This web page discusses:
- explanation of the Blood Libel
- Ralphs Grocery Co. commits the Blood Libel
- the state of Californias response
- call in and write in campaign for Witchs Rights
- Blood Libel cartoon
- Blood Libel movie
- more history of the Inquisitions, the Witch Hunts, and the Witch Trials
- Kemetic Witchcraft is a valid religion
Do you believe it is wrong for one of the largest U.S. corporations to falsely claim that Jews and Witches kidnap Christian babies and children, luring them with herbal candy, rape them, torture them, bake them in an oven, and then eat them?
This is the Blood Libel, the claim of the Christian Inquisitions, Witch Hunts, and Witch Trials and now the claim of Kroger and Ralphs Grocery Company.
If you are against the Blood Libel, please contact California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Call 916-445-2841 now. Or e-mail the Governor (choose Fair Employment and Housing from the subject menu). Those outside of the U.S. can write a letter to: the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. Please be very polite.
The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing has stated that while they would take action if the Blood Libel was directed against Jews or even if there was the use of 75 year old racist stereotypes of Blacks, they will not take action against the use of the Blood Libel against Witches, an obvious lack of the equal protection of the laws promised by the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
If Witches are to have equal rights, it is vitally important that Witches sway the decision of the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
Please call (or better, write) and politely let them know of the importance of granting equal rights to Witches and forbidding the use of the Blood Libel by employers. Let your Witch friends know about the importance of action.
If you are against the Blood Libel, please contact California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Call 916-445-2841 now. Or e-mail the Governor (choose Fair Employment and Housing from the subject menu). Those outside of the U.S. can write a letter to: the Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814, USA. Please be very polite.
Stop Blood Libel!!!
Take action for Witches Rights!!!
The Blood Libel is the false claim made by the Inquisitions, Witch Hunts, and Witch Trials that supposedly Witches (the Inquisitions, Witch Hunts, and Witch Trials) and Jews (the Inquisitions) who supposedly were extremely ugly with large noses supposedly kidnapped Christian babies and children (supposedly Witches lured them with offers of herbal candies), supposedly raped Christian babies and children (including oral and anal sodomy), supposedly tortured Christian babies and children, supposedly murdered Christian babies and children by baking or cooking them, and then supposedly committed canabilism by eating the cooked bodies of Christian babies and children.
The Blood Libel was used as the official legal justification for beating, gang raping, torturing, sexually mutilating, strangling, drawing and quartering, beheading, baking, and burning Witches and Jews at the stake.
The Blood Libel charge has been made against Cathars, Carthaginians, Christian heretics, Druids, Jews, Knights Templar, neopagans, Roma (Gypsies), Satanists, Wiccans, and Witches.
The Blood Libel is the most conscious shocking false charge humanly possible.
There are official government and/or Church paperwork confirming at least 30,000 persons in Germany being put to death by 150 years of German Inquisition and historical documents confirming at least 60,000 persons in Europe (mostly Poland and Germany) for the same period. Cecil Williamson put up a memorial in 1952 dedicated to the estimated nine million people killed during the witch persecutions in Europe. None of these estimates include the 1-1/2 million Roma murdered in the Nazi Holocaust for Gypsy Witchcraft (six million killed: 3 million Jews, 1.5 million Gypsies, 0.8 million homosexuals, and 0.7 million others).
In 1999 a group of Christian pastors attempted to force the U.S. Army to forbid Wiccans from practicing their religion on the Army base at Fort Hood, Texas. Rev. Jack Harvey, pastor of Tabernacle Independent Baptist Church in Killeen, Texas, allegedly arranged for at least one member of his church to carry a handgun during religious services, in case a warlock tries to grab one of our kids Ive heard they drink blood, eat babies. They have fires, they probably cook them
In 2009 the current Roman Catholic Pope called on Catholics to take action against African Witches (see below).
To this day thousands of accused Witches are murdered world-wide. Many of the accused are not actually Witches.
The first blood libel recorded is from ancient Greece. Apion, a grammarian who worked in Alexandria, accused Jews of holding one Greek prisoner in their temple in Alexandria, feeding him until he became supple, and then killing him, drinking his blood and eating his body.
blood libel at Kroger/Ralphs Grocery Company
Ralphs Grocery Company and Food 4 Less, both owned by Kroger, displayed animatronic Witches that had the ugly features of the Blood Libel and that had a recording that made the false claim that the animatronic Witch desired to kidnap, rape, torture, murder, and eat Christian babies and children!
I (Milo) have filed a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
DFEH # E-200910-K-0566-00e
EEOC # 37AB014073EMPLOYER: RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, 1150 Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach, CA 92660
I. From October 1, 2008 to Augus 1, 2009 and continuing, I was harassed due to my religion while in the position of Courtesy Clerk, earning $8.60 per hour. I was hired on November 14, 2007.
II. I believe that I was harassed because of my religion (Kemetic Witch). I base my belief on the following:
A. From October 1, 2008 to August 1, 2009 and continuing, I was harassed due to my religion by Store Director, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment, Manager, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment and Manager, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment. I was forced to work on projects that mocked my religion and was subjected to derogatory comments and jokes. This created a hostile, intimidating and offensive work environment.
B. From October 15, 2008 to August 15, 2009, I reported the harassment as religious discrimination to AStore Director, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment, Store Director, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment, Manager of Operations, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment, Front End Manager, name withheld to prevent personal embarassment, and Front End manager name withheld to prevent personal embarassment. No corrective action was taken.
4 December 2009
Californias response
The DFEH initially refused to accept a complaint, falsely claiming that Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) Witchcraft was not a legally valid religion and that they only defended mainstream religions. I appealed the decision to a DFEH administrator and the DFEH agreed to accept my complaint.
In early February 2010 the DFEH told me that they will not take action against Ralphs Grocery Company for engaging in Blood Libel. Steve Kawashima (the person handling the case) admitted to me that if the exact same animitronics with the exact same recording had depicted a Jewish rabbi rather than a Witch, that they would have taken action. He even said that if the case involved 75 year old stereotypes of Blacks that they would have taken action.
The DFEHs position is that there is no case law that Witches are entitled to the same legal proctection under the laws as Blacks and Jews.
call to action
No longer any need to act, this page is maintained to record the actual events. The company settled in 2011. I am forbidden to disclose any information on the settlement.
I need the help of an attorney who is willing to stand up for the equal protection, due process, freedom of religion, and freedom from government establishment of religion rights as any other California citizen.
Further, any Witch who is an employee of a Kroger company store needs to file a complaint with their state employment rights organization and the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) so that the government agencies know that there are many Witches who want equal rights and equal protection under the laws. Lroger companies include: Kroger, Ralphs Grocery Company, King Soopers, City Market, Dillons, Smiths, Frys, QFC, Bakers, Owens, Jay C Food Stores, Hilander, Gorbes, Pay Less, Scotts Food & Pharmacy, Kroger Fresh Fare, Food 4 Less, Foods Co., Fred Meyer, Frys Marketplace, Smiths Marketplace, Kroger Marketplace, Dillons Marketplace, TurkeyHill, KwikShop, LoafNJug, Fred Meyer Jewelers, Littman Jewelers, Barclay Jewelers, Foxs Jewelry, and Kroger Personal Finance.
And, finally, need any and all Witches who believe in equal rights for Witches to write a physical letter to the California Department of Fair Emplyment and Housing urging them to grant Witches equal rights with Blacks and Jews. Their address is: the Department of Fair Employment and Housing, 2101 E. 4th Street, Ste. 255-B, Santa Ana, CA 92705, USA. Include the case number: DFEH # E-200910-K-0566-00e. Please be polite in your letter. If you can, also send a copy of your letter to me at: Milo, PO Box 1361, Tustin, California, USA, 92781. And if you are particularly ambitious, send a letter to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Los Angeles District Office, 255 East Temple Street, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA.
The Sunday Times ran an editorial cartoon on Holocaust Memorial Day (January 27, 2013) depicting Israeli Prime Minister benjamin Netanyahu looming over a wall built with Palestinians caught between blood-splattered bricks. The cartoon was created by Gerald Scarfe.
Martin Ivens, acting editor, said that the last thing he or anyone connected with the Sunday Times would countenance would be insulting the memory of the Shoah or invoking the blood libel.
A new movie has been released entitled Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters that uses the blood libel as the entire basis of the movie and encourages people to kill Witches world-wide.
history of Witchcraft persecution
- time line
- the Pope condemns Witchcraft in Angola (2009)
- illegal bias
- pharmacy
- potions
- false claims
- non-existence
- Satanism
- danger
- disease
- bad weather
- agricultural failure
- crop failure
- milk cows going dry
- hens not laying chicken eggs
- racism
- music
- laughter
- Goddess of cannabis
- Diana
- the law
- Exodus 22:18
- other verses
- Witch of Endor
- Edict of 1484
- Malleus Maleficarum
- Martin Luther
- separation of Church and State
- torture
- standing the Witch
- water boarding
- bruloir
- pressing
- Elizabeth Bathory
- mob
- death penalty
- hanging
- hanged, drawn and quartered
- beheading
- burning
- burning stakes
- burning in Hell
- sealed records
Kemetic Witchcraft is a valid religion
- sincerity
- age of belief
- numbers
- divinity or supreme being
- ultimate ideas
- comprehensive belief system
- philosophy
- metaphysical beliefs
- creation
- afterlife
- moral or ethical system
- external signs
- accoutrements of religion
- founder, prophet, or teacher
- important writings
- gathering places
- temples
- pyramids
- gardens
- keepers of knowledge
- ceremonies and rituals
- marriage and weddings
- morning ritual
- structure or organization
- education
- holy days
- diet or fasting
- appearance
- clothing
- propagation
- distinct and separate
history of Witchcraft persecution
Witch Hunt
Most people think that the phrase Witch Hunt is metaphor.
The Christian Bible, Jewish Torah, and Islamic Koran all specifically and unambigiously outlaw Witchcraft with the death penalty. A six person majority of the U.S. Supreme Court is Roman Catholic.
- time line
- the Pope in Angola (2009)
- illegal bias
- pharmacy
- potions
- false claims
- non-existence
- Satanism
- danger
- disease
- bad weather
- agricultural failure
- crop failure
- milk cows going dry
- hens not laying chicken eggs
- racism
- music
- laughter
- Goddess of cannabis
- Diana
- the law
- Exodus 22:18
- other verses
- Witch of Endor
- Edict of 1484
- Malleus Maleficarum
- Martin Luther
- separation of Church and State
- torture
- standing the Witch
- water boarding
- bruloir
- pressing
- Elizabeth Bathory
- mob
- death penalty
- hanging
- hanged, drawn and quartered
- beheading
- burning
- burning stakes
- burning in Hell
- sealed records
time line
A time line on the persecution and history of Kemetic Witchcraft (including lesbian marriage and use of cannabis).
approx 3100 B.C.E. Probable date of the writing of the original of the famous Ebers Papyrus, which discusses Cannabis Witchcraft.
Great Pyramids at Giza
photograph by Ricardo Liberato
19 June 2006
dust removal and white balance by kiwaner
2589 Khufu and Meritites (also spelled Meryetites, Meritates, Merityotes, or Meritates) conducted a Ntr Sentra (literally, the breath of Goddess, and source of the English word incense) ceremony that involved Meritites becoming Seshat incarnate. As Seshat, Goddess of measuring and hemp, Meritates inhaled cannabis smoke and kissed the cannabis breath into the mouth of Khufu, who became Heru (Horus) incarnate.Meritites, still as Seshat in human form, used knotted twine, probably hemp twine, to make the first measurements for the largest of the Great Pyramids, the only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World.
approx 2000 B.C.E. Earliest surviving written documentation of cannabis use in Witchcraft. Discusses using cannabis for treating sore eyes and cataracts.
approx 1700 B.C.E. Cannabis Witchcraft mentioned in the Ramesseum III Papyrus medical text.
approx 1600 B.C.E. Cannabis Witchcraft mentioned in the Ebers Papyrus medical text. The Ebers Papyrus is the oldest known complete medical textbook in existence. Most scholars believe that it is copy of a much earlier text, probably from around 3100 B.C.E.
1574 B.C.E. Pharaoh Seqnenre-Taa IIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1546 B.C.E. Pharaoh Amosiss mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1524 B.C.E. Pharaoh Amenhotep Is mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1518 B.C.E. Pharaoh Tuthmosis Is mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1504 B.C.E. Pharaoh Tuthmosis IIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1491 B.C.E. Hebrew priests write Exodus 22:18 in their Torah, requiring the death penalty for all Witches. Jewish death penalty for Witchcraft.
1450 B.C.E. Pharaoh Tuthmosis IIIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen. Pharaoh Tuthmosis III calls Seshat Sefkhet-Abwy or She of the seven points. Spell 10 of the Coffin text states Seshat opens the door of heaven for you.
1419 B.C.E. Pharaoh Amenhotep IIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1386 B.C.E. Pharaoh Tuthmosis IVs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1349 B.C.E. Pharaoh Amenhotep IIIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1334 B.C.E. Amenophis IV buried with three ply hemp cord in the hole of a stone and a large mat bound with hemp cords.
1325 B.C.E. Pharaoh Tutankhamens mummy buried with cannabis pollen. This is the famous King Tut.
approx 1300 B.C.E. Cannabis Witchcraft mentioned in the Berlin Papyrus medical text.
approx 1300 B.C.E. Cannabis Witchcraft mentioned in the Chester Beatty VI Papyrus medical text.
1294 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramesses Is mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1279 B.C.E. Pharaoh Seti Is mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1213 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramesses IIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen. This is Ramses the Great.
1202 B.C.E. Pharaoh Merenptahs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1193 B.C.E. Pharaoh Seti IIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1151 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramesses IIIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1145 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramsesses IVs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1141 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramesses Vs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1133 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramesses VIs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1108 B.C.E. Pharaoh Ramesses IXs mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
1032 B.C.E. Pharaoh Pinudjem Is mummy buried with cannabis pollen.
approx 50 B.C.E. Diodorus Siculus (Sicilian Greek historian) reports that Egyptian women use cannabis witchcraft to relieve sorrow and bring good cheer.
270-275 CE Roman emperor Aurelian imposed a tax on Egyptian cannabis.
382 Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius made law punishing heresy with the death penalty (a form of punishment still advocated by some Christians and Muslims).
383 Priscillian of Avila executed for witchcraft. Burned to death.
550 Byzantine emperor Justinian sends an army to Philae to murder the worshippers at the Great Temple of Isis. Christian soldiers destroy statues and deface reliefs with Christian crosses. Bishop Theodorus leaves an inscription taking credit for this good work. Centuries later Muslims deface Chrsitian artwork at the site.
906 Canon Eposcopi, a collection of church laws, written by Regino of Prum, the Abbot of Treves, declared that belief in Witchcraft is heresy. These church laws claimed that Witches didnt actually exist, claiming that women were confused and deluded if they thought they flew through the air with the Pagan Goddess Diana.
975 Roman Catholic Church penalties for using healing magick were relatively mild. The English Confessional of Egbert said, in part: If a woman works witchcraft and enchantment and [uses] magical philters, she shall fast for twelve months If she kills anyone by her philters, she shall fast for seven years. Fasting, in this case, meant eating and drinkung bread and water only.
1140 Gratian, an Italian monk, added the Canon Episcopi to canon law.
1203 Pope Innocent III authorized a war of genocide against the Cathars, a Gnostic Christian group centered in the area of Orleans of France. The last known Cathar was burned at the stake in 1321 CE.
1205 Pope Innocent III forbids any legal help for heretics in the Papal Bull Si adversus vos.
We strictly prohibit you, lawyers and notaries, from assisting in any way, by council or support, all heretics and such as believe In them, adhere to them, render them any assistance or defend them in any way.
1215 Fourth Lateran Council declares:
3. Convicted heretics shall be handed over for due punishment to their secular superiors, or the latters agents. If a temporal Lord neglects to fulfill the demand of the Church that he shall purge his land of the contamination of heresy, he shall be excommunicated by the metropolitan and other bishops of the province. If he fails to make amends within a year, it shall be reported to the Supreme Pontiff, who shall pronounce his vassals absolved from fealty to him and offer his land to Catholics. The latter shall exterminate the heretics, possess the land without dispute and preserve it in the true faith
1224 Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III writes in his Constitution of 1224 that heretics convicted by an ecclesiastical court should be executed by fire.
1226 French King Louis IX orders barons to take action against heretics.
1227 Pope Gregory IX sets up the Inquisitional Courts with the power to arrest, try, convict, and execute heretics.
1230 Pope Gregroy IX sets up the first permanent tribunal for dealing with heresy. Established in Toulouse, France. Beginning of the Medieval Inquisition.
1232 Pope Gregory IX establishes the Roman Catholic Inquisition in Aragon, granting the Inquisitional Courts the power to arrest, try, convict, and execute heretics. The Papal Bull Declinante jam mundi of May 26, 1232, instructs Archbishop Esparrago and his suffragans to search for and punish heretics in their dioceses.
1237 The Council of Lérida formally places the Inquisition under the authority of the orders of the Dominicans and the Franciscans.
1252 Pope Innocent IV authorizes the use of torture during Inquisitional trials in the Papal Bull Ad exstirpanda of May 15, 1252, greatly increasing the conviction rate.
When those adjudged guilty of heresy have been given up to the civil power by the bishop or his representative, or the Inquisition, the podestà or chief magistrate of the city shall take them at once, and shall, within five days at the most, execute the laws made against them.
1254 Pope Innocent IV prohibits perpetual imprisonment or death at the stake without episcopal consent.
1258 Pope Alexander IV limits the Inquisition to investigating cases of heresy. The Inquisition was not to investigate charges of divination or sorcery unless heresy was also involved.
1259 Pope Alexander IV reaffirms the use of torture in the Inquisition (authorized by Pope Innocent IVs 1252 Papal Bull Ad exstirpanda) on November 30, 1259.
1265 Pope Clement IV reaffirms the use of torture in the Inquisition (authorized by Pope Innocent IVs 1252 Papal Bull Ad exstirpanda) on November 3, 1265.
1280 Pope Nicholas III issues a Papal Bull staing:
If any, after being seized, wish to repent and do penance, they shall be imprisoned for life. Anyone who receive, defend, or aid heretics shall be excomminicated. If those who were suspected of heresy cannot prove their innocence, they shall be excommunicated. If they remain under the ban of excommunication for a year, they shall be condemned as heretics. They shall have no right of appeal.
1320 Pope John XXII officially declares Witchcraft and the Old religion of the Pagans as a heretical movement and a hostile threat to Christianity.
1324 Petronilla de Meath flogged, excommunicated, and burned at the stake for Witchcraft at Kilkenny, Ireland, the first Witch murdered in Ireland.
1326 The Roman Catholic Church authorized the Inquisition to investigate Witchcraft. The Church develops demonology, the theory of the supposed diabolic origin of Witchcraft.
1330 The popular concept of Witches as evil is expanded to include belief that they swore allegiance to and had sexual relations with the Devil, as well as kidnapped and ate Christian children. This is the Blood Libel.
1347 to 1349 The Black Death epidemic spreads through Europe. Lepers, Jews, Muslims and Witches were accused of poisoning wells and spreading disease. The Hebrew word in Exodus 22:18 for Witch can also be translated as well poisoner.
1430s Christian theologians started writing articles and books proving the existence of Witches.
1436-1437 Johannes (John) Nider wrote the book Formicarius, describing the prosecution of a man for Witchcraft. Copies of this book were often added to the Malleus Maleficarum in later years.
1478 Pope Sixtus authorizes the first Spanish Inquisition.
1484 Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict entitled Summis desiderantes affectibus alleging that many men and women were in collusion with the Devil. All Christians were required to assist the two Dominican monks, Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer, placed in charge of handling this supposed Witchcraft problem.
1450 The first major witch hunts began in many western European countries. The Roman Catholic Church said that Pagans who worshiped Diana and other Goddesses were evil Witches who kidnapped babies, killed and ate their victims, sold their soul to Satan, were in league with demons, flew through the air, met in the middle of the night, caused male impotence and infertility, caused male genitals to disappear, etc.ÊHistorians have speculated that this religiously inspired genocide was motivated by a desire by the Church to attain a complete religious monopoly, or was a tool of repression, a form of reining-in deviant behavior, a backlash against women, or a tool of the common people to name scapegoats for spoiled crops, dead livestock or the death of babies and children. Walter Stephens, a professor of Italian studies at Johns Hopkins University, proposes a new theory in his 2000 book Demon lovers: Witchcraft, Sex and Belief: I think Witches were a scapegoat for God. Religious leaders felt that they had to retain the concepts of both an omnipotent and an all-loving deity. Thus, they had to invent Witches and demons in order to explain the existence of evil in the world. This debate, about how an all-good and all-powerful God can coexist in the world with evil is now called Theodicy. Debate continues to the present day.
1450 Johann Gutenberg invented moveable type, making mass printing possible. Wide distribution of Papal bulls and books on Witch persecution stoke the flames of the witch hunt.
1484 Pope Innocent VIII issued a papal bull Summis desiderantes on DEC-5 which promoted tracking down, torturing and executing Satan worshipers.
1486 Dominican monks Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer publish Malleus Maleficarum or the Witchs Hammer, codifying the charges, interrogation procedures, and judicial resolutions for Witchcraft trials.
1500 During the 14th century, there were recorded 38 trials against Witches and sorcerers in England, 95 in France, and 80 in Germany. The witch hunts spread. By choosing to give their souls over to the devil witches had committed crimes against man and against God. The gravity of this double crime classified witchcraft as crimen exceptum, and allowed for the suspension of normal rules of evidence in order to punish the guilty. (Elisa Slattery, To Prevent a Shipwreck of Souls: Johann Weyer and De Praestigiis Daemonum, published in Essays in History, by the Corcoran Department of History, University of Virginia, Volume 36, (1994), Page 76) Childrens testimony was accepted. Almost unlimited torture was applied to obtain confessions (as long as the torture didnt draw blood). The flimsiest circumstantial evidence was accepted as proof of guilt.
1517 Martin Luther triggers the Protestant Reformation. In Roman Catholic countries, the courts continue to burn Witches. In Protestant countries, Witches were mainly hung.ÊSome Protestant countries did not allow torture. The lack of use of torture in England led to a low conviction rate of only 19%.
25 August 1538 Martin Luther calls for the murder of all Witches.
1541 Witchcraft made illegal in England.
1542 Pope Paul III authorizes the Roman Inquisition.
1550-1650 Trials and executions reached a peak during these ten decades, which are often referred to as the Burning Times. Witch Trials were mostly concentrated in eastern France, Germany and Switzerland. Witch persecutions were centered in areas where Catholics and Protestants were fighting. Most suspected witches were mainly tried by secular courts. The minority of Witches charged by church authorities were mostly cases involving the use of healing magic or midwifery.
1563-1603 At least 17,000 Witches killed in Scotland.
1573-1700 At least 70,000 Witches killed in England.
1580 Jean Bodin wrote De la Demonomanie des Sorciers (Of the punishments deserved by Witches). He stated that the punishment of Witches was required, both for the security of the state and to appease the wrath of God. No accused Witch should be set free if there is even a scrap of evidence that she might be guilty. If prosecutors waited for solid evidence, he felt that not one Witch in a million would be punished.
1588 Pope Sixtus V creates the Cpngregation of the Holy Roman and Universal Inquisition (later known as the Holy Office).
1600-1680 At least 40,000 Witches killed in Great Britain.
1604 England passes law decreeing capital punishment for Witches and Pagans.
1608 Francesco Maria Guazzo publishes the Compendium Maleficarum. Guazzos work describes Witches pacts with Satan, how Witches use magick to harm others, and similar anti-Witch propoganda.
1609 A Witch panic spreads through the Basque areas of Spain. The La Suprema (governing body for the Inquisition) declares it a hoax and issues an Edict of Silcence forbidding discussion of Witchcraft.
1610-1840 At least 22,000 Witches killed in Bamberg, Germany.
1616 A second Witch panic breaks out on Vizcaya. The Inquisition issues another Edict of Silcence forbidding discussion of Witchcraft. The King overturns the Edict. More than 300 accused Witches are burned alive.
1644 New England colonies made death the penalty for suspicion of Witchcraft.
1692 Salem, Massachusettes, Witch Trials. More than 150 persons were arrested and imprisoned, 19 men and women were hanged as Witches, one man died while being pressed (a form of torture), and seven others died in prison.
1808 Spanish King Joseph Bonaparte abrogates the Spanish Inquisition.
1814 Spanish King Ferdinand VII authorizes the second Spanish Inquisition. Pope Pius VII approves the reestablishment of the Spanish Inquisition.
1834 The Spanish Inquisition officially ended.
1908 The Inquisition is renamed the Holy Office.
1917 The Codex Juris Canonici officially abolishes the Roman Catholic Churchs use of torture.
1965 Pope Paul VI renames the Holy Office (formerly known as the Inquisition) as the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith.
1970 U.S. Congress passes the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) as Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970, outlawing cannabis Witchcraft, which partially established Christianity as the official U.S. religion.
1986-1996 At least 300 Witches killed in South Africa.
1998 At least 100 Witches killed in Indonesia.
the Pope in Angola

2009 On March 21, 2009, Pope Benedict XVI gave a speech at the São Paulo Church in Luanda, the capital city of Angola, Africa, condemning Witchcraft, the fastest growing religion in Africa, and called on Christians to stop tolerating Witches. The Pope, who was an active member of the Hitler Youth as a young man in nazi Germany, said that Africans are living in fear of spirits, of malign and threatening powers. In their bewilderment, they even get to the point of condemning street children and even the elderly as alleged sorcerers, they say that they are witches. He called on Christians to proclaim that Christ has triumphed over death and all those occult powers.
The Pope continued Someone may object: Why not leave them in peace? They have their truth, and we have ours, If we are convinced that, without Christ, life lacks something, that something real indeed, the most real thing of all is missing, we must also be convinced that we do no injustice to anyone if we present Christ to them. Indeed, we must do this. It is our duty to offer everyone this possibility of attaining eternal life. Who can go to them to proclaim that Christ has triumphed over death and all those occult powers?
The 2009 U.S. State Department report on human rights in Angola states children accused of Witchcraft suffer abuses such as the denial of food and water, or ritualistic cuttings and the placing of various caustic oils or peppers on their eyes or ears.
Thousands of children accused of Witchcraft in Angola, Congo, and the Congo Republic are cast out of their homes and often blinded or murdered.
Children in Angola who suffer from malaria and AIDS are often murdered as Witches. In 2006, a three-year-old HIV-positive child in Angola was suspected of cursing his parents and was abandoned in a chicken coop where the chickens pecked out one of his eyes.
In 2007, an elderly woman in Nigeria was beheaded after being accused of placing a curse on a member of another tribe. Her murder led to a series of inter-ethnic killings that left 80 dead.
In 2007, an 81-year-old man was beaten to death by a gang of villagers after being accused of using Witchcraft to kill three of his grandsons.
In February 2007, the Catholic University of East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, held a three-day symposium on Witchcraft. The Catholics accused Witchcraft of destroying the Catholic Church in Africa.
Michael Katola, a lecturer in pastoral theology, stated It is important for the Church to understand the fears of the people, and not to attribute them to superstition. Witchcraft is a reality; it is not a superstition. Many communities know these powers exist. Many of our Christians seek deliverance, healing and exorcism from other denominations because priests do not realize they have redemptive powers. If we dont believe in the existence of witchcraft as Satanism, then we cannot deal with it.
Sr. Bibiana Munini Ngundo stated Since Christ in the gospels encountered the devil, it is proper for Christians to accept the reality of witchcraft
illegal bias
The government has an illegal bias against Witchcraft that violates the U.S. Constitution.
All government officials, including all judges, prosecutors, and police, are officially paid in money that includes the officially established written religious oath of office In God We Trust, even though the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits religious oaths of office.
All federal judges are either Christian or Jew. There are ZERO Buddhist federal judges. There are ZERO Hindu federal judges. There are ZERO Witch federal judges. There are ZERO Islamic federal judges. Statistically it is unambigiously clear that the appointments of federal judges have involved an illegal prohibition against federal judges of any religion other than Christianity or Judaism.
The majority of the U.S. Supreme Court are Roman Catholic and have exercised their majority to vote according to requirements set down by the Roman Catholic Pope under threat of being excommunicated by the Pope.
In the case U.S. v. David Meyers, No. 95-8079, United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth District, September 6, 1996, the judges ruled that Meyers Church of Marijuana was not legally a religion and used a set of highly biased tests that were specifically designed to establish Chrisianity as the only legal religion in the U.S. and specifically prohibit the free exercise of all other religions.
pharmacy and sorcery
The Greek word for sorcery or witchcraft is Pharmakia, from which we get the modern English word pharmacy.
Christians have for centuries been pointing out that the use of drugs is witchcraft and the use of drugs to cast spells is sorcery.
It is no secret to any Christian who knows their own religion and has extensively studied the Christian Bible that the U.S. Controlled Substance Act is an anti-Witchcraft or anti-sorcery statute.
Gal 5:20 Sorcery/witchcraft, is from the Greek word, Pharmakia the same word we get pharmacy from. it means the general illicit use of drugs (same application as today) and the use of drugs to cast spells etc. Ask for discussion: Who are the two drug dealers of the Bible? Elymas and Simon: Acts 13:6 ; Acts 8:9 Notice this is illustrative of what Gal 5:20 condemns. These men, called sorcerers, magicians, witchcraft. Steve Rudd, author of Drugs and the Bible: E, Shrooms, Cocaine, Crack, Marijuana
Harpers Bible Dictionary: On the lowest level were the imposters (2 Tim. 3:13) who played their tricks as do circus magicians today. Between these were the sorcerers, enchanters, and charmers who could cast spells and knew how to use herbs, potions, and drugs. quoted by Steve Rudd, author of Drugs and the Bible: E, Shrooms, Cocaine, Crack, Marijuana
W. E. Vines Bible Dictionary: In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer. quoted by Steve Rudd, author of Drugs and the Bible: E, Shrooms, Cocaine, Crack, Marijuana
We see the high death rate among young people, the threat of violence, the deplorable proliferation of drugs which strike at the deepest roots of youth today. For these reasons, we hear talk of a lost youth. Pope Benedict XVI, Papal Address to Youth, Pacaembu, Brazil, May 10, 2007
The use of herbs for natural healing and matgick is a hallmark feature of Kemetic Witchcraft. More than two thirds of the modern Western medications (by total usage) are derived from ancient Egyptian Witch Doctor medical knowledge.
Scott Cunningham, now departed, wrote several influential books on Witchcraft use of herbs for Llewellyn Worldwide.
You can read more about herbs on this website.
Witchcraft potions
magick potions
Witches are famous for their potions, which are herbal medications made from natural plants, especially cannabis.
Since the beginning of time, shamans and priest/esses in every human culture have used sacred substances -- hallucinogenic mushrooms, hashish, peyote, wine, to name a few -- to achieve altered states of consciousness, the divine frenzy that opens a magicians mind to the realm beyond the ordinary. When Xtianity imposed on Western culture its puritanical fear of ecstasy, the lore of sacred substances was kept alive by the hidden children of the Old Religion. Dont believe the rote anti-drug disclaimers printed in popular books on the Craft -- Witches really do mutter enchantments over our cauldrons (or at least our cooking pots) as we stir handfuls of strange herbs into magic potions and flying ointments. The use of mind-altering substances for ritual purposes is as integral to Wicca -- and as historically well attested -- as it is to any other indigenous religion, and we consider the outlawing and persecution of traditional sacred plants such as cannabis (marijuana) and Amanita Muscaria (the fairy mushroom) to be a direct violation of Wiccans First Amendment right to freedom of religion. Lady Passion, author of General Information about Witchcraft
Christian Bible scholars are well aware that Witchcraft potions are against the laws of Christianity.
So like a witch that stirs her pot of secret brewing herbs, who then takes a small bottle of the potion and gives it to someone, so too with Elymas and Simon [Acts 13:6 and 8:9]. The witch was a drug dealer. Simon would give hallucinogen drugs like THC (cannabis) Psylocibin or Cybelcyblin (magic mushroom) Cocaine, Heroin (poppy plant) to someone, wait a few minutes then as the drug starts to set in, start waving his hands around giving the impression that HIS POWER is causing all the pink elephants to fly Steve Rudd, author of Drugs and the Bible: E, Shrooms, Cocaine, Crack, Marijuana
Witches are perhaps the most varied of the supernaturals, although The Possessed may rival them. The paradigm by which a Witch does his or her hell-black magic is always different. Sometimes it is readings from cards or the sky, sometimes it is needles in the skin or re-arranging of furniture to tap sick dragon energy, sometimes it is chanting and fire, sometimes psychic powers, sometimes it is taking drops of sinister potions and rolling around giggling. Whatever it may be, Witch magic always takes a dire and ironic cost. Witches were responsible for the Vietnam War, for example. the hunter, 2007
false claims
Kemetic Witchcraft has been persecuted on the basis of many false claims.
Christians claim that Kemetic Witchcraft is supposedly associated with Satan.
One false claim is that Kemetic Witchcraft is supposedly dangerous.
Another common false claim is that Kemetic Witchcraft is supposedly the cause of bad weather and crop failure.
- non-existence
- Satanism
- dangerous
- disease
- bad weather
- agricultural failure
- crop failure
- milk cows going dry
- hens not laying eggs
With all the persecution of Witchcraft, Witch Hunts, and Witch Trials, ironically many Christians make the claim that Witches supposedly dont exist and that Witchcraft religion doesnt exist.
According to Wesleys Notes: Witchcraft not only gives that honour to the devil which is due to God alone, but bids defiance to the divine providence, wages war with Gods government, puts his work into the devils hand expecting him to do good and evil. By our law, consulting, covenanting with, invocating or employing any evil spirit to any intent whatever, and exercising any enchantment, charm, or sorcery, whereby hurt shall be done to any person, is made felony, without benefit of clergy; also pretending to tell where goods lost or stolen may be found, is an iniquity punishable by the judge, and the second offence with death. This was the case in former times. But we are wiser than our fore - fathers. We believe, no witch ever did live! At least, not for these thousand years.
false claims of Satanism
Kemetic Witchcraft has been persecuted on the basis of many false claims.
![]() The Devil is frequently depicted as a male animal figure. |
One false claim is the Kemetic Witchcraft is supposedly Satanic, worshiping the Christian Satan or Devil.
No Christian police officer or prosecutor has ever proven the existence of Satan or the Devil in any American court of law.
Christian chroniclers recording the proceedings of Witch Trials would automatically write in the word Devil whenever a defendant referred to his or her deity. This led to huge number sof trial transcripts where accused Witches speak of their worship of the Devil when they were actually speaking of worship of God or Goddess.
As recently as April 20, 2007, the Los Angeles Times ran a front page article (California section) entitled The case of the missing remains: a real witch hunt in which Times Staff Writer Garrett Therolf quotes Detective Jim Geist of the Santa Ana Police Departments robbery unit falsely claiming that witches were robbing graves in Santa Ana.
Buried deep in the article on the next to last page of the section was the information that Det. Geist discovered through fingerprint evidence and a confession that the robbery wasnt done by witches, but instead done by mentally ill 42-year-old woman named Maria Isabel Foster, who had been arrested for writing bad checks.
Det. Geist is quoted by the Los Angeles Times as saying that interviews with neighbors confirmed his suspicions when unnamed sources supposedly told the detective that she lived with a human skeleton and spoke of an interest in witchcraft. The Santa Ana robbery detective said that when he interviewed Foster on January 4th that she was shy and distant and didnt want to talk about witchcraft but the detective said I told her I was into it and I wanted to understand and she replied She wanted to be understood.
Yes, the detective admitted to the newspaper that he lied to a mentally ill woman and was able to bully her into admitting that she wanted to be understood!
The front page portion of the Los Angeles Times article claims that Det. Geist calls believers in witchcraft creeps and that his investtigation into the stolen cremation remains involved tapping Orange County witchcraft and Orange County satanic worship into the Yahoo search engine.
The newspaper also reports that Det. Geist claimed to have numerous times, as a patrolman, enter[ed] the fenced-in cemetary at night without a flashlight to investigate seances and strange rituals, but the police officer was never able to catch anyone in the act because black-caped figures would run away when he drew near.
Every member of the Santa Ana Police Department, including Detective Jim Geist, is officially paid in money that includes the written religious oath of office In God We Trust.
In 1484 Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict entitled Summis desiderantes affectibus alleging that many men and women in collusion with the Devil supposedly caused disease and pestilence, harmed harvests and cattle, and perpetuated other heinous crimes.
In 1595 Nicholas Remy of France write in Daemonolatreia Whatever is not normal is due to the Devil.
In 1851 the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) accused Eugene Vintras of the Church of Carmel in france of conducting Black Masses and engaging in homosexual acts as part of his rituals.
According to Wesleys Notes: Witchcraft not only gives that honour to the devil which is due to God alone, but bids defiance to the divine providence, wages war with Gods government, puts his work into the devils hand expecting him to do good and evil. By our law, consulting, covenanting with, invocating or employing any evil spirit to any intent whatever, and exercising any enchantment, charm, or sorcery, whereby hurt shall be done to any person, is made felony, without benefit of clergy; also pretending to tell where goods lost or stolen may be found, is an iniquity punishable by the judge, and the second offence with death. This was the case in former times. But we are wiser than our fore - fathers. We believe, no witch ever did live! At least, not for these thousand years.
false claims of danger
One of the false claims against Kemetic Witchcraft has been the claim that cannabis and Witchcraft in general are supposedly dangerous.
Marihuana is the most frightening and vicious drug ever to hit New Orleans. New Orleans Public Safety Commission, 1910
Hasheesh goads users to blood lust. Heasrt Newspapers, 1932
Marihuana is the most violent drug in the history of mankind. H.J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of narcotics, quoted in Heasrt Newspepares, 1938
If the hideous monster of Frankenstein came face to face with marihuana, he would drop dead of fright. H.J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of narcotics, testimony before Congress, 1937
Marihuana is more harmful than habit-forming opium, inducing fits of temporary insanity. Newsweek magazine, January 15, 1945
Marihuana leads to pacifism and Communist brainwashing. H. J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of Narcotics, testimony before Congress, 1948
One of the false claims against Kemetic Witchcraft has been the claim that cannabis and Witchcraft in general are supposedly the cause of disease.
In 1484 Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict entitled Summis desiderantes affectibus alleging that many men and women in collusion with the Devil supposedly caused disease and pestilence, harmed harvests and cattle, and perpetuated other heinous crimes.
bad weather
One of the false claims against Kemetic Witchcraft has been the claim that Witchcraft is supposedly the cause of bad weather.
In 1456 and 1457 there was unusually bad weather in Metz, France, harming many of the local crops. This was attributed to Witchcraft and major Witch Hunts resulted in numerous deaths.
In 1488, in Metz, France, an unusually cold summer (the result of the European mini-Ice Age) was blamed on Witchcraft and twenty-eight (28) persons were burned alive for Witchcraft.
agriculture failure
One of the false claims against Kemetic Witchcraft has been the claim that Witchcraft is supposedly the cause of agricultural failures, including crop failures, milk cows going dry and failing to produce milk, and hens not laying chicken eggs.
Some of the forms of agricultural failures attributed to Witches include:
In 1456 and 1457 there was unusually bad weather in Metz, France, harming many of the local crops. This was attributed to Witchcraft and major Witch Hunts resulted in numerous deaths.
In 1484 Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict entitled Summis desiderantes affectibus alleging that many men and women in collusion with the Devil supposedly caused disease and pestilence, harmed harvests and cattle, and perpetuated other heinous crimes.
Martin Luther, when interpretting Exodus 22:18, claimed that with the help of the Devil, Witches could steal milk simply by thinking of a cow.
In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther taught that Witchcraft was a sin against the second commandment and prescribed the Biblical death penalty for it in a table talk.
On 25 August 1538 there was much discussion about witches and sorceresses who steal chicken egss out of nests, or steal milk and butter. Doctor Luther said One should so no mercy to these [women]; I would burn them myself, for we read in the Law that the priests were the ones to begin the stoning of criminals.
The original Latin and German text:
25, Augusti multa dicebant de veneficis et incantatricibus, quae ova ex gallinis et lac et butyrum furarentur. Respondit Lutherus: Cum illis nulla habenda est misericordia. Ich wolte sie selber verprennen, more legis, ubi sacerdotes reos lapidare incipiebant.
Racism is at the very heart of the Cannabis Witch Hunt.
Marihuana makes darkies think theyre as good as white men. H.J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 1920s
Marihuana is responsible for the raping of white women by crazed negroes. Hearst Newspapers, 1930
Marihuana influenced negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white mens shadows, and look at a white woman twice. Hearst Newspapers, 1935
Negro entertainers with their jazz and swing music are declared an outgrowth of marihuana use which possesses white women to tap their feet. H.J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of Narcotics, testimony before Congress, 1937
The Cannabis Witch Hunt considers music to be Satanic and especially dislikes jazz, blues, rock, and other popular music art forms that have Black African roots.
Negro entertainers with their jazz and swing music are declared an outgrowth of marihuana use which possesses white women to tap their feet. H.J. Anslinger, Federal Bureau of Narcotics, testimony before Congress, 1937
Laughter is one of the signs of Kemetic Witchcraft.
Christians hunting Witches would look for laughter and giggling because this was proof that a person had practiced Witchcraft by smoking cannabis.
The laughter was proof that the spirit of Diana, the Wild One, had entered the person as a result of Witchcraft Sorcery. The Goddess Diana was viewed as the source of magick. The cannabis smoke was how the Goddess Diana gave magickal power to Witches. The incense smoke was the Ba en Aset (soul of the Goddess) of the Bast plant (cannabis hemp or marijuana). The ancient Egyptian phrase was Ntr Sentra, literally meaning the Breath of the Goddess. The exhaled smoke empowers the words of the Witch, turning ordinary words into powerful magick spells.
Every person (of any religion, including Christians) who giggles or laughs as the result of cannabis intoxication is unambigiously engaging in Kemetic Witchcraft.
Witches are perhaps the most varied of the supernaturals, although The Possessed may rival them. The paradigm by which a Witch does his or her hell-black magic is always different. Sometimes it is readings from cards or the sky, sometimes it is needles in the skin or re-arranging of furniture to tap sick dragon energy, sometimes it is chanting and fire, sometimes psychic powers, sometimes it is taking drops of sinister potions and rolling around giggling. Whatever it may be, Witch magic always takes a dire and ironic cost. Witches were responsible for the Vietnam War, for example. the hunter, 2007
Goddess of Witchcraft
There are many different Goddesses of Cannabis and Witchcraft from every culture around the world.
The most important Goddess of Kemetic Witchcraft is Bast (ancient Egyptian name). The center of worship of Bast at Per-Bastet (which the Greeks called Bubastis) in the 18th Sepat (which the Greeks called a nome) of the Nile Delta, Am Khent (which translates as the Prince of the South).

Portions of a red granite foundation are all that remain of the worlds largest temple, the main Temple of Bast on the main island of the Am Khent sepat.

Bast: Bast, or Bastet, is one of the oldest of the Kemetic neteru. The city of Per-Bastet, capital of the Am Khent sepat (or state), was dedicated to the worship of Bast. Bast is a very complex and complete Goddess. She if often described as the Goddess of cats and usually depicted as a beautiful human woman with the head of a cat. She is also the Goddess of cannabis and every cannabis plant is a physical embodiment of Bast. All followers of Am Khent Kemeticism are required by their religion to honor Bast, cats, and cannabis.
The Greeks called this same Goddess Artemis. The Temple of Artemis (or Diana) at Ephesus was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
The Romans called this Goddess Diana.
The Germans called this Goddess Easter. The famous Germanic holy day of Easter, held on the first day of the sun following the first Full Moon after the Spring (or vernal) Equinox, is a celebration of this Goddess and the return of spring. The use of baskets of grass filled with eggs and carried by a mythical rabbit are all symbols of Easters role as the primary Goddess of fertility.
Goddess of Witchcraft
Queen of Witches
There are many different Goddesses of Cannabis and Witchcraft from every culture around the world.
Diana is the Roman version of the magick Goddess of cannabis. Diana is the Queen of Witches.
The Greeks called this same Goddess Artemis. The Temple of Diana at Ephesus was one of the seven wodners of the ancient world.
The Egyptians called this Goddess Bast.
The Germans called this Goddess Easter.
the Wild One
Throughout the Medieval Period in Europe Diana was viewed as the Goddess of the wilderness, the hunt, and wild flora and fauna.
Diana ruled all of the dark forests of Europe throughout the Middle Ages.
From Aradia, in The Charge of the Goddess:
Once in the month, and when the moon is full, ye shall assemble in some desert place, or in a forest all together join to adore the potent spirit of your queen, my mother, great Diana
The Goddess Diana was channeled by Witches through the use of cannabis smoke. Under the influence of cannabis intoxication, Witches can hear the words of Diana.
Diana is the Wild Goddess who transforms a raging bestial human into a laughing and giglling human. See laughter.
Queen of Witches
One of the primary goals of the Christian Inquisitions was to stamp out worship of Diana. Some scholars think this was the original reason for the Inquisition. The Christian clergy proclaimed that Diana was the Queen of the Witches. Torquemada, an infamous witchhunter and grand Inquisitor, claimed that Diana was Satan.
the law against Witchcraft
The law against Kemetic Witchcraft all goes back to early Judaism. The Jewish Torah, Christian Bible, and Islamic Koran (Quran) all specifically call for the death penalty for Witcchraft. This is the basis for all U.S. federal and state laws against cannabis Witchcraft.
The main verse against Kemetic Witchcraft is Exodus 22:18.
Additional verses against Kemetic Witchcraft are found throughout the Bible and Torah.
church law
Canon Eposcopi passed in 906 C.E. This collection of church laws declared that belief in Witchcraft was heresy.
Summis desiderantes affectibus is a 1484 edict issued by Pope Innocent VIII alleging that many men and women were in collusion with the Devil. All Christians were required to assist the two Dominican monks, Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer, placed in charge of handling this supposed Witchcraft problem.
French law
In 500 C.E., the French government passed a Witchcraft law requiring proof that an act of evil had been committed. Otherwise the accuser had to pay damages. Under modern U.S. law, DEA agents and other Christian police are immune from having to pay damages for false accusations.
In 1390, the Parlement de Paris encouraged secular courts to take over from the Inquisition. The first French secular Witch Trial was held that year and over the next few hundred years cases moved from Church Inquisitions to secular Witch Trials.
In 1579, the French government extended the death penalty to everyone who practicied any form of divination.
United States law
In 1970 the U.S. Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) as Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970.
Exodus 22:18
The law against Kemetic Witchcraft all goes back to early Judaism. The Jewish Torah, Christian Bible, and Islamic Koran (Quran) all specifically call for the death penalty for Witcchraft. This is the basis for all U.S. federal and state laws against cannabis Witchcraft.
The basic law on the matter appears in the verse Exodus 22:18 of the Jewish Torah and the Christian Bible.
Exodus 22:18
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live. American Standard Version (ASV)
Exodus 22:18 You shall not allow a woman to live who practices sorcery. Amplified Bible
Exodus 22:18 Put to death any woman who does evil magic. The Answer
Exodus 22:18 Any woman using unnatural powers or secret arts is to be put to death. Bible in Basic English (BBE)
Exodus 22:18 Death is the punishment for witchcraft. Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Darby Translation (DBY)
2 Mosebok 22:18 En trollkvinne skal du ikke la leve Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930 Norse
2 Mosebog 22:18 En Troldkvinde må du ikke lade leve. Dette er Biblen pô dansk Danish
2 Mose 22:18 Jeder, der bei einem Tier liegt, muß getötet werden. Elberfelder German
Exodus 22:18 You shall not permit a sorceress to live. English Standard Version (ESV)
Exodus 22:18 Never let a witch live. Gods Word Translation (GWT)
Exodus 22:18 Put to death any woman who practices magic. Good News Version
Egzòd Se pou nou touye tout fanm kap fè maji. Haitian Creole Version Creole
Exodus 22:18 Een tovenares moet worden gedood. Het Boek Dutch
Exodus 22:18 You must not allow a sorceress to live. Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
2 Mózes 22:18 Varázslò asszonyt ne hagyj életben. Hungarian KÃiroli Hungarian
Önnur bók Móse 22:18 Eigi skalt þú láta galdrakonu lífi halda. Icelandic Bible Icelandic
Exodus 22:18 You shall not allow a sorceress to live. Jerusalem Bible
Éxodo 22:18 Não permitirás que viva uma feiticeira. João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada Portuguese
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live. JPS Tanakh
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. King James Version/Authorized Version (KJV)
Exode 22:18 Quiconque saccouple à une bête sera puni de mort. La Bible du Semeur French
Éxodo 22:18 No dejarás con vida a la hechicera. La Biblia de las Américas Spanish
Esodo 22:18 Non lascerai vivere la strega. La Nuova Diodati (LND) Italian
Exodus 22:18 A sorceress shall be put to death. Living Bible
Exode 22:18 Tu ne laisseras point vivre la magicienne. Louis Segond French
2 Mose 22:18 Die Zauberinnen sollst du nicht leben lassen. Luther Bibel 1545 German
Exodus 22:18 Kei tukua e koe te wahine makutu kia ora. Maori Bible Maori
Exodus 22:18 Dont let a sorceress live. The Message
Exodus 22:18 Allow no sorceress to live. Modern Language Bible
Exodus 22:18 You shall not allow any sorceress to live. James Moffatt Translation
Exodus 22:18 You shall not let a sorceress live. New American Bible
Exodus 22:18 You shall not allow a sorceress to live. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Exodus 22:18 Put to death any woman who does evil magic. New Century Version
Exodus 22:18 Do not let a woman who does evil magic stay alive. Put her to death. New International Readers Version (NIRV)
Exodus 22:18 Do not allow a soceress to live. New International Version (NIV)
Exodus 22:18 Do not allow a sorceress to live. New International Version - UK (NIVUK)
Exodus 22:18 You shall not permit a sorceress to live. New King James Version (NKJV)
Exodus 22:18 Do not allow a woman to live who does witchcraft. New Life Version (NLV)
Exodus 22:18 You must not allow a sorceress to live. New Living Translation (NLT)
Exodus 22:18 You shall not permit a female sorcerer to live. New Revised Standard version
Exodus 22:18 You must not preserve a sorceress alive. New World Translation
Éxodo 22:18 »No dejes con vido a ninguna hechicera. Nueva Versión Internacional Spanish
Éxodo 22:18 Os feiticeiros terão de morrer. O Livro Portuguese
Exodus 22:18 Death is the punishment for witchcraft. The Promise: Contemporary English Version
Éxodo 22:18 A la hechicera no dejarás que viva. Reina-Valera Antigua Spanish
Éxodo 22:18 A la hechicera no dejarás que viva. Reina-Valera 1960 Spanish
Éxodo 22:18 »A la hechicera no dejarás que viva. Reina-Valera 1995 Spanish
Exodus 22:18 You must not allow a witch to live. Revised English Bible
Exodus 22:18 You shall not permit a sorceress to live. Revised Standard Version
Exod 22:18 Pe vra ÷ jitoare sa no las ü i sa ÷ tra ÷ iasca ÷. Romanian Romanian
Exodus 22:18 Do not allow a sorceress to live. Todays New International Version (TNIV)
Exodus 22:18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. Websters Bible Translation (WBS)
Exodus 22:18 You shall not allow a sorceress to live. World English Bible (WEB)
Exodus 22:18 A witch thou dost not keep alive. Youngs Literal translation
According to the Scofield Reference Bible this Hebrew verse was originally written in the year 1491 B.C.E.
According to Wesleys Notes: Witchcraft not only gives that honour to the devil which is due to God alone, but bids defiance to the divine providence, wages war with Gods government, puts his work into the devils hand expecting him to do good and evil. By our law, consulting, covenanting with, invocating or employing any evil spirit to any intent whatever, and exercising any enchantment, charm, or sorcery, whereby hurt shall be done to any person, is made felony, without benefit of clergy; also pretending to tell where goods lost or stolen may be found, is an iniquity punishable by the judge, and the second offence with death. This was the case in former times. But we are wiser than our fore - fathers. We believe, no witch ever did live! At least, not for these thousand years.
other verses against Witches
The main verse against Kemetic Witchcraft is Exodus 22:18.
related prohibitions
Leviticus 19:26 You shall not eat anything with the blood, nor practice divination or soothsaying. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Leviticus 19:31 Do not turn to mediums or spiritists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Leviticus 19:31 Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. New International Version (NIV)
Leviticus 20:6 As for the person who turns to mediums and to spiritists, to play the harlot after them, I will also set My face against that person and will cut him off from among his people. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Leviticus 20:6 I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums and spiritsts to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut him off from his people. New International Version (NIV)
Levitcus 20:27 No a man or a woman who is a medium or a spiritist shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones, their bloodguiltiness is upon them. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Leviticus 20:27 A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads. New International Version (NIV)
Deuteronomy 18:10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, one who practices witchcraft, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Deuteronomy 18:11 or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
I Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of divination, And insubordination is as iniquity and idolatry Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He has also rejected you frm being king. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
I Samuel 28:3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Israel had lamented him and buried him in Ramah, his own city And Saul had removed from the land those who were mediums and spiritists. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Jeremiah 27:9 But as for you, do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your dreamers, your soothsayers or your socerers who speak to you, saying, You will not server the king of Babylon. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Jeremiah 27:10 For they prophesy a lie to you in order to remove you far from your land; and I will drive you out and you will perish. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Malachi 3:5 Then I will draw near you for judgment; and I wwill be a swift witness against the sorcerers and against the adulterers and against those who swear falsely, and against those who oppress the wage earner in his wages, the widow and the orphan, and those who turn aside the alien and do not fear Me, says the LORD of hosts. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Witch of Endor
The main verse against Kemetic Witchcraft is Exodus 22:18.
The story of the Witch of Endor highlights the dangers to the lives of Witches in ancient Israel.
Witch of Endor
I Samuel 28:3 Now Samuel was dead, and all Isreal had mourned for him and buried him in his own town of Ramah. Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:7 Saul thenm said to his attendants, Find me a woman who is a medium, so I may go and inquire of her.
There is one in Endor, they said. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:8 So Saul disguised himself, putting on other clothes, and at night he and two men went to the woman. Consult a spirit for me, he said, and bring up for me the one I name. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:9 But the woman said to him, Surely you know what Saul has done. He has cut off the mediums and spiritsts from tha land. Why have you set a trap for my life to bring about my death? New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:10 Saul swore to her by the LORD, As surely as the LORD lives, you will not be punished for this. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:11 Then the woman asked, Whom shall I bring up for you?
Bring up Samuel, he said. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out at the top of her voice and said to Saul, Why have you deceived me? You are Saul! New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:13 The king said to her, Dont be afraid. What do you see?
The woman said, I see a spirit coming up out of the ground. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:14 What does he look like? he asked.
An old man wearing a robe is coming up, she said.
Then Saul knew it wqas Samuel, and he bowed down and prostrated himself with his face to the ground. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:15 Samuel said to Saul, Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?
I am in great distress, Saul said. The Philistines are fighting against me, and God has turned away from me. He no longer answers me, either by prophets or by dreams. So I have called on you to tell me what to do. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:16 Samuel said, Why do you consult me, now that the LORD has turned away from you and become your enemy? New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:17 The LORD has done what he predicted through me. The LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hands and given it to one of your neighbors to David. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:18 Because you did not obey the LORD or carry out his fierce wrath against the Amalekites, the LORD has done this to you today. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:19 The LORD will hand over both Israel and you to the Phiistines, and tomorrow you and your sons will be with me. The LORD will also hand over the army of Israel to the Philistines. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:20 Immediately Saul fell full length on the ground, filled with fear because of Samuels words. His strength was gone, for he had eaten nothing all that day and night. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:21 When the woman came to Saul and saw that he was greatly shaken, she said, Look, your maidservant has obeyed you. I took my life in my hands and did what you told me to do. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:22 Now please listen to your servant and let me give you some food so you may eat and have the strength to go on your way. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:23 He refused and said, I will not eat.
But his men joined the woman in urging him, and he listened to them. He got up from the ground and sat on the couch. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:24 The woman had a fattened calf at the house, which she butchered at once. She took some flour, kneaded it and baked bread without yeast. New International Version (NIV)
I Samuel 28:25 Then she set it before Saul and his men, and they ate. That same night they got up and left. New International Version (NIV)
Papal Bull of 1484
Pope Innocent VIII
Summis desiderantes affectibus
On December 5th, 1484, Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict (Bull) entitled Summis desiderantes affectibus alleging that many men and women were in collusion with the Devil. All Christians were required to assist the two Dominican monks, Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer, placed in charge of handling this supposed Witchcraft problem.
Pope Innocent VIII put Sprenger and Kramer in charge of seeking out and fighting people who supposedly in association with Satan to cause disease and pestilence, harm harvests and cattle, and perpetuate other heinous crimes.
full text of the Papal Bull of 1484:
Innocent VIII: BULL Summis desiderantes, Dec. 5th, 1484
Bullarium Romanum (Taurinensis editio), sub, anno 1484.
Innocent, bishop, servant of the servants of God, Ad futuram rei memoriam
Desiring with supreme ardor, as pastoral solicitude requires, that the catholic faith in our days everywhere grow and flourish as much as possible, and that all heretical depravity be put far from the territories of the faithful, we freely declare and anew decree this by which our pious desire may be fulfilled, and, all errors being rooted out by our toil as with the hoe of a wise laborer, zeal and devotion to this faith may take deeper hold on the hearts of the faithful themselves.
It has recently come to our ears, not without great pain to us, that in some parts of upper Germany, as well as in the provinces, cities, territories, regions, and dioceses of Mainz, Ko1n, Trier, Salzburg, and Bremen, many persons of both sexes, heedless of their own salvation and forsaking the catholic faith, give themselves over to devils male and female, and by their incantations, charms, and conjurings, and by other abominable superstitions and sortileges, offences, crimes, and misdeeds, ruin and cause to perish the offspring of women, the foal of animals, the products of the earth, the grapes of vines, and the fruits of trees, as well as men and women, cattle and flocks and herds and animals of every kind, vineyards also and orchards, meadows, pastures, harvests, grains and other fruits of the earth; that they afflict and torture with dire pains and anguish, both internal and external, these men, women, cattle, flocks, herds, and animals, and hinder men from begetting and women from conceiving, and prevent all consummation of marriage; that, moreover, they deny with sacrilegious lips the faith they . received in holy baptism; and that, at the instigation of the enemy of mankind, they do not fear to commit and perpetrate many other abominable offences and crimes, at the risk of their own souls, to the insult of the divine majesty and to the pernicious example and scandal of multitudes. And, although our beloved sons Henricus Institoris and Jacobus Sprenger, of the order of Friars Preachers, professors of theology, have been and still are deputed by our apostolic letters as inquisitors of heretical pravity, the former in the aforesaid parts of upper Germany, including the provinces, cities, territories, dioceses, and other places as above, and the latter throughout certain parts of the course of the Rhine; nevertheless certain of the clergy and of the laity of those parts, seeking to be wise above what is fitting, because in the said letter of deputation the aforesaid provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and other places, and the persons and offences in question were not individually and specifically named, do not blush obstinately to assert that these are not at all included in the said parts and that therefore it is illicit for the aforesaid inquisitors to exercise their office of inquisition in the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and other places aforesaid, and that they ought not to be permitted to proceed to the punishment, imprisonment, and correction of the aforesaid persons for the offences and crimes above named. Wherefore in the provinces, cities, dioceses territories, and places aforesaid such offences and crimes, not without evident damage to their souls and risk of eternal salvation, go unpunished.
We therefore, desiring, as is our duty, to remove all impediments by which in any way the said inquisitors are hindered in the exercise of their office, and to prevent the taint of heretical pravity and of other like evils from spreading their infection to the ruin of others who are innocent, the zeal of religion especially impelling us, in order that the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and places aforesaid in the said parts of upper Germany may not be deprived of the office of inquisition which is their due, do hereby decree, by virtue of our apostolic authority, that it shall be permitted to the said inquisitors in these regions to exercise their office of inquisition and to proceed to the correction, imprisonment, and punishment of the aforesaid persons for their said offences and crimes, in all respects and altogether precisely as if the provinces, cities, territories, places, persons, and offences aforesaid were expressly named in the said letter. And, for the greater sureness, extending the said letter and deputation to the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, places, persons, and crimes aforesaid, we grant to the said inquisitors that they or either of them joining with them our beloved son Johannes Gremper, cleric of the diocese of Coonstance, master of arts, their present notary, or any other notary public who by them or by either of them shall have been temporarily delegated in the provinces, cities, dioceses, territories, and places aforesaid, may exercise against all persons, of whatsoever condition and rank, the said office of inquisition, correcting, imprisoning, punishing and chastising, according to their deserts, those persons whom they shall find guilty as aforesaid.
And they shall also have full and entire liberty to propound and preach to the faithful word of God, as often as it shall seem to them fitting and proper, in each and all of the parosh churches in the said provinces, and to do all things necessary and suitable under the aforesaid circumstances, and likewise freely and fully to carry them out.
Malleus Maleficarum
Malleus Maleficarum or the Witchs Hammer was the primary Roman Catholic document about how to persecute Witches. It was written by Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer, Domincan monks working on orders from Pope Innocent VIII.
In 1484 Pope Innocent VIII issued an edict entitled Summis desiderantes affectibus alleging that many men and women were in collusion with the Devil. All Christians were required to assist the two Dominican monks, Jacob Sprenger and Heinrich Kramer, placed in charge of handling this supposed Witchcraft problem.
Pope Innocent VIII put Sprenger and Kramer in charge of seeking out and fighting people who supposedly in association with Satan to cause disease and pestilence, harm harvests and cattle, and perpetuate other heinous crimes.
In 1486 Sprenger and Kramer published Malleus Maleficarum or the Witchs Hammer, codifying the charges, interrogation procedures, and judicial resolutions for Witchcraft trials.
cover of the seventh Cologne edition, 1520
Latin Text: MALLEUS MALEFICARUM, Maleficas, & earum h¾resim, ut phramea potentissima conterens
English Translation: The Hammer of Witches, smashing the Witches and their heresies with a mighty spear.
Martin Luther
Martin Luther, the founder of Lutherism and Protestanism, was an active persecutor of Witches.
In 1517 Martin Luther posted his theses, resulting in large scale wars and other extremes of violence between Protestants and Roman Catholics.
The followers of Luther believed that the Roman Catholics were inspired by the Devil, resulting in a major increase of Witch Trials. The Roman Catholics responded with the same charges of Satanic inspiration against the Protestants.
Martin Luther, when interpretting Exodus 22:18, claimed that with the help of the Devil, Witches could steal milk simply by thinking of a cow.
In his Small Catechism, Martin Luther taught that Witchcraft was a sin against the second commandment and prescribed the Biblical death penalty for it in a table talk.
On 25 August 1538 there was much discussion about witches and sorceresses who steal chicken egss out of nests, or steal milk and butter. Doctor Luther said One should so no mercy to these [women]; I would burn them myself, for we read in the Law that the priests were the ones to begin the stoning of criminals.
The original Latin and German text:
25, Augusti multa dicebant de veneficis et incantatricibus, quae ova ex gallinis et lac et butyrum furarentur. Respondit Lutherus: Cum illis nulla habenda est misericordia. Ich wolte sie selber verprennen, more legis, ubi sacerdotes reos lapidare incipiebant.
separation of Church and State
The primary purpose of the separation of Church and State was to put an end to the horrors of the Witch Trials and Witch Hunts.
The American Revolution (1776) and French Revolution (1789) marked the end to the widespread use of the Witch Trials in Western society by confirming the separation of secular and ecclesiastic powers.
U.S. laws against Kemetic Witchcraft, such as the Controlled Substance Act (CSA), mark a return to secular trials for religious crimes.
We see the high death rate among young people, the threat of violence, the deplorable proliferation of drugs which strike at the deepest roots of youth today. For these reasons, we hear talk of a lost youth. Pope Benedict XVI, Papal Address to Youth, Pacaembu, Brazil, May 10, 2007
Controlled Substance Act (CSA)
In 1970 the U.S. Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) as Title II of the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970.
Under the CSA, cannabis tetrahydrocannibinols (including marijuana, hashish, and hashish oil) is designated by Congress as a Schedule I substance, supposedly having no medical value and therefore illegal to manufacture, distribute, or dispense; or possess with intent to manfacture, distribute, or dispense.
Severe penalties include a mandatory minimum of 10 year prison sentence a maximum of life in prison for more than 1,000 kilograms or 1,000 plants. The mandatory minimum for 100 to 1,000 kilgrams or 100 to 1,000 plants is five years in prison and a maximum of 40 years in prison.
The sentence for less than 50 kilograms (unless there are more than 50 plants) is a maximum of five years in federal prison.
For simple possession of small amounts, the first offense has a maximum sentence of one year in federal prison. On a second offense there is a minimum of 90 days in prison. On a third or subsequent offense there is a maximum of three years in prison. Distribution of small amounts of cannabis for no financial renumeration (note that means no payment of any kind) has the same penalties.
Under CSA Section 859, if a person 18 years old or older sells more than five grams of cannabis to a person under the age of 21 (even if the person purchasing is older than the person selling), the maximum sentence is doubled. On the second offense, the maximum penalty is tripled.
Under CSA Section 860, manufacturing (growing) or sale of cannabis within 1,000 feet of a school (including any university or college campus) or public housing facility or within 100 feet of a public youth center, pool, or arcade, results in the maximum sentence being doubled. On the second offense, the maximum penalty is tripled. If found guilty under this section, a person is not eligible for probation, suspension of the sentence, or early parole.
During the Inquisition, the term voluntary confession referred to any comments or testimony given while the Witch was not being tortured. It was common for the Witch to be tortured for 30 days, then brought before the court to repeat the confessions previously made under torture. This was considered voluntary confession, because there was no active torture at the time of the confession.
In 1604 King James I of England issued his statute against Witchcraft, in which the king wrote that Witches are loathe to confess without torture.
In Germany confessions were usually obtained under torture, following a format established by Roman Emperors Constantine, Valentine, and Valens in the fourth century. As a result, the vast majority of records from German Witch Trials in the 1500s and 1600s are repetitve and monotonous.
The Malleus Maleficarum states: He must not be too quick to subject a witch to examination, but must pay attention to certain signs which will follow. And he must not be too quick for this reason: unless God, through a holy Angel, compels the devil to withhold his help from the witch, she will be so insensible to the pains of torture that she will sooner be torn limb from limb than confess any of the truth. But the torture is not to be neglected for this reason, for they are not equally endowed with this power, and also the devil sometimes of his own will permits them to confess their crimes without being compelled by a holy Angel.
On the 12th of February 2008, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, a devout Roman Catholic, strongly affirmed the right to torture in an interview on BBC Radios half hour show Law In Action.

BBC: If you look at the U.S. Supreme Courts actions in relation to Guant‡namo Bay, people might say, Well, it took a very long time for you to come down and do the right thing.
SCALIA: Well, now youre talking about a different issue, Guant‡namo Bay, Im talking about the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution gives rights to Americans wherever they are, and to foreigners who are in America, who are in the United States. It doesnt give rights to everybody in the world. I dont, I dont have a warrant to go investigating the actions of my country throughout the world, to see whose rights they violated. I mean, there may be some natural law up there in the sky, but the American Constitution doesnt give rights to these people. And that was the principal issue in Guant‡namo, whether indeed Guant‡namo Bay wasnt within the United States, and our courts had no jurisdiction there. Just because you would like it to be so does not make it so, it seems to me. You have to consult the text of the document, and the text of the Constitution does not confer rights on people of the world.
BBC: Tell me about the issue of torture. We know that cruel and unusual punishment is prohibited under the 8th Amendment. Does that mean that the issue is a kind of, if it comes up before the Court, is a no-brainer?
SCALIA: Well, a lot of people think it is, but I find that extraordinary. To begin with, the Constitution refers to cruel and unusual punishment. It is referring to punishment for crime. For example, incarcerating someone indefinitely would certainly be cruel and unusual punishment for a crime. But a court can do that when a witness refuses to answer, can just commit them to jail until you will answer the question, without any time limit on it, as a means of coercing the witness to answer as the witness should. And I suppose its the same thing about so-called torture. Is it really so easy to determine that smacking someone in the face, to find out where he has hidden the bomb that is about to blow up Los Angeles, is prohibited by the Consti- because smacking someone in the face would violate the 8th Amendment in the prison context, you cant go around smacking people about. Is it obvious that what cant be done for punishment cant be done to exact information that is crucial to the society? I think it is not at all an easy question, to tell you the truth.
BBC: Its a question thats been raised by Alan Dershowitz and other people, this idea of ticking-bomb-torture. You know. But its predicated on the basis that youve got a plane with nuclear weapons, thats flying toward the White House, you happen to have in your possession Ð hooray Ð the person who has the key information that can put everything right, and you stick a needle under his fingernail, you get the answer, and that should be allowed.
SCALIA: And you think it shouldnt.
SCALIA: All Im saying is
BBC: think about it, its a bizarre scenario, because the fact is, its very unlikely youre going to have the one person who can give you that information. And so if you use that as an excuse to permit torture, then perhaps thats a dangerous thing.
SCALIA: It seems to me, you have to say, as unlikely as that is, it would be absurd to say that you, you, can, I dont know, something under the fingernails, smack him in the face Ð itd be absurd to say that you cant do that. And once you acknowledge that, were into a different game. How close does the threat have to be, and how severe can the infliction of pain be? I dont think these are easy questions at all, in either direction. But I certainly know that you cant come in, smugly and, and, uh, with great self-satisfaction and say, Oh, its torture, and therefore, its, its, uh, no good. You would not apply that in some real-life situations. It may not be a ticking bomb in Los Angeles, but it may be, Where is this group that we know is plotting some very painful action against the United States? Where are they and what are they currently planning?
kinds of Christian torture:
More than two thirds of all torture devices ever invented in all of human history were invented by the Christian Inquisitions.
More than 92% of all torture devices designed to sexually mutilate female genitalia were invented by the Second Spanish Inquisition.
November 4, 1660 Elizabeth Brose tortured to death for Witchcraft in the castle at Gommern, Germany.
standing the Witch
Standing the Witch was a form of Christian Inquisitional torture in which a Witch was forced to stay awake for days on end (up to 30 days). Sleep deprivation is one of the featured forms of torture at Guant‡namo Bay. In the Christian version, an iron helmet is mounted onto the Witchs head and chained to a wall, forcing the Witch to stay in a standing position and preventing sleep.
water boarding
![]() Image of a woodcut depicting waterboarding included in J. Damhoudères Praxis Rerum Criminalium, Antwerp, 1556. |
Water boarding, or simulated drowning, was created by the Spanish Inquisition. Water boarding was one of the featured forms of torture at Guant‡namo Bay.
Water boarding was first used in the 14th Century as part of the Italian Inquisition. This form of torture was known as water torture, the water cure, or tormenta de toca (a reference to the thin piece of cloth placed over the victims mouth.
According to Ed Peters, a historian at the University of Pennsyvania, using water to obtain confessions was a normal incident of law, similar to modern cross-examination.
Water boarding was used by both the Inquisitions and secular courts. According to Peters, the Inquisitors were more careful about it because they were professionals.
Bruloirs are large ovens used to kill Witches in probably the most painful manner possible. In Spain these Christian torture devices are called quemadero or brassero.
abstract painting of a bruloir
Saint Augustine claimed that burning stakes and bruloirs were justified because hell is a cruel place and cruelty that lasts for less than an hour is preferable to cruelty that lasts for eternity.
The use of bruloirs increased the efficiency of the Christian campaign of death in the exact same way as the infamous Nazi gas chambers, by allowing authorities to kill larger numbers of innocent Witches.
Christian authorities used bruloirs to kill entire families, including the children of Witches.
In 1812, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published a collection of fairy tales drawn from German folk sources, including such famous fairy tales as Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, and Hansel and Gretel. In Kinder und Hausmarchen (page 68) the Brothers Grimm describe the burning of a with in an oven:
Hu! da fing sie an zu heulen, ganz grauselich;
aber Gretel lief fort, und
die gottlose Hexe muste elendiglich verbrennen.
Which translates into English as: Oh! How the (old witch) did howl, it was quite horrible to hear her; but Gretel ran away, and the irreligious witch had to burn miserably.
One writer reports: In a study on the agony of dying based on judgments of forensic pathologists (Rhyne,, 1995), the most excruciating way to die is by fire, followed by pain of death resulting from cutting the throat and by stabbing the abdomen. The bruloirs intensified the pain of death by fire by slowing down the process and increasing its psychological impact by the horror of being enclosed in a small, dark place where the temperature was steadily raising. This method of execution is salient among the cruelest methods designed to intensify the agony of death.
Pressing was a method of torture used to attempt to get a person to confess to Witchcraft, but it often ended up kiling the person. In some cases the killing would be deliberate after the confession.
A large wooden board would be placed on the Witchs chest and then heavy stones would be piled on the board, slowly increasing the pressure on the rib cage to make breathing difficult. Sometimes the weight of the stones broke the ribs, crushing the Witch to death.
September 19, 1692 Giles Corey pressed to death for Witchcraft at Salem, New England.
Elizabeth Bathory
Elizabeth Bathory is a perfect example of how Christians make up false charges and hold fake trials in order to seize the property of innocent humans, especially powerful and independent women.

portrait painted in 1585 and stolen in the 1990s
Elizabeth Bathory (Erzsébet Báthory in her native language) was born in 1560, the second child of George (Gyorgy) and Anna Báthory. Her family was one of the richest and most powerful in Transylvania. She grew up on the Báthory estate at Ecsed in Transylvania. She spent much of her adult life at the Castle Cachtrice, near the town of Vishine in the current day Slovak Republic.
Elizabeth Báthory grew up in a time when the Hapsburg Austrian armies were fighting the Ottoman Empire over much of what is present day Hungary.
In 1571 her cousin Stephen became the Prince of Transylvania and in 1581 he became the king of Poland.
![]() Nadasdy family crest |
In 1571 eleven-year-old Elizabeth was engaged to marry 16-year-old Count Ferencz Nadasdy. On May 8, 1575, Elizabeth married Count Ferencz Nadasdy. Her family sided with the Protestants against the Roman Catholic Church.
After her husbands death on January 4, 1604, Elizabeth moved to Vienna. She also spent time at the family estates in Blindoc (Beckov) and Csejthe, both in modern Slovakia. Anna Darvulia, later accused of Witchcraft, started working for Elizabeth.
For years Countess Báthory kept pestering King Matthias II of Hungary repay the debt of 17,408 gulden owed her late husband. She sold her castle at Theben in 1607 and her castle at Blindoc in 1610.
In 1610 Imre Megyery (Megyery the Red) presented a formal complaint before the Hungarian Parliament. An inquiry was conducted.
On December 29, 1610, the Hungarian King Matthias II ordered Lord Palatine, Elizabeths cousin Count Cuyorgy Thurzo and governor of the province, to raid Castle Csejthe and place Elizabeth under house arrest. The official charge was Witchcraft on the false claim that Elizabeth had killed more than 600 women to drain their blood. Supposedly the Countess had bathed in the blood to keep her youthful and beautiful appearance.
A trial was conducted a few days later by Count Thurzo, an agent for the king. No testimony was presented to support any of the charges. There is no independent contemporary evidence of any kind that Elizabeth Báthory engaged in any of these activities.
A second trial was held on January 7, 1611, at Bitscse. This time a mysterious register was introduced that supposedly was a list of 650 names of victims in Elizabeth Báthorys own handwriting (even though the handwriting didn't match any of her other handwriting).
The first trial was held in Hugarian and the second trial was held in Latin. The purpose was not just conviction, but also confiscation of her extensive land holdings.
After being tortured, Elizabeths manservant Thorko claimed to have introduced the Countess to the occult.
Supposed accomplices, all testifying after extremes of Christian torture, included János Ujvary, Thorko, a forest witch named Anna Darvula, and a witch named Dorottya Szentes. The suuposed accomplices were beheaded and cremated.
Despite repeated requests to speak in her own defense, Count Thurzo refused to allow her to appear or testufy at her trial, claiming that allowing her to testify in her own defense would disgrace the Báthory family name.
Transcripts of the trial were sealed on orders from King Matthias II. A hundred years later a Jesuit priest named Laszlo Turoczy located copies of the original trial documents and gathered additional evidence.
Elizabeth Báthory was sentenced to be sealed into a room in Castle Cachtice without widnows or doors and only a small opening for food and air. She died three years later on August 21, 1614.
The real reason for the trial was to steal her lands and cancel debts owed to her. After the trial, the crown seized the ample lands she owned and cancelled the debt from when the crown had borrowed large sums of money from her husband.
Even to this day, seizing property of accused Witches is a central and vital part of the DEAs Cannabis Witch Hunt.
In addition to organized religious activity, Christians often act in mobs.
1704 Janet Corset killed by a mob for Witchcraft at Pittenweem, Scotland.
death penalty
The traditional punishment for Kemetic Witchcraft is the death penalty. This is especially true for the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), the official religion of the six-person majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
The law against Kemetic Witchcraft all goes back to early Judaism. The Jewish Torah, Christian Bible, and Islamic Koran (Quran) all specifically call for the death penalty for Witcchraft. This is the basis for all U.S. federal and state laws against cannabis Witchcraft. See Exodus 22:18 and other verses.
In 1579, the French government extended the death penalty to everyone who practicied any form of divination.
methods of death penalty
witches who died in prison
1310 Peter of Albano died in prison for Witchcraft.
August 21, 1614 Elizabeth Báthory died for Witchcraft in a sealed room in Castle Cachtice in Slovakia.
witches killed where the method wasnt recorded
December 1, 1595 Helen Calles executed for Witchcraft at Braynford, England.
October 21, 1596 Sieur de Beaumont accused of Witchcraft.
1597 Jean Belon executed in France for Witchcraft.
July 22, 1612 Mary Barber executed for Witchcraft in Northhampton, England.
July 22, 1612 Arthur Bill executed at Northhampton, England, for Witchcraft.
July 22, 1612 Agnes Browne executed at Northhampton, England, for Witchcraft.
July 22, 1612 Joan Browne executed at Northhampton, England, for Witchcraft.
1612 Jane Bulcock executed at Lancaster, England, for Witchcraft.
1612 John Bulcock executed at Lancaster, England, for Witchcraft.
March 20, 1619 Etienne Audibert condemned for Witchcraft in France.
1619 Anne Baker executed for Witchcraft in Leicester, England.
1652 Francis Adamson executed at Durham, England, for Witchcraft.
August 19, 1692 Martha Carrier executed at Salem, New England, for Witchcraft.
September 22, 1692 Martha Corey executed at Salem, New England, for Witchcraft.
1751 Anna Bayerin executed at Salzburg, Austria, for Witchcraft.
William Barton executed for Witchcraft in Scotland (year unknown).
The traditional punishment for Kemetic Witchcraft is the death penalty. This is especially true of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), the official religion of the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
A common method of carrying out the Christian death penalty against Witches was hanging.
November 18, 1441 Roger Bolingbroke was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn, England, for Witchcraft.
1574 Arnold (first name unknown) hanged at Barking, England, for Witchcraft.
1616 Agnes Berrye hanged at Enfield, England, for Witchcraft.
1631 Edmund Bull hanged at Taunton, England, for Witchcraft.
1649 Matthew Bulmer hanged at Newcastle, England, for Witchcraft.
1650 Joan Allen hanged at Old Bailey, London, England, for Witchcraft.
July 1652 Anne Ashby hanged at Maidstone, England, for Witchcraft.
July 1652 Mary Browne hanged at Maidstone, England, for Witchcraft.
1653 Anne Bodenham hanged at Salisbury, England, for Witchcraft.
1655 mother Boram (first name unknown) hung at Bury St. Edmunds, England, for Witchcraft.
1655 daughter Boram (first name unknown) hung at Bury St. Edmunds, England, for Witchcraft.
March 26, 1658 Jane Brooks hanged in England for Witchcraft.
June 10, 1692 Briget Bishop hanged at Salem, New England, for Witchcraft.

the hanging of George Burroughs
August 19, 1692 George Burroughs executed at Salem, New England, for Witchcraft.
hanged, drawn and quartered
The traditional punishment for Kemetic Witchcraft is the death penalty. This is especially true of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), the official religion of the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
A method of carrying out the Christian death penalty against Witches was being hanged, drawn and quartered.
This punishment was first imposed on William Maurice for piracy in 1241 under King Henry III of England.
The punishment of hanged, drawn and quartered was carried out as follows:
- Dragged on a hurdle to the place of execution. A hurdle was a wooden frame.
- Hanged by the neck for a short time, until almost dead.
- Disembowelled. The genitalia of the condemned Witch would be cut off and burned before the condemneds eyes. The entrails (intestines and other soft organs) of the condemned Witch would be drawn out of the body and then burned before the condemneds eyes.
- Quartered. Beheaded and the body divided into four parts.
Typically the five parts of the Witch (the four quarters of the body and the head) would be gibbeted (placed on public display).
The drawing and quartering carried special religious significance for the Christians of Western Europe. They believed that mutilating a human body was contrary to proper dignity and thereby punished the person beyond the grave.
One trial transcript from the Old Bailey, London, England, on July 12, 1683 states (The Proceedings of the Old Bailey Ref. t16830712-4):
Then Sentence was passed, as followeth, viz. That they should return to the place from whence they came, from thence be drawn to the Common place of Execution upon Hurdles, and there to be Hanged by the Necks, then cut down alive, their Privy-Members cut off, and Bowels taken out to be burnt before their Faces, their Heads to be severed from their Bodies, and their Bodies divided into four parts, to be disposed of as the King should think fit.
November 18, 1441 Roger Bolingbroke was hanged, drawn and quartered at Tyburn, England, for Witchcraft.
The traditional punishment for Kemetic Witchcraft is the death penalty. This is especially true of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC), the official religion of the majority of the U.S. Supreme Court.
A common method of carrying out the Christian death penalty against Witches was beheading.
1500s Mark Antony Bragadini beheaded for Witchcraft in Italy.
1628 or 1629 Ancker (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Zuickel Babel beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Babel (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 husband Bannach (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 wife Bannach (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Fredrick Basser beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Batsch (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Gabriel Bebelin beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Viertel Beck beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Beck (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Christopher Berger beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 mother Bentz (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 daughter Bentz (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Beutler (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Brickmann (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Bugler (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Bursten-Binderin (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
1628 or 1629 Canzler (first name unknown) beheaded for Witchcraft at Wurzburg, Germany.
April 14, 1647 Catterina Baroni beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
April 14, 1647 Domenica Camelli beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
April 14, 1647 Lucia Caveden beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
April 14, 1647 Zinevra Cemola beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
burning Witches
While some Witches were burned to death, most commonly the dead body of the Witch was burned after execution by some other means, usually hanging.
One writer reports: In a study on the agony of dying based on judgments of forensic pathologists (Rhyne,, 1995), the most excruciating way to die is by fire, followed by pain of death resulting from cutting the throat and by stabbing the abdomen. The bruloirs intensified the pain of death by fire by slowing down the process and increasing its psychological impact by the horror of being enclosed in a small, dark place where the temperature was steadily raising. This method of execution is salient among the cruelest methods designed to intensify the agony of death.
Christians have a long standing fascination with burning people to death.

The word fire is one of the most frequent words in the Christian Bible. The words fire (506 occurences), blood (375), and death (342) outnumber the word love (only 281 occurences). the word fire appears 79 times in the New Testament and 427 times in the Old Testament.
John 15:6 Unless any one abide in me he is cast out as the branch, and is dried up; and they gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned. Darby Translation
John 15:6 If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is iwithered; and men gather them, can cast them into the fire, and they are burned. King James Version (KJV)
John 15:6 If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned. New American Standard Bible (NASB)
John 15:6 If any man dwelleth not in me, he shall be cast out as a branch, and shall wax dry; and they shall gather him, and they shall cast him into the fire, and he shall burn [and he burneth]. Wycliffe New Testament
John 15:6 If any ne may not remain in me, he was cast forth without as the branch, and was withered, and they gather them, and cast to fire, and they are burned; Youngs Literal Translation
In 383 C.E., Priscillian of Avila was burned to death. Although originally accused of Manichaeism, the official reason he was executed was for Witchcraft.
In 1488, in Metz, France, an unusually cold summer (the result of the European mini-Ice Age) was blamed on Witchcraft and twenty-eight (28) persons were burned alive for Witchcraft.
In 1580 C.E., Jean Bodin wrote in De la Démonomani des Sorciers that burning over a slow fire was not punishment enough for Witches because it only took about half an hour.
In 1590, so many wooden stakes had been erected for burning Witches in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, that the site looked like a small forest.
In 1631, most of the villages and towns near Cologne, Germany, featured numerous stakes outside the walls with women bound to them and burned for Witchcraft.
In 1812, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm published a collection of fairy tales drawn from German folk sources, including such famous fairy tales as Rapunzel, Rumpelstiltskin, and hansel and Gretel. In Kinder und Hausmarchen (page 68) the Brothers Grimm describe the burning of a with in an oven:
Hu! da fing sie an zu heulen, ganz grauselich;
aber Gretel lief fort, und
die gottlose Hexe muste elendiglich verbrennen.
Which translates into English as: Oh! How the (old witch) did howl, it was quite horrible to hear her; but Gretel ran away, and the irreligious witch had to burn miserably.
Numerous engravings from Medieval Europe show people being burned as Witches, their bodies surrounded by flames, their hair singed, their eyes dilated by fear. When Christians preach love they mean such horrible tortures as burning innocent Witches to death.
383 Priscillian of Avila burned for Witchcraft.
1275 Angela de la Barthe burned for Witchcraft at Toulouse, France.
1324 Petronilla de Meath flogged, excommunicated, and burned at the stake for Witchcraft at Kilkenny, Ireland, the first Witch murdered in Ireland.
1330 Barthelemy Andrius burned for Witchcraft at Carcassonne, France.
1330 Jean Andrius burned for Witchcraft at Carcassonne, France.
1330 Phillippe Andrius burned for Witchcraft at Carcassonne, France.
May 30, 1431 Joan dArc burned for Witchcraft at Rouen, France.
1546 Anne Askew burned for Witchcraft.
mid-1500s Madeline Amalaric burned for Witchcraft in France.
reign of Henry IV (December 13, 1553 - May 14, 1610) Marie Balcoin burned for Witchcraft in France.
1572 Janet Bowman burned for Witchcraft in Scotland.
1581 Anna Beuchel burned for Witchcraft at Waldsee, Germany.
1581 Appollonia Buckh burned for Witchcraft at Waldsee, Germany.
1583 Jean Bonnet burned alive for Witchcraft at Boissy-en-Ferez, France.
June 25, 1594 Agata Birenseng burned for Witchcraft at Waldsee, Germany.
December 16, 1594 Alison Balfour burned for Witchcraft at Edinburgh, Scotland.
1598 Pierre Aupetit burned for Witchcraft at Bordeaux, France.
1620 Anne Boulay burned for Witchcraft at Nancy, France.
1643 Janet Barker burned for Witchcraft in Scotland.
1643 Janet Brown burned for Witchcraft in Scotland.
1643 John Brugh burned for Witchcraft in Scotland.
April 14, 1647 Catterina Baroni beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
April 14, 1647 Domenica Camelli beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
April 14, 1647 Lucia Caveden beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
April 14, 1647 Zinevra Cemola beheaded and burned for Witchcraft at Castelnovo, Italy.
August 21, 1647 Thomas Boulle burned alive for Witchcraft at Rouen, France.
1661 Jonet Allen burned for Witchcraft in Scotland.
burning stakes
Burning stakes are the primary method that Christians use for burning Witchs bodies.
Saint Augustine claimed that burning stakes and bruloirs were justified because hell is a cruel place and cruelty that lasts for less than an hour is preferable to cruelty that lasts for eternity.
In 1590, so many wooden stakes had been erected for burning Witches in Wolfenbüttel, Germany, that the site looked like a small forest.
In 1631, most of the villages and towns near Cologne, Germany, featured numerous stakes outside the walls with women bound to them and burned for Witchcraft.
burning in Hell
Christians claim that Witches are burned in the Christian Hell.
Saint Augustine claimed that burning stakes and bruloirs were justified because hell is a cruel place and cruelty that lasts for less than an hour is preferable to cruelty that lasts for eternity.
Saint Augustine wrote in his 69th address Ad Fratres in Eremitate Sermo LXIX a description of Hell in which Satan seizes a womans damned soul and commands his fellow devils to:
pierce her eyes with forks as she enjoyed looking at unclean things, pierce her mouth as she used them for blasphemy, pierce her heart, as she did not harbor piety, compassion, clemency, and forgiveness there, pierce her hands with the heavy fork forged in Hell since she reached with them at things unclean and did not use them to distribute alms and help her neighbors, use the feiry forks to pierce her legs she used to dance and meet her lovers.
According to Saint Augustine, after the devils performed these tasks, the devils spread their black wings and transported the stabbed womans soul to hell. When the gates of Hell open:
out steps a hideous, horrible dragon, always ready to devour souls. The dragon inserts the soul into his mouth, full of stench. After chewing and digesting the soul, the ddragon vomits the soul into a fiery lake, where millions of other sinful souls wait for their trial by our Lord.
Saint Augustine continued with a description of women fried for eternity in oil and men burned in their own sperm.
sealed records
It is common for Christians and other Witch Hunters to seal the records of their trials and executions.
To this day the Roman Catholic Church refuses to open its archives of Witchcraft trials, forbidding acces even to academic scholars.
The Roman Catholic church does this to make it impossible to accurately tabulate the number of victims of Witchcraft Trials. Estimates run into millions more than the number of Jews lost in the Nazi Christian Holocaust.
In 1611 King Matthias II of Hungary ordered sealed the transcripts of the trial of Elizabeth Bathory to prevent embarassment to the crown.
While few Christian theologians and Bible scholars deny the existence of Witch Trials, they use the lack of access to church records to try to minimize the extent of the persecution and reduce the number of reported victims.
Kemetic Witchcraft is a valid religion
This section addresses the legal question as to whether or not ancient Egyptian or Kemetic Witchcraft is a legally valid religion. This should be self-evident.
There are numerous specific court cases that address the question of what constitutes a legally valid religion or religious creed. These court cases give specific standards (or tests) based on the Roman Catholic Church.
Currently there is a six judge majority of the U.S. Supreme Court who are active members of the Roman Catholic Church (John Roberts, Anthony M. Kennedy, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Sonia Sotomayor).
In theory, no court should question the validity of any religious beliefs.
- sincerity
- age of belief
- numbers
- divinity or supreme being
- ultimate ideas
- comprehensive belief system
- philosophy
- metaphysical beliefs
- creation
- afterlife
- moral or ethical system
- external signs
- accoutrements of religion
- founder, prophet, or teacher
- important writings
- gathering places
- temples
- pyramids
- gardens
- keepers of knowledge
- ceremonies and rituals
- marriage and weddings
- morning ritual
- structure or organization
- education
- holy days
- diet or fasting
- appearance
- clothing
- propagation
- distinct and separate
legal standards
major cases
- Young Life Campaign v. Patino (1981) 122 Cal.App.3d 559, 561
- Sherbert 374 U.S. 398, 83 S.Ct. 1790, 10 L.Ed.2d 965
- Wisconsin v. Yoder 406 U.S. 205, 92 S.Ct. 1526, 32 L.Ed.2d 15 (1972)
- Friedman v. Southern California Permanente Medical
- Malnak v. Yogi
- Meyers November 5, 1996, 95 F.3d 1475
 Egyptian Witchcraft or the ancient Egyptian religion is the oldest established religion in the world.
It is simply amazing that even the most devout Christian or Muslim government official would question the validity of Kemetic Witchcraft.
The religion is deeply embedded in Western culture, as well as African, European, Asian, Chinese, and Indian culture. The religion is deeply embedded into the English language itself.
Ancient Egyptian religious writings are the oldest known writing in the entire world. The oldest discovered written character is the ankh, which appears on cliff paintings and cliff carvings that are more than 12,000 years old. With the same meaning as the word ankh still has today.
The English word nature; comes from the ancient Egyptian word Ntr.
The Great Pyramids on the plains of Giza are the only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World. They survived both Roman and Muslim attempts at destruction.
The Great Temple at Ephesus, another of the Seven Wonders of the World, was dedicated to Bast (called Artemis by the Greeks and Diana by the Romans). Women from all over Africa, Europe, and Asia (from as far away as China) came to the Great Temple at Ephesus and brought gifts from their homelands. The Christian writer Paul specifically congratulates Ephesian Christians on their vandalism (including destruction of art and burning of books) at the Great Temple of Ephesus.
Easter (or Ostara) is the Germanic name of the Egyptian Goddess Bast. The Egyptians hired millions of German soldiers in the War Against the Sea People. Many of these German warriors returned home with worship of Bast and the springtime celebration of Bast/Easter at the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. The Christians usurped the central-most German holy day to make forced conversion to Christianity easier.
While the Christians changed the date of Easter (a new complicated formula to make it end up on a Sunday), they kept the original name and many of the feaatures of the celebration of the Goddess of beginnings, fertility, and springtime. The eggs and rabbits are pagan fertility symbols. The Easter Basket appears prominently in one of the three common ancient heiroglyphs for the name of Bast. The statue of the Goddess at the Great Temple of Ephesus depicts the Goddess holding a large number of Easter eggs (although some claim they are bull testicals).
The Book of the Coming Forth Into the Day (better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead) provides the most complete description of the afterlife and the path to the afterlife of any religion in the entire world.
Many alphabets are derived from ancient Egyptian writing, including the Roman alphabet, Etruscan alphabet, Greek alphabet, Germanic runes, Hebrew alphabet, and Arabic alphabet.
The oldest known fiction writing was the story of Cinderella, originally a story about an ancient Egyptian princess.
The Great Library at Alexandria was a temple of the Egypitan religion, headed by a High Priestess of Aset (Isis) or High Priest of Ptah.
Ancient Egyptian Witchcraft invented mathematics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry (Imhoteop), and calculus (Hypatia, although her writings were destroyed by devout Christians after the author of the Nicean Creed (the mainstream Christian creed) joined with other Bishops and monks to gang-rape, torture, and murder Hypatia).
Kemetic Witchcraft invented science, including astronomy/astrology, chemistry/alchemy, botany/biology, medicine, and physics. The word chemistry is based on the name Khem. Imhotep (chief architect of the Great Pyramids and High Priest of Ptah) created the scientific method. Most of the Western and Hindu astrological signs are from the Egyptian divine: Ares=Amon-Ra, Tarus=Ptah, Gemini=Heru and Bast, Leo=Sekhmet, Virgo=Seshat and Aset, Libra=Maat, Scorpio-Selkhet, Aquarius=Hapi. Ramses the Great set the four cardinal points (Ares, Cancer, Libra, and Capriconrn) in the sky.
More than 2/3rds of the modern medications in use today (by total consumption) are direct derivatives of the herbal remedies created by ancient Egyptian Witches.
There are four major categories of world religion: (1) tribal or shamanic religion (totems and magick); (2) classical religion (archetypes, such as in Hellenism); (3) modern Western religion (such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam); and (4) modern Eastern religion (such as Buddhism and Taoism). Ancient Egyptian Witchcraft is old enough to include shamanic religion and was the place of origin of classical, modern Western, and modern Eastern religion.
How could even the most devout Christian or Muslim (even those who belong to the Roman Catholic Church) deny that Kemetic Witchcraft is the oldest, most complete, most influential, longest lasting, and greatest of all human religions?
legal standards
Sincerity analysis seeks to determine the subjective good faith of an adherent The goal, of course, is to protect only those beliefs which are held as a matter of conscience. Human nature being what it is, however, it is frequently difficult to separate this inquiry from a forbidden one involving the verity of the underlying belief. Barber
While the truth of a belief is not open to question, there remains the significant question whether it is truly held. This is the threshold question of sincerity which must be resolved in every case. It is, of course, a question of fact Seeger
The U.S. Supreme Court requires that you must have a sincerely held religious belief.
The legal standard in the Religious Freedom Restoration Act is that religious beliefs must be sincerely held.
In the 1990s a Los Angeles woman claimed a religious defense for prostitution. She claimed to be a priestess of Isis and claimed to be engaging in an ancient Egyptian religious practice where a priestess has sex as the Goddess rather than as a human. The jury was going along with her defense until the prosecutor asked a series of simple questions about Isis that the woman was completely unable to answer. This failure convinced the jury that her religious beliefs werent sincere.
All persons who practice Kemetic Witchcraft must sincerely believe. Goddess Herself will curse those who fake belief. Even those who might fool the courts cant fool Goddess.
You must be able to demonstrate in court that you understand your religious beliefs and that your religious beliefs are sincere.
age of belief
legal standards
almost 300 years of consistent practice (in reference to the age of Amish) Wisconsin v. Yoder
a distinct religious history, IRS definition of a church
If a mere 300 years is enough to qualify the Amish as a legally valid religion, then Kemetic Withcraft with more than 12,500 years of archaeologically proven existence surely qualifies as being old enough to be a legally valid religion. Thats more than seven tmes the age of the Roman Catholic Church, making Kemetic Witchcraft seven times more legally valid than the Roman Catholic Church.
Ancient Egyptian Witchcraft or the ancient Egyptian religion is the oldest known established religion in the world.
The religion is deeply embedded in Western culture, as well as African, European, Asian, Chinese, and Indian culture. The religion is deeply embedded into the English language itself.
legal standards
(2) a cult, involving a gregarious association openly expressing the belief; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda
regular congregations, IRS definition of a church
Kemet (or Egypt) was the first nation-state in all of human history. For more than a thousand years it was the only nation-state in the entire world. It was the longest lasting nation-state in all of human history (at least 3,000 years).
The sheer number of Witches murdered in the Inquisitions, the Witch Hunts, and the Witch Trials (even taking into account many false accusations) shows not only a large scale religion, but a religion filled with members willing to be tortured to death rather than convert to Christianity or islam.
divinity or supreme being
legal standards
(1) a belief, not necessarily referring to supernatural powers; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda
The English word nature; comes from the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) word Ntr.
![]() Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) hieroglyph for Ntr |
Ntr is the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) name for the Divine. The neteru is the ancient Egyptian name for the ancient Egyptian Deities and Goddesses.
Ntr is written in Roman letters as Ntr, Ntr, Neter, Netjer, or Netcher. The underlined t represents the sound tch (or tj).
Ntr is the worlds first written word for the Divine or Supreme Goddess.
The word deity is indicated by adding the determinative for male deity to the hieroglyph Ntr. The word Goddess is indicated by adding the determinative for female goddess to the hieroglyph Ntr.
The native word for hieroglyphs was Medu Ntr, which literally meant Divine writing. The English word hieroglyph comes from Greek, which literally meant sacred writing.
It was called Divine writing because it was created by Goddess Seshat and provided to humans by Djehuti (Thoth) and Aset (Isis). These are divine acts. Divine acts require the existince of the Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) divine. This is supernatural power in action.
The Medu Ntr (hieroglyph) for Ntr looks like a flag because in the pre-dynastic period roadside shirnes were marked with long pennant flags on a very tall flagpole.
These shrines for the divine were typically located at reliable water. The tall divine flags, visible for long distances, were markers for divine waters. Thankful and worshipful travellers left offerings at the shrines.
As the North African Great lakes dried up and turned into the Sahara Desert, refugees worshiped and thanked the Kemetic (ancient Egytian) Divine at the water Goddess shrines marked by the written character for Supreme Goddess.
Particularly divine was Hapi (the Nile River), the only river divinely powerful enough to continue to flow across the Sahara Desert. Hapi (the Nile River is the most divine waters in the entire world as well as the longest river in the world.
The Puat Neteru are the company of the divine or the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
ultimate ideas
legal standards
(1) addresses fundamental and ultimate questions having to do with deep and imponderable matters; Malnak v. Yogi
1. Ultimate Ideas: Religious beliefs often address fundamental questions about life, purpose, and death. As one court has put it, a religion addresses fundamental and ultimate questions having to do with deep and imponderable matters. Africa, 662 F.2d at 1032. These matters may include existential matters, such as mans sense of being; teleological matters, such as mans purpose in life; and cosmological matters, such as mans place in the universe. United States of America v David Meyers
The Book of the Coming Forth Into the Day (better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead) provides the most complete description of the afterlife and the path to the afterlife of any religion in the entire world.
comprehensiveness of beliefs
legal standards
(2) is part of a religion that is comprehensive in nature and consists of a belief system as opposed to an isolated teaching; Malnak v. Yogi
4. Comprehensiveness of Beliefs: Another hallmark of religious ideas is that they are comprehensive. More often than not, such beliefs provide a telos, an overreaching array of beliefs that coalesce to provide the believer with answers to many, if not most, of the problems and concerns that confront humans. In other words, religious beliefs generally are not confined to one question or a single teaching. Africa, 662 F.2d at 1035. United States of America v David Meyers
a recognized creed and form of worship, IRS definition of a church
a formal code of doctrine and discipline, IRS definition of a church
The Great Library at Alexandria was a temple of Kemetic Withcraft, headed by a High Priestess of Aset (Isis) or High Priest of Ptah.
Ancient Egyptian Witchcraft invented mathematics, including algebra, geometry, trigonometry (Imhoteop), and calculus (Hypatia, although her writings were destroyed by devout Christians after the author of the Nicean Creed (the mainstream Christian creed) joined with other Bishops and monks to gang-rape, torture, and murder Hypatia).
Kemetic Withcraft invented science, including astronomy/astrology, chemistry/alchemy, botany/biology, medicine, and physics. The word chemistry is based on the name Khem. Imhotep (chief architect of the Great Pyramids and High Priest of Ptah) created the scientific method. Most of the Western and Hindu astrological signs are from the Egyptian divine: Ares=Amon-Ra, Tarus=Ptah, Gemini=Heru and Bast, Leo=Sekhmet, Virgo=Seshat and Aset, Libra=Maat, Scorpio-Selkhet, Aquarius=Hapi. Ramses the Great set the four cardinal points (Ares, Cancer, Libra, and Capriconrn) in the sky.
More than 2/3rds of the modern medications in use today (by total consumption) are direct derivatives of the herbal remedies created by ancient Egyptian Witches.
legal standards
(2) is part of a religion that is comprehensive in nature and consists of a belief system as opposed to an isolated teaching; Malnak v. Yogi
4. Comprehensiveness of Beliefs: Another hallmark of religious ideas is that they are comprehensive. More often than not, such beliefs provide a telos, an overreaching array of beliefs that coalesce to provide the believer with answers to many, if not most, of the problems and concerns that confront humans. In other words, religious beliefs generally are not confined to one question or a single teaching. Africa, 662 F.2d at 1035. United States of America v David Meyers
a recognized creed and form of worship, IRS definition of a church
a formal code of doctrine and discipline, IRS definition of a church
The Greeks (including famous Greek philosophers) believed that the origin of Greek philosophy was earlier Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) philosophy.
An example from the Shabaka stela:
There comes into being in the heart; there comes into being by the tongue as the image of Atum! Ptah is the very great, who gives life to all the neteru and their kas. It is all in this heart and by this tongue.
His [Ptahs] Puat [Ennead] is before him as heart, authoritative utterance, teeth, semen, lips, and hands of Atum. This Puat [Ennead] of Atum came into being through his semen and through his fingers. Surely, this Puat [Ennead of Ptah] is the teeth and the lips in the mouth, proclaiming the name of all things, from which Shu and Tefwt came forth as him, and which gave birth to the Puat [Ennead of Ptah]. The sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, and the breathing of air through the nose, they transmit to the heart, which brings forth every decision. Indeed, the tongue thence repeats what is in front of the heart. Thus was given birth to all the neteru. His [Ptahs] Puat [Ennead] was completed. Lo, every word of the Ntr came into being through the thoughts in the heart and the command by the tongue. Thus all the faculties were made and all the qualities determined, they that make all foods and all provisions, through this word. [Life] to him who does what is loved, [death] to him who does what is hated. Thus life is given to the peaceful and death is given to the criminal. Thus all labor, all crafts, the action of the arms, the motion of the legs, the movements of all the limbs, acording to this command which is devised by the heart and comes orth by the tongue and creates the performance of everything.
metaphysical beliefs
legal standards
(1) addresses fundamental and ultimate questions having to do with deep and imponderable matters; Malnak v. Yogi
2. Metaphysical Beliefs: Religious beliefs often are ;metaphysical,; that is, they address a reality which transcends the physical and immediately apparent world. Adherents to many religions believe that there is another dimension, place, mode, or temporality, and they often believe that these places are inhabited by spirits, souls, forces, deities, and other sorts of inchoate or intangible entities. United States of America v David Meyers
The Book of the Coming Forth Into the Day (better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead) provides the most complete description of the afterlife and the path to the afterlife of any religion in the entire world.
Naomi Ozaniec calls Atum, Neith (Athena), and Ra metaphysical Neteru.
legal standards
(1) addresses fundamental and ultimate questions having to do with deep and imponderable matters; Malnak v. Yogi
2. Metaphysical Beliefs: Religious beliefs often are ;metaphysical,; that is, they address a reality which transcends the physical and immediately apparent world. Adherents to many religions believe that there is another dimension, place, mode, or temporality, and they often believe that these places are inhabited by spirits, souls, forces, deities, and other sorts of inchoate or intangible entities. United States of America v David Meyers
Cosmic Orgasm
The ancient Egyptians had hundreds of creation stories, in part because each of the major regional deities had their own creation myths before Egypt became the worlds first nation, but also because the ancient Egyptians recognized that their creation myths were metaphors for basic truths and they had plenty of room for additional creation truth.
One of the major ancient Egyptian creation myths was about the Cosmic Orgasm.
Originally there was the Chaos of Nun, a nether void without orgnaization or theme.
In the Chaos of Nun, the Cosmic Egg came into existence. The Cosmic Egg was the safe place for the combined deity Sekhmet-Bast. Among their many roles, the Goddesses Sekhmet and Bast represented the dichotomy of creation (Bast) and destruction (Sekhmet).
After untold time the combined Goddess Sekhmet-Bast became lonely, so She split into two Goddesses, Sekhmet and Bast.
The two Goddesses showered each other with love, engaging in lesbian sex in the Cosmic Egg.
Their love was so great that they caused the Cosmic Egg to grow so large that the Cosmic Lotus had to come into existence just to support the weight.
As the intensity of their lesbian sex grew, so did the Cosmic Egg and the Cosmic Lotus, emerging from the Chaos of Nun.
In a blinding burst of light (Ra), Cosmic Orgasm burst open the Cosmic Egg, parting the Chaos of Nun and creating the universe.
Puat or Ennead
Sacred Nine
An example from the Leyden Papyrus of Qenna:
All the neteru are three: Amun, Re, and Ptah, who have no equals. He whose nature [literally whose name] is mysterious, being Amun; Ra is the head, Ptah the body. Their cities on earth, established forever are: Thebes, Heliopolis, and Memphis [stable] for eternity. When a message comes from heaven, it is heard at Heliopolis, it is repeated at Memphis to Ptah, and it is made into a letter written in the letters of Thoth [at Hermopolis] for the city of Amun [Thebes].
legal standards
(1) addresses fundamental and ultimate questions having to do with deep and imponderable matters; Malnak v. Yogi
2. Metaphysical Beliefs: Religious beliefs often are ;metaphysical,; that is, they address a reality which transcends the physical and immediately apparent world. Adherents to many religions believe that there is another dimension, place, mode, or temporality, and they often believe that these places are inhabited by spirits, souls, forces, deities, and other sorts of inchoate or intangible entities. United States of America v David Meyers
The Book of the Coming Forth Into the Day (better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead) provides the most complete description of the afterlife and the path to the afterlife of any religion in the entire world.
moral or ethical system
legal standards
(3) a system of moral practice directly resulting from an adherence to the belief; Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda
3. Moral or Ethical System: Religious beliefs often prescribe a particular manner of acting, or way of life, that is moral or ethical. In other words, these beliefs often describe certain acts in normative terms, such as right and wrong, good and evil, or just and unjust. The beliefs then proscribe those acts that are wrong, evil, or unjust. A moral or ethical belief structure also may create duties--duties often imposed by some higher power, force, or spirit--that require the believer to abnegate elemental self-interest. United States of America v David Meyers
a formal code of doctrine and discipline, IRS definition of a church
An example from the Shabaka stela:
There comes into being in the heart; there comes into being by the tongue as the image of Atum! Ptah is the very great, who gives life to all the neteru and their kas. It is all in this heart and by this tongue.
His [Ptahs] Puat [Ennead] is before him as heart, authoritative utterance, teeth, semen, lips, and hands of Atum. This Puat [Ennead] of Atum came into being through his semen and through his fingers. Surely, this Puat [Ennead of Ptah] is the teeth and the lips in the mouth, proclaiming the name of all things, from which Shu and Tefwt came forth as him, and which gave birth to the Puat [Ennead of Ptah]. The sight of the eyes, the hearing of the ears, and the breathing of air through the nose, they transmit to the heart, which brings forth every decision. Indeed, the tongue thence repeats what is in front of the heart. Thus was given birth to all the neteru. His [Ptahs] Puat [Ennead] was completed. Lo, every word of the Ntr came into being through the thoughts in the heart and the command by the tongue. Thus all the faculties were made and all the qualities determined, they that make all foods and all provisions, through this word. [Life] to him who does what is loved, [death] to him who does what is hated. Thus life is given to the peaceful and death is given to the criminal. Thus all labor, all crafts, the action of the arms, the motion of the legs, the movements of all the limbs, acording to this command which is devised by the heart and comes orth by the tongue and creates the performance of everything.
external signs
legal standards
(3) can be recognized by the presence of certain formal and external signs. Malnak v. Yogi
How about the Great Pyramids of Giza, the only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the ancient World?
accoutrements of religion
legal standards
5. Accoutrements of Religion: By analogy to many of the established or recognized religions, the presence of the following external signs may indicate that a particular set of beliefs is religious: United States of America v David Meyers
The Roman Catholic Pope wears a hat that is a slight variation of the crown of Pharaoh!
founder, prophet, or teacher
legal standards
5. a. Founder, Prophet, or Teacher: Many religions have been wholly founded or significantly influenced by a deity, teacher, seer, or prophet who is considered to be divine, enlightened, gifted, or blessed. United States of America v David Meyers
important writings
legal standards
5. b. Important Writings: Most religions embrace seminal, elemental, fundamental, or sacred writings. These writing often include creeds, tenets, precepts, parables, commandments, prayers, scriptures, catechisms, chants, rites, or mantras. United States of America v David Meyers
a literature of its own, IRS definition of a church
The ancient Egyptian religion is deeply embedded in Western culture, as well as African, European, Asian, Chinese, and Indian culture. The religion is deeply embedded into the English language itself.
Ancient Egyptian religious writings are the oldest known writing in the entire world. The oldest discovered written character is the ankh, which appears on cliff paintings and cliff carvings that are more than 12,000 years old. With the same meaning as the word ankh still has today.
The Book of the Coming Forth Into the Day (better known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead) provides the most complete description of the afterlife and the path to the afterlife of any religion in the entire world.
Many alphabets are derived from ancient Egyptian writing, including the Roman alphabet, Greek alphabet, Germanic runes, and Arabic alphabet.
The oldest known fiction writing was the story of Cinderella, originally a story about an ancient Egyptian princess.
The Great Library at Alexandria was a temple of Kemetic Withcraft, headed by a High Priestess of Aset (Isis) or High Priest of Ptah.
gathering places
legal standards
5. c. Gathering Places: Many religions designate particular structures or places as sacred, holy, or significant. These sites often serve as gathering places for believers. They include physical structures, such as churches, mosques, temples, pyramids, synagogues, or shrines; and natural places, such as springs, rivers, forests, plains, or mountains. United States of America v David Meyers
established places of worship, IRS definition of a church
Great Pyramids at Giza
photograph by Ricardo Liberato
19 June 2006
dust removal and white balance by kiwaner
The Great Pyramids on the plains of Giza are the only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World. They survived both Roman and Muslim attempts at destruction.
The Great Temple at Ephesus, another of the Seven Wonders of the World, was dedicated to Bast (called Artemis by the Greeks and Diana by the Romans). Women from all over Africa, Europe, and Asia (from as far away as China) came to the Great Temple at Ephesus and brought gifts from their homelands. The Christian writer Paul specifically congratulates Ephesian Christians on their vandalism (including destruction of art and burning of books) at the Great temple of Ephesus.
The Great Library at Alexandria was a temple of Kemetic Withcraft, headed by a High Priestess of Aset (Isis) or High Priest of Ptah.
legal standards
5. c. Gathering Places: Many religions designate particular structures or places as sacred, holy, or significant. These sites often serve as gathering places for believers. They include physical structures, such as churches, mosques, temples, pyramids, synagogues, or shrines; and natural places, such as springs, rivers, forests, plains, or mountains. United States of America v David Meyers
established places of worship, IRS definition of a church
pr - temple
The ancient Egyptians used the same word as house for their word for temple. This is because they believed that the temples were the actual physical houses of the diety worshipped there.
The ancient Egyptian word for house is pr (shown below). The hieroglyph pr is a line drawing of a houses walls viewed from above. Because the hieroglyph pr is used both for the word house and for the syllabic sound pr are the same character, the ideogram (also called the pictorial sign, drawn as a short vertical line) is placed below the hieroglyph pr when the meaning is house rather than just the sound. Context indicates whether the word means an ordinary house or a temple.
hieroglyph for temple
per - temple
The ancient Egyptian word house is also used for temples, which are considered to be the personal house of the corresponding deity.
The ancient Egyptians built many of their earliest temples with wooden columns topped with palm leaves. When the Egyptians switched to stone columns they continued to carve palm fronds and leaves into the tops of the columns (see example below).
illustration of temple columns and ceiling

submerged temple at Philae
Baalbec ruin
Great Temple at Ephesus
The Great Temple at Ephesus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was dedicated to Bast (called Artemis by the Greeks and Diana by the Romans). Women from all over Africa, Europe, and Asia (from as far away as China) came to the Great Temple at Ephesus and brought gifts from their homelands. The Christian writer Paul specifically congratulates Ephesian Christians on their vandalism (including destruction of art and burning of books) at the Great Temple of Ephesus.
The statue of the Lunar Goddess at the Great Temple of Ephesus depicts the Goddess holding a large number of Easter eggs (although some claim they are bull testicals).
Great Library at Alexandria
The Great Library at Alexandria was a temple of Kemetic Withcraft, headed by a High Priestess of Aset (Isis) or High Priest of Ptah.
converted temples
In the 300s and 400s the Christians in control of the Roman Empire forcibly converted hundreds of temples of Isis into Roman Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches.
If murdering the previous occupants and stealing the buildings makes these buildings legally valid Roman Catholic Churches, then the buildings are even more legally valid temples of Isis.
legal standards
5. c. Gathering Places: Many religions designate particular structures or places as sacred, holy, or significant. These sites often serve as gathering places for believers. They include physical structures, such as churches, mosques, temples, pyramids, synagogues, or shrines; and natural places, such as springs, rivers, forests, plains, or mountains. United States of America v David Meyers
established places of worship, IRS definition of a church
The Great Pyramids on the plains of Giza are the only surviving of the Seven Wonders of the World. They survived both Roman and Muslim attempts at destruction.
temple gardens
legal standards
5. c. Gathering Places: Many religions designate particular structures or places as sacred, holy, or significant. These sites often serve as gathering places for believers. They include physical structures, such as churches, mosques, temples, pyramids, synagogues, or shrines; and natural places, such as springs, rivers, forests, plains, or mountains. United States of America v David Meyers
established places of worship, IRS definition of a church
temple gardens
Goddess gardens
Gardens were an important part of the ancient Egyptian religion, particularly in the New Kingdom.
temple gardens
Most Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) temples had gardens that could be viewed by the public. There were also temple gardens that could only be entered by the priesthood. Some temples had both public and restricted access temple gardens.
The first large scale religious gardens recorded historically were created by Sesh Per Ankh around 2200 B.C.E. (about 600 years before the Hanging Gardens of Babylon). These first temple gardens were intended to grow medicinal flowers and herbs and to demonstrate the power and glory of Pharaoh because flowers were grown by the temples in places where nature did not grow flowers. Sesh Per Ankh literally means scribe of the House of Life and included not just growers, but also doctors, musicians, artists, philosophers, scientists, librarians, and others. There is archaeological evidence of religious gardens predating modern humans.
The most famous of the ancient Egyptian temple gardens was on the grounds of the Great Temple at PerBastet (or Bubastis). According to Herodotus more than one quarter million worshipers gathered at the temple for festivals to the Goddess Bast (four times a year) and that the cannabis and cinnamon incense was so thick that visitors came under the influence more than a dozen miles away while still riding in boats to the temple grounds.
The largest single garden ever created, in the New Kingdom, under the rule of Ramses the Great, is estimated to have been double the size of the state of Rhode Island.
You can find similar religious gardens in most other world religions, the most famous example being the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.
home gardens
Home gardens were widespread among ancient Egyptians who could afford them. One New Kingdom villas garden was described by the owner: You sit in their shades and eat their fruit. Wreaths are made for you of their twigs, and you are drunken with their wines. Models of gardens were sometimes included in tombs.
Today you find many Wiccans have small scale Goddess Gardens at their homes.
Some persons, especially in urban areas, have an indoor garden rather than an outdoor garden. Ancient Egyptians who couldnt afford to have their own garden might have a few potted plants indoors. Some ancient Egyptian temples had both indoor and outdoor gardens.
The U.S. legal standard under the RLUIPA now states that The term religious use includes any exercise of religion, whether or not compelled by, or central to, a system of religious belief. Regardless of the religion you belong to, you may want to clearly establish that your garden is required by your sincerely held religious beliefs. If you are going to risk arrest, imprisonment, torture, and possible death, you probably should believe very strongly.
There are many different reasons for growing cannabis for religious activity, such as the ancient Egyptian Ntr Sentra or the modern Rasta use of ganja. This may also include a sincerely held religious belief that you are required to grow medicinal marijuana because you have been called by Jesus, the Holy Spirit, Allah, G-d, Shiva, Gaia, Bast, Sekhmet, or other deities to care for the sick and disabled (or that you are required to grow for the sick and disabled because of karma, to obtain Moksha, or to attain Nirvana).
Religious gardens are distinguishable from commercial farms by the religious symbology employed.
traditional Egyptian garden
The traditional ancient Egyptian religious garden was viewed as a microcosm, or a map of the greater world or universe as a whole. Water (or blue painted lines) went down the middle of the garden the long way and were symbolic of both the Nile River and the Milky Way (below as above).
Traditionally there were rows of stone or wooden columns, which represented the palm trees lining the Nile River. These columns started out as simple rounded wooden columns topped with real or carved palm leaves. Over time these columns became more artistic and it became the custom to paint and carve holy symbols and paintings on the entire visible surfaces of the columns. Indoor gardens also had religious symbols and paintings of important mythic scenes on the interior walls.
The Temple of Diana (or Artemis or Bast) at Ephesus, one of the seven wodners of the ancient world, was famous for its rows of beautiful marble columns. The Acropolis of Athens is a scaled down copy of the Temple of Diana at Ephesus. The Greeks used single row of columns and a less expensive column style, dramatically shrunk the size, and engaged in other cost saving methods, but the basic design is the same. In antiquity, humans saw an impact on the Moon and then saw some of the rock thrown off by the impact fall into the atmosphere and land at the site of the Temple of Diana at Ephesus. They believed that the rock was a physical part of the Moon Goddess. Christians destroyed this important site.
Ancient Egyptian religious gardens would often have an obelisk, a tall square sided pillar, usually carved with hieroglyphs, religious symbols, and religious artwork. The obelisk was normally placed outside of the garden, near the entrance. You can write on the obeslisk in modern English or in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs or Germanic runes or Celtic ogham or any other sacred writing system. The first thing that DEA agents will encounter will be your obelisk clearly indicating religious use.
In the traditional ancient Egyptian religious gardens there would be a statue of the God or Goddess. This statue was typically not visible to outsiders and was often kept in a wooden or stone shrine to prevent unauthorized viewing. In Roman times the statues of the divine (especially statues of Bast and Isis) were proudly displayed on a raised platform in the center of the garden so that all could see.
Ancient Egyptian Goddesses particularly associated with the growing of cannabis include Seshat (Goddess of learning and wisdom), Bast (Goddess of cats, music, and arts), Sekhmet (Goddess of power and life), and Aset or Isis (Goddess of civilization). You can find small Bastet statues (Bast in the form of a long necked cat) at many garden supply stores. Sekhmet is a lion-headed Goddess. The Greek Goddess Artemis, the Roman Goddess Diana, and the Germanic Goddess Lucia were all believed to be the same Goddess as the ancient Egyptian Bast and statues of these other Goddesses are fairly easy to find.
Wiccans typically have two statues, one for the Lord and one for the Lady. These can be a God and a Goddess from any religion in the world (even mixing cultures) or can be statues that represent allof the masculine divien and all of the feminine divine, respectively.
garden entrance
The entrance to an ancient Egyptian garden was traditionally marked by two giant pylons (or square towers). The pylons separated the inner garden from the outer court. The outer court was often open to the public, especially on holy days, while the inner garden was reserved for the garden workers, the priesthood, and other selected individuals. You will probably want to restrict access to your religious garden to appropriate individuals, and may want to create an inner and outer section, allowing guests into the outer court.
aquatic garden
Many ancient Egyptian temples were famous for the artificial lakes in their gardens. Some of these artificial lakes could be large enough that the other side couldnt be seen because of the curvature of the earth.
Ancient Egyptian aquatic gardens featured a benben stone, which represented the first land that rose from the primordial seas. The Egyptian pyramids are in the shape of the traditional ancient Egyptian ben-ben.
Small pyramids appeared in non-Egyptian gardens dedicated to the Egyptian Goddesses Bast or Isis throughout the Roman Empire as well as throughout medieval Europe, and parts of Africa and Asia.
religious art
Some of the symbols common in ancient Egyptian religious gardens include the ankh (symbol of life), the earth as a disk, the zodiac as a disk, the uas sceptor (a forked staff with a dog head), the pyramid, the crescent moon, the sun disk, the spiral, the cord of hemp rope (especially a double pair of hemp rope with three twists and a loop at the top), the kheker (points skyward), the udjat (the Eye of Horus), the obelisk, sun symbols, the five pointed star, the crook and the flail, the loop of life, the tet (knot of Isis), the shen ring, the scarab, the Sphinx, the ka (two arms uplifted), the heart, the sistrum, the tet or djed (four backbones), the feather of Maat (the feather of truth, a white ostrich feather), symbols of various Gods and Goddesses, and symbols of plants.
Wiccans might include art that mark the four directions and the corresponding four elements at the boundaries of the garden and a pair of art (such as statues) in the midst of the garden that honor the masculine and feminine divine (the Wiccan Lord and Lady). Other common Wiccan symbols include the pentagram and pentacle. Wiccans who celebrate a particular ancient culture will want to include symbols and art from that culture.
In addition to statues, it was common to make simple (or complex) formations with stones. Some of the stones most commonly associated with cannabis and Bast include quartz, amethyst, agate, amber, lapis, jade, marble, jasper, obsidian, volcanic glass, moonstone, turquoise, and tigereye, as well as the metals silver, gold, copper, and bronze. Gardens dedicated to Bast would typically have a small cave made of beautiful stones at the east point of the garden (and sometimes a corresponding cave on the west point).
Finely crushed white gypsum can be used for the pathays in your temple garden. This was a practice in ancient temple gardens of Aset (Isis) and any ancient Egyptian solar deity (Ra, Aten, Bast, Sekhmet, etc.) because white gypsum glows in the daylight sun. Even at night, white gypsum will reflect whatever moon light is available.
decorative items
Some other decorative items common in Goddess gardens include: wind chimes, bells, mirrors. candle holders, incense censors, pottery, baskets, hemp rope (including knots), cornucopia, three-part key, sundial, a large iron cauldron with three legs, hearth or fireplace, small boats, sceptors, and statues of animals.
Outdoor gardens in ancient Egypt were typically lined with trees. The most common trees used were palm trees. Popular trees includes the sycamore (which is the shape of the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph for tree), acacia, fig, jujube, nut trees, pomegranate, tamarisk, and willows. Rare, but important, were cinnamon trees.
Some of the most common flowers in ancient Egyptian gardens included: bay laurel, cannabis, celosia, small yellow chrysanthemums, cornflowers, convolvulus, daisies, henna, irises, ivy, jasmine, lychins, mandrakes, sweet marjoram, mignonettes, myrtle, narcissus, poppies, and roses.
Most temple gardens in ancient Egypt also included papyrus, lotus, and grapes. Papyrus represented Lower Egypt and lotus represented Upper Egypt.
Ancient Egypt was famous for its roses and roses were used in the rites of Aset (Isis).
Many temple gardens included plants that provided temple food for religious ceremonies. Some temples partially paid workers with onions.
Palm trees, as well as dates and cocounts, were sacred to Asar (Osiris) and Aset (Isis). The heart of palm (an edible food) was forbidden in offerings to Aset (Isis) or Asar (Osiris) because removing the heart of the palm kills the tree. Djehuti (Thoth) used the saw-toothed edge of the stem of fan palm strands to measure time and count days.
Citrus wood was often used for making ritual objects for the worship of Aset (Isis).
garden blessing
Traditional ancient Egyptian fertility aand planting ceremonies involved naked dancing girls shaking sistrums (a combination of a three or four stringed harp and a tambourine-like rattle) to celebrate Bast, Hathor (Het Heret) or Isis (Aset). Fields were typically blessed with various liquids being poured onto the ground. One very common mixture was milk, honey, and olive oil, used in cultures throughout the Mediterranean. Chamomile tea, black tea, or green tea were common in Asia. Wine was often used to call on fertility from Bast. And of course smoking cannabis to honor the divine and bring the garden and the gardeners closer to the divine.
keepers of knowledge
legal standards
5. d. Keepers of Knowledge: Most religions have clergy, ministers, priests, reverends, monks, shamans, teachers, or sages. By virtue of their enlightenment, experience, education, or training, these people are keepers and purveyors of religious knowledge. United States of America v David Meyers
an organization of ordained ministers, IRS definition of a church
ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed studies, IRS definition of a church
school for the preparation of its ministers. IRS definition of a church
Hem (male) and hemet (female) were the primary Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) words for priest and priestess. The generic version was hem Ntr or hemet Ntr (priest or priestess of the Divine). The Ntr could be replaced with a specific deity name, such as Hem Ra or Hemet Bast.
The web priest (or priestess) was responsible for the purity of the ritual and the cleanliness of sacred rooms, tools, paraphenalia, and priesthood.
The kher heb was the priest or priestess who recited the liturgy and magick spells.
The sesh per ankh were the learned priesthood (including mathematicians, doctors, and scientists).Sesh Per Ankh is ancient Egyptian for scribe of the House of Life. This can be translated into English as magician, shaman, witch doctor, witch, priest, doctor, or professor.
The English words Witch and Witch Doctor are translations for Sesh Per Ankh.
The English word Witch meant a woman in the Roman Catholic Church-imposed Dark Ages. A male Witch was called a He-Witch. The word warlock is from the Polish for oath breaker and was used in Polish Witch Trials run by the Roman Catholic Church in which large numbers of innocent men and women were tortured and murdered by the Roman Catholic Church as part of official Roman Catholic Church dogma, on orders from numerous Roman Catholic Church Popes. In modern times the word Witch refers to both men and women.
The word medicine comes from the prehistoric era of wise women who measure out plants in order to heal. More than two thirds of modern medications (total usage, not sheer numbers of drugs) are derived from Kemetic Witch (ancient Egyptian) herbal preparations!
The sesh ked were the artists of the priesthood (and, yes, the artists were an essential part of the priesthood).
ceremonies and rituals
legal standards
5. e. Ceremonies and Rituals: Most religions include some form of ceremony, ritual, liturgy, sacrament, or protocol. These acts, statements, and movements are prescribed by the religion and are imbued with transcendent significance. United States of America v David Meyers
a recognized creed and form of worship, IRS definition of a church
regular religious services, IRS definition of a church
marriage and weddings
legal standards
5. e. Ceremonies and Rituals: Most religions include some form of ceremony, ritual, liturgy, sacrament, or protocol. These acts, statements, and movements are prescribed by the religion and are imbued with transcendent significance. United States of America v David Meyers
a recognized creed and form of worship, IRS definition of a church
regular religious services, IRS definition of a church
ancient Egyptian marriages
Kemetic Withcraft Has been performing marriages for more than 6,000 years (more historical and mythological details below).
Egyptian weddings
The first marriages in history were performed in ancient Egypt by the clergy (hemu) of the ancient Egyptian religion. Most of the moern wedding traditions are from ancient Egypt.
The wedding ring was originally made by weaving hemp into a circle. The wedding ring represented that the combination of the couple and the divine made a complete circle. Hemp was related to such important ancient Egyptian deities as Isis, Bast, Seshat, and Osiris. Because hemp wedding rings wore out and had to be replaced every few years the Romans switched to iron rings. Europeans switched from iron rings to gold rings. Around 3,000 B.C.E. the Egyptian phrase without beginning, without end came into common usage for describing the wedding ring.
Bridemaids and brides wore similiar dresses in order to confuse evil spirits. The original wedding bouquets were made of thyme and garlic to keep evil spirits away.
wedding vow
An ancient Egyptian wedding vow: I Prince Yami, son of Pharaoh Akunadmun, take thee Nyla, to be my wife, and my queen, to share the good times and hard times side by side. I humbly give you my hand and my heart as I pledge my faith and love to you. Just as this ring I give you today is a circle without end, my love for you is eternal. Just as it is made of incorruptible substance, my commitment to you will never fail. With this ring, I thee wed.
wedding readings
Two wedding readings from ancient Egypt:
Whenever I Leave You ,
from the Harris Papyrus, 500 Song Cycle 2, 15th Century BCE, Egypt.
Whenever I leave you, I go out of breath
Death must be lonely like I am
I dream lying dreams of your love lost
And my heart stands still inside me
I stare at my favorite datecakes
They would be salt to me now
And pomegranate wine, once sweet to our lips
Bitter, bitter as birdgall
Touching noses with you, love, your kiss alone
And my stuttering heart speaks clear
Breathe me more of your breath, let me live!
Woman, meant for me!
The Goddess herself gave you as Her Holy gift
My love to outlast forever
Let My Love Love Me Best ,
from the Turin Papyrus, in the Ramesside period circa 1100 BCE, Egypt.
Let my love love me best and I shall ordain
Her hands full of lotus blossoms and flowers
Full of buds and perfumes, strong ale
And beer of every brewable kind
Then shell give me, her love, a day to remember
Make me drink down this day to its last shadow
history of marriage
(started with lesbian marriage)
The first known marriages occurred in ancient Egypt. There had been human mating, similar to English common law marriage, long before there were official weddings.
The first marriages were public religious ceremonies commemorating the union of the Egyptian Goddesses Bast and Sekhmet in the creation myth of the Cosmic Orgasm. The high priestess of Bast and the high priestess of Sekhmet took on the roles of their respective Goddesses for the public festivities.
This first marriage ceremony was widely popular.
Other temples in ancient Egypt quickly copied the idea, with grand public marriage ceremonies for their favoried deities (most commonly male/female couples).
It wasnt long before the wedding ceremony spread from a religious celebration of divine unions to a religious celebration of human unions sanctified by the divine.
This was the origin of marriage and weddings.
And the first version was specifically lesbian.
While heterosexual marriage was the most common form in ancient Egypt, gay and lesbian marriages continued until outlawed by Christians.
morning ritual
Morning ritual is an ancient Egyptian celebration of life and the rising sun. A woman chants to Aset (better known by the Greek name Isis) at sunrise while her lover performs cunnilngus.
Early Christianity struggled with the place of women in the Christian Church. The common belief was that only men had souls to be saved and women were typically left to continue pagan Witchcraft-influenced ways.
As a result, Isis was the most worshipped deity in the late Roman Empire because of the popularity among Roman women.
In the 500s a Roman Catholic Pope (whose name I forget at the moment, I will get the complete information soon) liked to sleep in late and was very annoyed being awakened at sunrise every morning by the moans of up to two million women having orgasms. His solution was to outlaw cunnlingus with the death penalty.
organized structure
legal standards
(4) an organization within the cult designed to observe the tenets of belief. Fellowship of Humanity v. County of Alameda
5. f. Structure or Organization: Many religions have a congregation or group of believers who are led, supervised, or counseled by a hierarchy of teachers, clergy, sages, priests, etc. United States of America v David Meyers
a distinct legal existence, IRS definition of a church
a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government, IRS definition of a church
an organization of ordained ministers, IRS definition of a church
regular congregations, IRS definition of a church
regular religious services, IRS definition of a church
Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young, IRS definition of a church
legal standards
ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed studies, IRS definition of a church
Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young, IRS definition of a church
school for the preparation of its ministers. IRS definition of a church
The Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) people had the worlds first schools. Run by the priesthood at the Temples, these were the first free public schools in the world and the worlds first free universal public education system (open to boys and girls, men and women).
The Great Library at Alexandria was a temple (pr) of Kemetic Withcraft, headed by a High Priestess of Aset (Isis) or High Priest of Ptah.
holy days
legal standards
5. g. Holidays: As is etymologically evident, many religions celebrate, observe, or mark holy, sacred, or important days, weeks, or months. United States of America v David Meyers
regular religious services, IRS definition of a church
Princess Scota or Scottia was an Egyptian princess, first Queen of the Gaelic people, daughter of Pharaoh Smenkhkare, married to Niul, a Scthian prince who was governor of Capacyront. Niul and Scottia lived in Iberia (now Spain), had eight children, and moved to what is now Ireland. Scotland and Nova Scottia are named for Princess Scota. Niul created the Gaelic language by combinging the best features of 72 world languages. This was confirmed by the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320.
Scota (left) with Goídel Glas voyaging from Egypt
Walter Bowers Scotichronicon
15th century manuscript
Princess Scota brought the eight Celtic high holy days (which are the Witchcraft Sabbats) to the Gaelic people. The ancient Egyptian holy days received Gaelic names and developed new traditions uniquely Celtic in nature.
These eight high holy days are: Samhain (Halloween), Yule (Christmas), Imbolc (Candalmas), Ostara (Easter), Beltane (May Day), Litha (Midsummer), Lammas (Lughnasadh), and Mabon.
Easter is the Germanic name of the Egyptian Goddess Bast. The Egyptians hired millions of German soldiers in the War Against the Sea People. Many of these German warriors returned home with worship of Bast and the springtime celebration of Bast/Easter at the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox. The Christians usurped the central-most German holy day to make forced conversion to Christianity easier.
While the Christians changed the date of Easter (a new complicated formula to make it end up on a Sunday), they kept the original name and many of the feaatures of the celebration of the Goddess of beginnings, fertility, and springtime. The eggs and rabbits are pagan fertility symbols. The Easter Basket appears prominently in one of the three common ancient heiroglyphs for the name of Bast. The statue of the Goddess at the Great Temple of Ephesus depicts the Goddess holding a large number of Easter eggs (although some claim they are bull testicals).
Christmas was originally Yule. The Christians usurped the holy day because they couldnt get rid of it. Yule is Babylonian for wheel and is a reference to the sun. The celebration of Yule honored Ishtar (Babylonian) or Isis (Egyptian).
In 1466 Pope Paul II had Christian soldiers force Jews to run naked through the streets to celebrate Christmas. One eyewitness wrote "Before they were to run, the Jews were richly fed, so as to make the race more difficult for them and at the same time more amusing for spectators.Ê They ran amid Romes taunting shrieks and peals of laughter, while the Holy Father stood upon a richly ornamented balcony and laughed heartily." (from David I. Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews: The Vaticans Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001, p. 74.)
Many Jews are still upset about Christians wishing them a Merry Christmas because they remember the five centuries of Jews being whipped and chased through the streets as the central celebration of Christmas.
In 1836 the Jewish leaders in Romew sent a lpetition to Pope Gregory XVI begging him to put an end to the annual Christmas abuse of Jews. The pope resonded, It is not opportune to make any innovation.
On December 25, 1881, the antisemetic Christmas celebration in Warsaw, Poland, resulted in 12 Jews being murdered, large numbers of Jewish women being raped, and many Jews being maimed and mutilated. More than two million rubles of property was damaged or destroyed.
Valentines Day was originally Lupercal, the second day of Parentalia and first day of the week long Festival of Love dedicated to Aphrodite or Venus or Hathor or Het Heret. The Roman Catholic Church renamed the holy day for a famous early Christian missionary (Saint Valentine) who repeatedly led armed mobs of Christians into the area of modern Romania and Hungary to forcibly convert the Pagans to Christianity (convert or die). Valentine didnt convert many Pagans, but is honored by Christianity for the genocide of large numbers of Pagan men, women, and children, raping the women, burning the villages to the ground, and stealing large amounts of loot for the church. Valetnine claimed to have personally killed more than 10,000 non-Christians himself. Valentine died on February 14th while on one of his convert or die missions.
While many Christians overlook or forget the original Kemetic Witchcraft meaning of Valentines Day (or more correctly, Orgiastic Festival), Muslims avoid the celebration because of its Pagan origins. The Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the official Saudi Arabian government religious police, strictly enforce a prohibition on celebration of this ancient holy day, as well as anything related to the holy day, including flowers, gifts, candy, and even the color red.
St. Patricks Day honors a Christian who became a saint by murdering large numbers of WItches and other pagans in Ireland. I was ordered by a managaer of Ralphs Grocery Company to put up a display honoring and celebrating Patricks mass murder of Witches. I strongly protested that it was an insult to my religion to celebrate the mass murder of thousands of members of my religion. The manager said she didnt care and ordered me to do it anyway.
Halloween or Samhain is based on the ancient Egyptian Feast of Sekhmet and Bast celebrating the birth of the Universe and the eternal cycle of life and death, beginning and ending. Ralphs Grocery Company set up an animtronic Witch that proclaimed the Blood Libel against all Witches. Ralphs Grocery Company claims that this kind of outrageous slander is essential to their marketing and business. The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing claims that this kind of outrageous activity would be illegal if directed against Jews or Blacks, but is perfectly legal when directed against Witches because there supposedly is no case law supporting the idea that Witches have equal protection under the laws!
diet or fasting
legal standards
5. h. Diet or Fasting: Religions often prescribe or prohibit the eating of certain foods and the drinking of certain liquids on particular days or during particular times. United States of America v David Meyers
The exact dietary rules vary depending on the Nome (equivalent to a state in ancient Egypt) that one comes from. This was related to the main local deity.
See the Goddess Diet.
legal standards
5. i. Appearance and Clothing: Some religions prescribe the manner in which believers should maintain their physical appearance, and other religions prescribe the type of clothing that believers should wear. United States of America v David Meyers
Many Witchcraft rituals are performed sky-clad. That is naked, or weaing only the sky as clothing. The lack of clothing separting the Witch from nature creates a greater and more powerful connection to the divine.
legal standards
5. i. Appearance and Clothing: Some religions prescribe the manner in which believers should maintain their physical appearance, and other religions prescribe the type of clothing that believers should wear. United States of America v David Meyers
white clothing
Throughout the Roman Empire there were large, well-attended processions dedicated to Isis. Participants wore all white clothing.
belly dancing
Belly dancing came to the Nile Valley from the Pygmies and was originally intended to honor the Pygmy deity Bes. Bes became one of the most important of Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) deities and belly dancing spread throughout the Middle East.
The main myth told in belly dancing was the myth of the Garden of Eden. The reason the garden was tropically rich and jungle-like was because the myth originally came from the Pygmy people living in the jungles of the Congo River valley.
Which is superior clothing: the flowing clothes of a beautiful belly dancer or the garish robes of dour Roman Catholic priests? Clearly the religious clothing of the Kemetic Witchcraft religion is superior in every way and a more legally valid religious clothing than anything worn by the Roman Catholic Church.
legal standards
5. j. Propagation: Most religious groups, thinking that they have something worthwhile or essential to offer non-believers, attempt to propagate their views and persuade others of their correctness. This is sometimes called mission work, witnessing, converting, or proselytizing. United States of America v David Meyers
Sunday schools for religious instruction of the young, IRS definition of a church
distinct and separate
legal standards
a distinct legal existence, IRS definition of a church
a definite and distinct ecclesiastical government, IRS definition of a church
a distinct religious history, IRS definition of a church
a membership not associated with any other church or denomination, IRS definition of a church
a literature of its own, IRS definition of a church