- astrological information
- numerological information
- herbal information
- stones and gems
- days
- Goddesses and deities
You will often see an image of a witch riding on the moon. This is a reflection of ancient traditions associating witches with the Moon.

The Moon is one of the basic Western astrological planets (even though it is scientifically a natural satellite). The Moon is personal in sign, house, and aspects.
The moon rules desires as opposed to ego, need as opposed to expediency or reason. It describes how you feel about yourself, how you handle relationships, and how you emotionally respond to situations and experiences. It describes the flow of your daily functions; physical, emotional, and mental. The moon respresents your residence and domestic environment. It rules babies and young children, your mother and other important females in your life. —Peggy, astro-consulting
In the traditional ages of man, the Moon rules infancy.
Moon Conjunct Sun: The Moon is in conjunction with the Sun is always a New Moon. Time for revitalization and new beginnings. Spells to change your life. Spells for new beginnings.
Moon Sextile Sun: Work hard and make positive gains towards your desires. Ritual related to Athena.
Celtic astrology:
The Celtic month of Saille (S), Willow Moon, from April 15 to May 12 is associated with the Moon in Celtic astrology.
In numerology the Moon vibrates to the number 2.
the Heavens of Assiah: 9 is the Sphere of Luna in numerology —Aleister Crowley
herbs associated with the Moon:
Plants (and herbs) ruled by the Moon can be used in spells relating to: compassion, dreams, family, fertility, gardening, healing, love, peace, promoting sleep, prophecy, prophetic (or psychic) dreams), psychic awareness, sleep, and spirituality. Note: some herbs correspond to more than one astrological planet.
Herbs marked with an asterisk (*) usually may be substituted for other herbs in magick spells and formulas related to lunar matters (see list in paragraph above). Be careful in any recipes that will be ingested, as not all herbs are safe for internal use. These substitutions are not appropriate for healing or medicinal uses (where you need to use the exact right herb).
- aloe *
- aloe vera *
- anise
- calamus *
- camphor *
- coconut *
- gardenia *
- grape *
- Indian sandalwood
- jasmine *
- lemon *
- lemon balm *
- lentil
- lily *
- myrrh *
- poppy seed *
- sandalwood *
- selenetrope *
- sweet flag *
- willow *
- wood aloe
essential oils associated with the Moon:
Essential oils ruled by the Moon can be used in spells relating to: compassion, dreams, family, fertility, gardening, healing, love, peace, promoting sleep, prophecy, prophetic (or psychic) dreams), psychic awareness, sleep, and spirituality.
Any of the following essential oils usually may be substituted for each other in magick spells and formulas related to lunar matters (see list in paragraph above). Be careful in any recipes that will be ingested, as very few essential oils are safe for internal use. These substitutions are not appropriate for healing or medicinal uses (where you need to use the exact right esssential oil).
Important: See the article on essential oils for detailed information on how to mix and use essential oils (especially the importance of diluting them so that they don’t irritate or burn your skin).
bouquets associated with the Moon:
Bouquets are similar to essential oils, and are used and mixed the same as essential oils. Bouquets ruled by the Moon can be used in spells relating to: compassion, dreams, family, fertility, gardening, healing, love, peace, promoting sleep, prophecy, prophetic (or psychic) dreams), psychic awareness, sleep, and spirituality.
Incense: See incense sticks below.
stones associated with the Moon:
Stones that are white in color are ruled by the Moon.
days associated with the Moon:
Monday is named for the Moon. See monday.
deities associated with the Moon:
- A (Chaldean Goddess)
- Aah (Kemetic/ancient Egyptian God)
- Ariadne (Minoan Goddess)
- Artemis (Greek Goddess)
- Asherah (Canaanite Fertility Goddess)
- Asherah (Hebrew Fertility Goddess)
- Asherali (Canaanite Fertility Goddess)
- Astarte (Phoenician Love and fertility Goddess)
- Diana (Roman Goddess)
- Khons (Kemetic/ancient Egyptian God)
- Luna (Roman Goddess)
- Hecate (Greek Goddess)
See also: astrology