You can become a Witch. You might already be a natural Witch.
Being a Witch is a decision. It is entirely your personal choice. Trust your own heart. What do you feel inside?
Most of Modern Witchcraft is Eclectic, which means that each individual Witch creates his or her own personal version by picking and choosing from all of the worlds traditions to create a customized personal version of witchcraft that is best for that one particular person.
no harm
The only law of Wicca (the most common form of modern Witchcraft) is harm none (see the Wiccan rede).
The first rule of a Witch doctor is to do no harm.
picture courtesy of Golden Ravens Perch
The threefold law states that whatever kind of magickal energy you emit into the world will return three times three back to you. So make sure that you send out positive and loving energy.
a plan for learning
The Teen Witch website is organizaed as an encyclopedia of articles in alphabetical order.
You do not have to learn everything at once. There is enough on this website to keep you busy for years. Relax and learn at your own pace. This aint no school with the pressure of homework, tests, and assignments. Pick and choose those things about Witchcraft that personally interest you.
While you are free to randomly look through the thousands of articles on this web site, once you decide to learn about Witchcraft for real, you will want some help in figuring out which articles to read first.
The following list of articles gives you one possible path for learning about Witchcraft on your own. Witches with more experience are invited to offer their own suggested lists of articles for learning about Witchcraft (and can include articles from their own sites as well).
Witch Learn what a witch is.
Witchcraft Learn about different types of Witchcraft as you discover what kind best fits you personally. Many Witches choose to be Wiccan. Another popular choice is eclectic witchcraft, in which you pick and choose from all the varieties of witchcraft and build a personal version that is the best for you personally.
Parents An article on how to deal with your parents, especially if they are conservative Christians, Jews, or Muslims.
Greetings A short article on common Witchcraft greetings and salutations.
Casting a Circle Learn how to cast a magick circle to help empower your magick spells.
For a humorous example of a pagan ritual, read the article on Melting the Bunny.
Altar Learn how to create your own altar.
Book of Shadows Learn how to create your own book of shadows.
Magick tools A list of some of the most common magick tools used in Witchcraft, including the ever popular magick wand and athame.
Learn the difference between a magick amulet and a magick talisman.
There is a growing list of Gods and Goddesses at divine. I know it can be very confusing to sort through all of those listed. Even if you concentrate on just one ancient pantheon (grouping of Gods and Goddesses), it will still take a few months (or even a few years) to become comfortable or even remember the names and who they are. There is no hurry to memorize long lists. Take your time. Explore and see if any capture your imagination and excitement.
Each of the elemental articles describes a basic elemental spell (an easy way to get started on magick): air, earth, fire, and water.
You can learn about growing herbs and other plants in the article about Witchcraft gardens.
Goddess Diet Plan describes how any woman can become a living Goddess. The emphasis is on achieving a balanced diet.
The essay on we are really different discusses the differences between paganism and mainstream Western religions.
Witch doctors
The word medicine comes from the prehistoric era of wise women who measure out plants in order to heal. More than two thirds of modern medications (total usage, not sheer numbers of drugs) are derived from ancient Witch herbal preparations!
Obviously beginning Witches dont have the knowledge to safely practice medicine. With Witchcraft now the fastest growing religion in the U.S., it may not be long before we see a return of the traditional Witch Doctor as teenage Witches prepare for medical degrees and bring back magickal healing.
If this sounds interesting to you, visit the web page on witch doctors.