The government has an illegal bias against Witchcraft that violates the U.S. Constitution.
All government officials, including all judges, prosecutors, and police, are officially paid in money that includes the officially established written religious oath of office In God We Trust, even though the U.S. Constitution specifically prohibits religious oaths of office.
All federal judges are either Christian or Jew. There are ZERO Buddhist federal judges. There are ZERO Hindu federal judges. There are ZERO Witch federal judges. There are ZERO Islamic federal judges. Statistically it is unambigiously clear that the appointments of federal judges have involved an illegal prohibition against federal judges of any religion other than Christianity or Judaism.
The majority of the U.S. Supreme Court are Roman Catholic (Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice Antonio Scalia, and Justice Clarence Thomas) and have exercised their majority to vote according to requirements set down by the Roman Catholic Pope under threat of being excommunicated by the Pope.
As just one example, under threat of excommunication for any public official who allowed abortion, in 2007 the five member Roman Catholic majority outlawed partial birth abortion (even though there is no medical procedure by that name) claiming that all humans shared the official Roman Catholic religious belief that the procedure was gruesome and inhumane and the official Roman Catholic religious belief that women who have abortions come to regret their choice to abort the infant life they once created and sustained and that severe depression and loss of esteem can follow.
The Roman Catholic majority of the U.S. Supreme Court also ruled in 2007 that the First Amendment prohibition against establishment of religion and the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of religion only apply to Congress and do not in any way apply to the executive (or presumably the judiaciary) and that the founding fathers had no intent of any kind to prohibit the establishment of the Roman Catholic Church as the official U.S. government religion and that the founding fathers never had any intent that any person have freedom of religious belief or thought.
In the case U.S. v. David Meyers, No. 95-8079, United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth District, September 6, 1996, the judges ruled that Meyers Church of Marijuana was not legally a religion and used a set of highly biased tests that were specifically designed to establish Chrisianity as the only legal religion in the U.S. and specifically prohibit the free exercise of all other religions.
- what is religion?
- Ultimate Ideas
- Metaphysical Beliefs
- Moral or Ethical System
- Comprehensiveness of Beliefs
- Accoutrements of Religion
- Founder, Propher, or Teacher
- Important Writings
- Gathering Places
- Keepers of Knowledge
- Ceremonies and Rituals
- Structure or Organization
- Holidays
- Diet or Fasting
- Appearance and Clothing
- Propogation