Oat is a cereal grain and oats are the seeds of this plant.
- botanical information
- origin
- history
- part used
- nutritional information
- preparation
- astrological correspondences
- magick correspondences and uses
- health care
- Chinese herbology
- Ayurvedic herbalism
- external skin care
- cautions and contraindications
botanical information:
Botanical name: Avena spp. (approximately 30 species); especially Avena sativa
Common name: oat, oats
Avena sativa is common oats.
Use the botanical name when ordering seeds (bulbs, etc.) or when looking up information in the library. Common names vary by nation, culture, and region, and sometimes the same common name is applied to different plants.
Family: Poaceae (grasses)
Origin: The wild ancestor of Avena sativa and Avena byzantina (a closely related crop) is Avena sterilis. A. sterilis is originally from the Fertile Crescent of the Near East.
History: The wild ancestor of Avena sativa, modern oats, is Avena sterilis. A. sterilis is originally from the Fertile Crescent of the Near East. Oats (like rye) started as a weed that grew near wheat and barley. As barley and wheat spread to cooler, wetter locations, oats became domesticated crops.
History: Oats were found at at Gilgal I, a village site in the Jordan Valley north of ancient Jericho, from approximately 11,400 years B.P. (Before Present). More information at the article on figs.
History: Oatmeal raisin cookies were U.S. President Jimmy Carters favorite kind of cookie.
part used:
Part Used: The threshed and dried stem and leaf, and the dried or fresh milky tops. Information courtesy of Mountain Rose Herbs |
nutritional information:
Eat three to five servings of oatmeal a week. You may eat oatmeal every day.
Oats are a good source of protein.
Oats are a food that increases sexual energy and enhances fertility.
Oatmeal is high in soluble fiber. 1/3 cup of cooked oatmeal or 1/2 ounce of dry oatmeal is approximately 9 grams of carbohydrates. In 100 grams of oatmeal there are 13 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, and 67 grams of carbohydrates. The carbohydrates in oatmeal are mostly complex, giving oatmeal a low Glycemic Index. Oatmeal has high levels of fat-burning antioxidants (especially good at getting rid of belly fat).
Oatmeal is one of the few foods on earth that has Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA). GLA is an activated Essential Fatty Acid made from Linoleic Acid and a precursor of Dihomo Gamma Linolenic Acid (DGLA), a source of good eicosanoids.
One packet of low sodium instant oatmeal has 0.8 milligrams of zinc, which is 6% of the U.S. Recommended Daily Value, according to the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
Oatmeal helps cholesterol and helps fight cancer, diabetes, and obesity.
See also Chinese herbalism below for Chinese gender and Chinese flavor.
cooking information:
For as far as my knowledge goes the ultimate breakfast cereal is oatmeal. Really. Its unbelievable stuff. Every day one bowl of oatmeal and youre set for the day.
I started eating oatmeal about 2 years ago and still have them every morning. This grain is absolutely brilliant.
What I do is take one cup of oats and 2 cups of water and mix them in a pan. I cook it until it starts boiling a bit and then I quickly add some raisins while stirring a bit. Done! [NOTE that slow cooking is healthier]
Now heres the really cool part. When you read the oatmeal ingredients label, theres only one: Oatmeal! No added sugars, preservatives, coloratives and more-crap-atives. Just quality unprocessed and natural food which is the way I like it.Nico, March 19, 2008
Use slow cooked oatmeal. Avoid instant oatmeal. The complex carbohydrates in slow cooked oatmeal give it a low Glycemic Index while instant oatmeal is more processed and has a higher Glycmeic Index. Slow cooked oatmeal may be reheated with little or no loss of nutrients. Steel cut oatmeal is the healthiest.
Steel cut oatmeal is the healthiest version of oatmeal. Use 1-1/2 cups of water to 1/4 cup of oatmeal. Steel-cut oatmeal takes between 20 and 40 minutes to cook, but you can cook a large batch and then reheat smaller amounts for convenience. Spices can be cooked into the oats rather than added later.
Sprinkle cinnamon on oatmeal.
Some recommended additions to your oatmeal to keep it from becoming monotonous and boring:
- Top with nutmeg and cinnamon.
- Add two (2) tablespoons of unsweetened pumpkin for alternative flavor with great nutrition.
- If you eat chicken eggs, consider adding four (4) egg whites while cooking your oatmeal.
- Top with eight chopped or sliced almonds and real maple syrup. Adds calcium and makes the oatmeal crunchier. 1/4 cup almonds has 164 calories, 14 grams of fat (1 gram saturated, 9 grams monounsaturated, and 3.5 grams polyunsaturated), 1 gram sugar, 3 grams fiber, and 70 mg of calcium.
- Top with fresh blueberries when in season. Adds antioxidnats and fiber. 1/2 cup of blueberries has 42 calories, 0 grams of fat, 7 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of fiber.
- Top with dried cranberries. Helps gum health and detoxes kidneys. Helps protect against bladder infections. 1/4 cup of dried cranberries has 92 calories, 0 grams of fat, 20 grams of sugar, and 2 grams of fiber.
- Top with ground flax seeds for omega-3s. 1 tablespoon has 37 calories, 3 grams fat (0 grams saturated fat, 0.5 grams monounsaturated, and 2 grams polyunsaturated), 0 grams sugar, and 2 grams fiber.
- Top wth raisins. 1/4 cup of raisins has 123 calories, 0 grams fat, 24 grams sugar, and 1.5 grams fiber.
- Add hemp milk.
Eat three to five servings of oatmeal a week. You may eat oatmeal every day.
astrological correspondences:
Astrological planet: Venus
magickal correspondences and uses:
Western element: earth

Venus spells: See the article on Venus for a list of herbal substitutes for oats in Venus spells involving beauty, compassion, fidelity, friendship, happiness, interchanges, joy, love, luck, meditation, pleasure, reconciliation, and youth.
![]() Magical Uses ![]() ![]() information courtesy of ![]() |
health care uses:
Health Notice: Attempting to be an amateur doctor is potentially dangerous to your health. This web page is not professional medical advice. Nothing on this website should be considered as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice. Persons should seek the advice of qualified health providers. Self-medication should not be used as a substitute for professional medical care. Please confirm all self-medication with your doctor or health care professional. See the article on healing for recommended healers.
Chinese herbalism:
Chinese gender: slightly yang (slightly warm)
Chinese flavor: sweet
Ayurvedic herbalism:
Oats are an excellent food for those who have Vata constitution or those on an anti-Vata diet (high degree for reducing Vata).
For more information, see the article on Ayurvedic medicine.
external care:
External skin care: Oatmeal dries out the skin and is excellent for combatting acne.
cautions and contraindications:
Cautions and contraindications: Oat is believed to be safe.
Wild gathering: Avoid wild gathering. Some plants are endangered species. Please grow your own herbs in your own goddess garden (or window boxes).
See also: whole grains
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