc.) or when looking up information in the library. Common names vary by nation, culture, and region, and sometimes the same common name is applied to different plants.
Brazil nut is the only species of fthe genus Bertholletia.
Braazil nuts only produce fruit in virgin forests (not disturbed by human activity). Virgin forests have an orchid that attracts orchid bees (Euglossa spp.) whihc in turn fertilizes Brazil nut trees.
Origin: Guianas, Venezuela, Brazil, eastern Columbia, eastern Peru, and eastern Bolivia
nutritional information:
Brazil nuts are a great source of selenium. Selenium is essential for sperm health.
A 2007 study showed that low plasma selenium is independently associated with poor skeletal muscle strength in community-dwelling older adults in Tuscany. That is, low selenium levels may cause muscle weakness. The study conducted by the Tuscany regional Agency (Florence, Italy), John Hopkins School of Medicine (Baaltimore, Maryland), Azienda Sanitaria Firenze (Florence, Italy), Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography and Biometry, National Institute of Aging (Bethesda, Maryland), and Longitudinal Studies Section, Clinical Research Branch, Natinal Institute on Aging(Blatimore, Maryland) and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 86, No.2, pages 347-352, August 2007.
Sources of selenium include Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, legumes, and meat.
Brazil nuts are a very good source of protein.
Brazil nuts are a food that increases sexual energy and enhances fertility.
You can put a selection of nuts along with a little bit of olive oil into a blender and make fresh nut butter. Nut butter on bread (or in pita pockets) is a healthy on-the-go snack.
magickal correspondences and uses:
Gender: masculine (traditional western European magickal gender)
Magick food for love spells: Brazil nuts are an appropriate food for love spells, such as the Aphrodite New Moon love spell, Hecate black candle love spell, or Isis Full Moon love spell. See the article on foods for more information on using food magick in spells.
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cautions and contraindications:
Cautions and contraindications: Only eat processed nuts