alphabetical index
Note: It is much easier to use these category listings than the entire table of contents.
- astrology
- divination
- divine
- elements
- foods
- gender
- geography
- Goddess plan
- herbs
- magick
- minerals
- numerology
- nutrients
- pantheons
- pharaoh
- preparations
- religions
- trees
Note: It is much easier to use the category listings than the entire table of contents.
alphabetical index
Table of Contents -- full list
- main guide
- introduction to Goddess Diet Plan
- Questions and Answers
- witchcraft
- religions
- divine
- gardens
- Kemetic Orthodox
- Kemetic Rationalism
- native ancient Egyptian religion
- traditional ancient Egyptian religions
- Wicca
- Witchcraft
- people
- magick
- magick
- altar
- amulet
- aura reading
- bale fire
- book of shadows
- box
- candle magick
- candle making
- casting a circle
- divination
- djed
- faery dust
- gardens
- Kemetic magic
- love bath
- love spells
- magicians box
- money spells
- names
- pentagrams/pentacles
- potpourri
- talisman
- love spells
- love spells
- Aphrodite New Moon love spell
- black peppercorn love spell
- Hecate black candle love spell
- love bath
- Isis Full Moon love spell
- rituals
- supplies
- tools
- elements
- divination
- divination
- aerimancy
- aeromancy
- alectromancy
- alphitomancy
- anemoscopy
- astrology
- austromancy
- axinomancy
- bibliomancy
- botanomancy
- brontoscopy
- ceraunomancy
- ceraunoscopy
- chaomancy
- cometomancy
- divination
- eromancy
- meteormancy
- nephomancy
- numerology
- roadomancy
- astrology
- planets
- numerology
- stones
- misc. subjects
- artwork stolen during Egyptian Revolution
- Bonewits cult evaluation
- events
- greetings
- Kitty Cat
- Melting the Bunny
- parents
- we really are different
- Wiccan Rede
- Wicca Saves
- writings, books, and scrolls
- healing
- exercise
- diets
- cooking
- foods
- foods
- gardens
- acorn
- adzuki beans
- alcohol
- ale
- alfalfa sprouts
- almond
- amaranth
- apples
- apricots
- artichokes
- Asian pear
- asparagus
- avocado
- bamboo shoots
- bananas
- barley
- beans
- bean sprouts
- bee pollen
- bee propolis
- beef
- beer
- beets
- bell peppers
- black beans
- blackberry
- black pudding
- black plum
- black tea
- blueberry
- bok choy
- Brazil nut
- bread
- broccoli
- brown rice
- Brussels sprouts
- buckwheat
- burdock">burdock root
- cabbage
- canned fish
- cantaloupe
- carrots
- cashew
- cauliflower
- celery
- chard
- cheese
- cherry
- chestnut
- chicken
- chicken eggs
- chickpea
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese chive
- Chinese cucumber
- Chinese date
- Chinese yam
- chives
- chocolate
- cocoa
- coconut
- cod liver oil
- coffee
- common beans
- corn
- cows milk
- crab
- cranberry
- cucumber
- currant
- Daikon radish
- dairy
- dandelion greens
- dates
- eggs
- eggplant
- egg yolks
- endive
- figs
- fish
- garlic
- gelatin
- globe artichokes
- goji berry
- grapes
- grapefruit
- haggis
- hard water
- herbs
- honey
- iodized salt
- jujube
- kale
- key lime
- kiwi
- leek
- lemon
- lentils
- lettuce
- lime
- loquat
- lotus root
- macadamia
- maize
- mango
- meat
- milk
- millet
- mint
- molasses
- mulberry
- mung bean
- mushroom
- mustard greens
- nuts
- oats
- offal
- olive
- onion
- orange
- oyster
- papaya
- parsley
- parsnips
- passion fruit
- peas
- peach
- peanuts
- pear
- pearl barley
- pecan
- peppers
- Persian lime
- persimmon
- pineapple
- piñon
- plum
- pomegranate
- pork
- potatoes
- preserved meat
- pulses
- pumpkin
- quince
- radish
- raspberry
- refined flour
- refined sugar
- rhubarb
- rice
- rice milk
- Romaine lettuce
- root vegetables
- royal jelly
- rye
- salmon
- salt
- scallion
- seaweed
- seeds
- shellfish
- shrimp
- soya beans
- soy bean sprouts
- spinach
- sprouted seeds
- squash
- strawberry
- string beans
- sugar
- sunflower seeds
- sweet potato
- sweet rice
- tabouli
- tangerine
- taro root
- tea
- tofu
- tomatoes
- turkey
- turnip
- walnut
- water
- water chestnut
- watercress
- watermelon
- wheat
- wheatgerm
- whole grains
- wild rice
- yam
- yogurt
- zucchini
- nutrients
- nutrients
- nutrition
- acidophilus
- alanine
- allylic sulfides
- amino acids
- anthocyanidins
- arginine
- artificial sweeteners
- ascorbic acid
- asparagine
- aspartic acid
- beta carotene
- bioflavonoids
- biotin
- b-sitosterol
- caffeine
- calcium
- carbohydrates
- carnitine
- carotenoids
- catechins
- choline
- chromium
- cobalamin
- copper
- cysteine
- fat
- fatty acids
- fibre
- flavonoids
- fluoride
- folic acid
- glucosinolates
- glutamic acid
- glutamine
- glycine
- grape seed extract
- hesperidin
- histidine
- indoles
- inositol
- iodine
- iron
- isoflavones
- isoleucine
- isoprenoids
- lecithin
- leucine
- limonoids
- lipoic acid
- lysine
- magnesium
- manganese
- methionine
- minerals
- niacin
- niacinamide
- octacosanol
- omega 3 fatty acids
- pantothenic acid
- para amino benzoic acid
- phenols
- phenylalanine
- phospatidyl choline
- phosphate
- phosphorus
- phytochemicals
- phytosterols
- potassium
- proanthocyanidin
- processed foods
- proline
- proteins
- pyridoxine
- quercetin
- riboflavin
- rutin
- selenium
- serine
- starches
- taurine
- terpenes
- theanine
- thiamin
- thiol
- threonine
- tocopherols
- tocotrienols
- trace minerals
- tryptophan
- tyrosine
- valine
- vitamins
- vitamin A
- vitamin B-1
- vitamin B-2
- vitamin B-3
- vitamin B-6
- vitamin B-12
- vitamin C
- vitamin D
- vitamin E
- vitamin K
- zinc
- herbs
- herbs
- scientific names
- herbalism
- gardens
- abaca
- absinthe
- acacia
- aconite
- acorn
- Adam and Eve root
- adders tongue
- African violet
- agrimony
- ague
- ajowan
- alexanders
- alfalfa
- alkanet
- allspice
- almond
- aloe
- aloe vera
- aloe, wood
- alyssum
- amaranth
- ambrette
- American bittersweet
- American ginseng
- American mistletoe
- amla
- anemone
- angelica
- anise
- apple
- apricot
- arbutus
- areca
- arjuna
- arnica
- asafoetida
- ash
- ashwagandha
- aster
- avens
- babys breath
- bachelors buttons
- bala
- balmony
- balm of Gilead
- bamboo
- banyan
- barberry
- barley
- basil
- bay laurel
- bayberry
- bay rum
- bdellium
- beech
- beets
- belladonna
- benzoin
- bergamot
- be-still
- betal palm
- betony
- bhringaraj
- birch
- birthwort
- bistort
- bitter almond
- bitter orange
- bittersweet
- blackberry
- black cohosh
- black-eyed susan
- black hellebore
- black nightshade
- black pepper
- black tea
- bladderwrack
- bleeding heart
- blessed thistle
- bloodroot
- bluebell
- blueberry
- blue flag
- bodhi
- boneset
- borage
- bracken
- Brazil nut
- bromeliad
- broom
- bryony
- buchu
- buckthorn
- burdock">burdock root
- buttercup
- cachana
- calamint
- camomile
- camphor
- candlenut
- cannabis
- caper
- capsicum
- caraway
- cardamom
- carnation
- carob
- cascara sagrada
- cashew
- cassia
- castor
- catnip
- cat tail
- cayenne
- cedar
- celandine
- centaury
- chamomile
- chapparal
- cherry
- chestnut
- chickweed
- chicory
- Chilean clover
- chili pepper
- chives
- chrysanthemum
- cinnamon
- cinquefoil
- citron
- clary sage
- cleavers
- clove
- clover
- club moss
- coconut
- coltsfoot
- columbine
- comfrey
- common sage
- copal
- coriander
- corn
- costmary
- costus
- cotton
- cowslip
- cranberry
- crocus
- cubeb
- cukoo flower
- cumin
- currant
- curry
- cyclamen
- cypress
- daffodil
- daisy
- damiana
- dandelion
- date palm
- datura
- deadly nightshade
- deerstongue
- devils bit
- devils shoestring
- dill
- dittany of Crete
- dock
- dodder
- dogbane
- dogwood
- Douglas fir
- dragons blood
- dulse
- Dutchmans breeches
- ebony
- echinacea
- edelweiss
- elder
- elecampane
- elm
- eryngo
- eucalyptus
- euphorbium
- euphrasia
- European mistletoe
- European yew
- evening primrose
- eyebright
- fennel
- fenugreek
- fern
- feverfew
- figwort
- fir
- flax
- fleabane
- fleawort
- fo ti
- foxglove
- fragrant bedstraw
- frankincense
- fumitory
- fuzzy weed
- galangal
- gardenia
- garden valerian
- garlic
- gentian
- geranium
- German chamomile
- ginger
- ginseng
- ginseng, American
- goats rue
- golden rod
- golden seal
- gorse
- gotu kola
- gourd
- grains of paradise
- grape
- grapefruit
- green tea
- ground ivy
- groundsel
- gum
- gum acacia
- gum ammoniac
- gum arabic
- gum bdellium
- gum mastic
- gum scammony
- gum tragacanth
- hawthorne
- hazel
- heather
- heliotrope
- hellebore
- hemlock
- hemlock tree
- henbane
- herbs
- hibiscus
- hickory
- High John the Conqueror
- holly
- honeysuckle
- hops
- horehound
- ho-shou-wu
- houndstongue
- houseleek
- hyacinth
- hyssop
- Indian cress
- Indian gooseberry
- Indian sandalwood
- iris
- Irish moss
- ivy
- Japanese camellia
- jasmine
- jojoba
- juniper
- kava kava
- kelp
- kino
- knotgrass
- ladys mantle
- lavender
- lemon
- lemon balm
- lemongrass
- lemon verbena
- licorice
- lilac
- lily
- lime
- linden
- liquidamber
- lotus
- lovage
- lucerne
- lupine
- mace
- magnolia
- ma huang
- maidenhair fern
- maize
- mallow
- mandrake
- Manila hemp
- maple
- marigold
- marjoram
- marsh mallow
- Mexican cress
- meadow rue
- meadowsweet
- mesquite
- mimosa
- mimulus
- mint
- mistletoe, American
- mistletoe, European
- Mormon tea
- mugwort
- mulberry
- mullein
- mums
- musk thistle
- mustard
- myrrh
- myrtle
- nasturtium
- narcissus
- neroli
- nettle
- niaouli
- nightshade
- nightshade, black
- nightshade, deadly
- nutmeg
- oak
- oakmoss
- olive
- opoponax
- orange
- orange bergamot
- orchid
- orris
- osha
- ox-eye daisy
- palm
- palmrosa
- pansy
- papyrus
- parsley
- passion flower
- patchouly
- peach
- pear
- pearl barley
- pecan
- pennyroyal
- peony
- pepper, black
- peppermint
- pepper tree
- pepperwort
- periwinkle
- Persian lime
- Peru balsam
- Peruvian cress
- pine
- piñon
- pipsissewa
- plumeria
- pokeberry
- pomegranate
- poplar
- poppy
- primrose
- purple medic
- quince
- ranunculus
- raspberry
- red sandalwood
- red storax
- rhubarb
- rooibos
- rose
- rose geranium
- rosemary
- rowan
- rue
- rye
- sacred bark
- safflower
- saffron
- sagapen
- sage
- sagebrush
- Saint Johns wort
- saltcedar
- sandalwood
- sarsaparilla
- sassafras
- selenetrope
- sesame
- shea
- Solomons seal
- spearmint
- spikenard
- spirulina
- star anise
- stephanotis
- St. Johns wort
- storax
- storax, red
- strawberry
- sumbul
- sunflower
- sweet flag
- sweetgrass
- sweet pea
- tamarisk
- tangerine
- tansy
- tarragon
- thistle
- thyme
- ti
- tobacco
- tonka
- trees
- trefoil
- true nard
- tuberose
- valerian
- vanilla
- vervain
- vetivert
- violet
- water parsnip
- white sage
- white willow
- wild bergamot
- wintergreen
- wisteria
- wolfsbane
- wood aloe
- wood avens
- wood betony
- woodruff
- wormwood
- yarrow
- yellow dock
- yerba santa
- yew
- ylang ylang
- trees
- trees
- gardens
- alder
- allspice
- almond
- American elder
- apple
- apricot
- avocado
- areca
- ash
- Asian pear
- banyan
- bay laurel
- bay rum
- beech
- betel palm
- birch
- bitter almond
- bitter orange
- black plum
- black walnut
- bodhi
- Brazil nut
- buckthorn
- candlenut
- carob
- cashew
- cedar
- cherry
- chestnut
- coconut
- common yew
- cypress
- date palm
- dogwood
- Douglas fir
- ebony
- elder
- elm
- eucalyptus
- European yew
- fig
- fir
- grapefruit/li>
- hawthorne
- hemlock
- hickory
- holly
- Indian sandalwood
- Japanese camellia
- jujube
- juniper
- key lime
- kino
- kukui
- lemon
- lime
- linden
- loquat
- macadamia
- magnolia
- mango
- maple
- mesquite
- mountain ash
- mulberry
- oak
- olive
- orange
- palm
- peach
- pecan
- pepper tree
- Persian lime
- persimmon
- Peru balsam
- pine
- piñon
- plum
- poplar
- quince
- rowan
- saltcedar
- sandalwood
- shea
- silver fir
- sweet almond
- tamarisk
- tangerine
- walnut
- white willow
- willow
- yew
- seaweed
- mushrooms
- animals
- fish
- dairy
- preparations
- ailments
- ailments and conditions
- acne
- anxiety
- asthma
- brittle nails
- cancer
- clumsiness
- cramps
- depression
- dermatitus
- diabetes
- fatigue
- glaucoma
- gum disease
- infertility
- insomnia
- irritability
- joint pain
- menopause
- miscarriage
- motion sickness
- nausea
- night sweats
- numbness
- osteoporosis
- poor concentration
- poor growth
- racing heart
- rickets
- tingling
- tiredness
- tooth decay
- tumors
- body
- gender
- flavors
- Ayurveda
- Yoga
- hieroglyphs
- geography
- agriculture
- structures
- days
- months
- holy days
- religious freedom
- religious freedom
- illegal bias
- Witchs Rights Law
- Fort Hood pagans (Wiccan rights 1999)
- Sgt. Stewart (Wiccan gravestone 2006)
- Tempest Smith (suicide 2001)
- blood libel case
- Pharaoh
- divine
- divine
- Kemetic neteru
- Aah
- Agathadaimon
- Ahti
- Ahy
- Amon
- Anpu
- Anubis
- Asar
- Aset
- Aten
- Aton
- Atum
- Bast
- Bes
- Buto
- Djehuti
- Geb
- Hapi
- Hathor
- Heru sa Aset
- Heru-Ur
- Het Heret
- Horus the Elder
- Horus the Younger
- Isis
- Kherpi
- Khnum
- Khons
- Maat
- Mertseger
- Mwt
- Nebt Het
- Neith
- Nephthys
- Neter
- Nuit
- Nun
- Nwt
- Osiris
- Ptah
- Ra
- Sekhmet
- Selkhet
- Seshat
- Set
- Shu
- Tefnut
- Tehuti
- Thoth
- Udjat
- Wadjet
- African deities
- ancient deities
- Anglo-Saxon deities
- Assyrian deities
- Aztec deities
- Babylonian deities
- Buddhist deities
- Akshobya Buddha
- Amitaba Buddha
- Amogasiddhi Buddha
- Avaloketishwara
- Dakini
- Hotei
- Ratnasambhava.html Buddha
- Vairocana Buddha
- Caananite deities
- Celtic deities
- Chaldean deities
- Feri Tradition deities
- German deities
- Greek deities
- Acheloüs
- Alycone
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Astraea
- Athena
- Cronus
- Demeter
- Dionysus
- Hecate
- Helios
- Hera
- Hermes
- Kronos
- Persephone
- Poseidon
- Rhea
- Selene
- Themis
- Thetis
- Zeus
- Hebrew deities
- Hindu deities
- Inuit deities
- Irish deities
- Japanese deities
- Mayan deities
- Minoan deities
- Norse deities
- Persian deities
- Phoencian deities
- Roman deities
- Abundantia
- Bacchus
- Bellona
- Bona Dea
- Ceres
- Cybele
- Diana
- Epona
- Juno
- Jupiter
- Luna
- Mars
- Mercury
- the Penates
- Sol
- Venus
- Vesta
- Scandinavian deities
- Sumerian deities
- Welsh deities
- mythology
alphabetical index
- religions
- divine
- gardens
- Kemetic Orthodox
- Kemetic Rationalism
- native ancient Egyptian religion
- traditional ancient Egyptian religions
- Wicca
- Witchcraft
- magick
- altar
- amulet
- aura reading
- bale fire
- book of shadows
- box
- candle magick
- candle making
- casting a circle
- divination
- djed
- faery dust
- gardens
- Kemetic magic
- love bath
- love spells
- magicians box
- money spells
- names
- pentagrams/pentacles
- potpourri
- talisman
- love spells
- Aphrodite New Moon love spell
- black peppercorn love spell
- Hecate black candle love spell
- love bath
- Isis Full Moon love spell
- divination
- aerimancy
- aeromancy
- alectromancy
- alphitomancy
- anemoscopy
- astrology
- austromancy
- axinomancy
- bibliomancy
- botanomancy
- brontoscopy
- ceraunomancy
- ceraunoscopy
- chaomancy
- cometomancy
- divination
- eromancy
- meteormancy
- nephomancy
- numerology
- roadomancy
- artwork stolen during Egyptian Revolution
- Bonewits cult evaluation
- events
- greetings
- Kitty Cat
- Melting the Bunny
- parents
- we really are different
- Wiccan Rede
- Wicca Saves
- foods
- gardens
- acorn
- adzuki beans
- alcohol
- ale
- alfalfa sprouts
- almond
- amaranth
- apples
- apricots
- artichokes
- Asian pear
- asparagus
- avocado
- bamboo shoots
- bananas
- barley
- beans
- bean sprouts
- bee pollen
- bee propolis
- beef
- beer
- beets
- bell peppers
- black beans
- blackberry
- black pudding
- black plum
- black tea
- blueberry
- bok choy
- Brazil nut
- bread
- broccoli
- brown rice
- Brussels sprouts
- buckwheat
- burdock">burdock root
- cabbage
- canned fish
- cantaloupe
- carrots
- cashew
- cauliflower
- celery
- chard
- cheese
- cherry
- chestnut
- chicken
- chicken eggs
- chickpea
- Chinese cabbage
- Chinese chive
- Chinese cucumber
- Chinese date
- Chinese yam
- chives
- chocolate
- cocoa
- coconut
- cod liver oil
- coffee
- common beans
- corn
- cows milk
- crab
- cranberry
- cucumber
- currant
- Daikon radish
- dairy
- dandelion greens
- dates
- eggs
- eggplant
- egg yolks
- endive
- figs
- fish
- garlic
- gelatin
- globe artichokes
- goji berry
- grapes
- grapefruit
- haggis
- hard water
- herbs
- honey
- iodized salt
- jujube
- kale
- key lime
- kiwi
- leek
- lemon
- lentils
- lettuce
- lime
- loquat
- lotus root
- macadamia
- maize
- mango
- meat
- milk
- millet
- mint
- molasses
- mulberry
- mung bean
- mushroom
- mustard greens
- nuts
- oats
- offal
- olive
- onion
- orange
- oyster
- papaya
- parsley
- parsnips
- passion fruit
- peas
- peach
- peanuts
- pear
- pearl barley
- pecan
- peppers
- Persian lime
- persimmon
- pineapple
- piñon
- plum
- pomegranate
- pork
- potatoes
- preserved meat
- pulses
- pumpkin
- quince
- radish
- raspberry
- refined flour
- refined sugar
- rhubarb
- rice
- rice milk
- Romaine lettuce
- root vegetables
- royal jelly
- rye
- salmon
- salt
- scallion
- seaweed
- seeds
- shellfish
- shrimp
- soya beans
- soy bean sprouts
- spinach
- sprouted seeds
- squash
- strawberry
- string beans
- sugar
- sunflower seeds
- sweet potato
- sweet rice
- tabouli
- tangerine
- taro root
- tea
- tofu
- tomatoes
- turkey
- turnip
- walnut
- water
- water chestnut
- watercress
- watermelon
- wheat
- wheatgerm
- whole grains
- wild rice
- yam
- yogurt
- zucchini
- nutrients
- nutrition
- acidophilus
- alanine
- allylic sulfides
- amino acids
- anthocyanidins
- arginine
- artificial sweeteners
- ascorbic acid
- asparagine
- aspartic acid
- beta carotene
- bioflavonoids
- biotin
- b-sitosterol
- caffeine
- calcium
- carbohydrates
- carnitine
- carotenoids
- catechins
- choline
- chromium
- cobalamin
- copper
- cysteine
- fat
- fatty acids
- fibre
- flavonoids
- fluoride
- folic acid
- glucosinolates
- glutamic acid
- glutamine
- glycine
- grape seed extract
- hesperidin
- histidine
- indoles
- inositol
- iodine
- iron
- isoflavones
- isoleucine
- isoprenoids
- lecithin
- leucine
- limonoids
- lipoic acid
- lysine
- magnesium
- manganese
- methionine
- minerals
- niacin
- niacinamide
- octacosanol
- omega 3 fatty acids
- pantothenic acid
- para amino benzoic acid
- phenols
- phenylalanine
- phospatidyl choline
- phosphate
- phosphorus
- phytochemicals
- phytosterols
- potassium
- proanthocyanidin
- processed foods
- proline
- proteins
- pyridoxine
- quercetin
- riboflavin
- rutin
- selenium
- serine
- starches
- taurine
- terpenes
- theanine
- thiamin
- thiol
- threonine
- tocopherols
- tocotrienols
- trace minerals
- tryptophan
- tyrosine
- valine
- vitamins
- vitamin A
- vitamin B-1
- vitamin B-2
- vitamin B-3
- vitamin B-6
- vitamin B-12
- vitamin C
- vitamin D
- vitamin E
- vitamin K
- zinc
- herbs
- scientific names
- herbalism
- gardens
- abaca
- absinthe
- acacia
- aconite
- acorn
- Adam and Eve root
- adders tongue
- African violet
- agrimony
- ague
- ajowan
- alexanders
- alfalfa
- alkanet
- allspice
- almond
- aloe
- aloe vera
- aloe, wood
- alyssum
- amaranth
- ambrette
- American bittersweet
- American ginseng
- American mistletoe
- amla
- anemone
- angelica
- anise
- apple
- apricot
- arbutus
- areca
- arjuna
- arnica
- asafoetida
- ash
- ashwagandha
- aster
- avens
- babys breath
- bachelors buttons
- bala
- balmony
- balm of Gilead
- bamboo
- banyan
- barberry
- barley
- basil
- bay laurel
- bayberry
- bay rum
- bdellium
- beech
- beets
- belladonna
- benzoin
- bergamot
- be-still
- betal palm
- betony
- bhringaraj
- birch
- birthwort
- bistort
- bitter almond
- bitter orange
- bittersweet
- blackberry
- black cohosh
- black-eyed susan
- black hellebore
- black nightshade
- black pepper
- black tea
- bladderwrack
- bleeding heart
- blessed thistle
- bloodroot
- bluebell
- blueberry
- blue flag
- bodhi
- boneset
- borage
- bracken
- Brazil nut
- bromeliad
- broom
- bryony
- buchu
- buckthorn
- burdock">burdock root
- buttercup
- cachana
- calamint
- camomile
- camphor
- candlenut
- cannabis
- caper
- capsicum
- caraway
- cardamom
- carnation
- carob
- cascara sagrada
- cashew
- cassia
- castor
- catnip
- cat tail
- cayenne
- cedar
- celandine
- centaury
- chamomile
- chapparal
- cherry
- chestnut
- chickweed
- chicory
- Chilean clover
- chili pepper
- chives
- chrysanthemum
- cinnamon
- cinquefoil
- citron
- clary sage
- cleavers
- clove
- clover
- club moss
- coconut
- coltsfoot
- columbine
- comfrey
- common sage
- copal
- coriander
- corn
- costmary
- costus
- cotton
- cowslip
- cranberry
- crocus
- cubeb
- cukoo flower
- cumin
- currant
- curry
- cyclamen
- cypress
- daffodil
- daisy
- damiana
- dandelion
- date palm
- datura
- deadly nightshade
- deerstongue
- devils bit
- devils shoestring
- dill
- dittany of Crete
- dock
- dodder
- dogbane
- dogwood
- Douglas fir
- dragons blood
- dulse
- Dutchmans breeches
- ebony
- echinacea
- edelweiss
- elder
- elecampane
- elm
- eryngo
- eucalyptus
- euphorbium
- euphrasia
- European mistletoe
- European yew
- evening primrose
- eyebright
- fennel
- fenugreek
- fern
- feverfew
- figwort
- fir
- flax
- fleabane
- fleawort
- fo ti
- foxglove
- fragrant bedstraw
- frankincense
- fumitory
- fuzzy weed
- galangal
- gardenia
- garden valerian
- garlic
- gentian
- geranium
- German chamomile
- ginger
- ginseng
- ginseng, American
- goats rue
- golden rod
- golden seal
- gorse
- gotu kola
- gourd
- grains of paradise
- grape
- grapefruit
- green tea
- ground ivy
- groundsel
- gum
- gum acacia
- gum ammoniac
- gum arabic
- gum bdellium
- gum mastic
- gum scammony
- gum tragacanth
- hawthorne
- hazel
- heather
- heliotrope
- hellebore
- hemlock
- hemlock tree
- henbane
- herbs
- hibiscus
- hickory
- High John the Conqueror
- holly
- honeysuckle
- hops
- horehound
- ho-shou-wu
- houndstongue
- houseleek
- hyacinth
- hyssop
- Indian cress
- Indian gooseberry
- Indian sandalwood
- iris
- Irish moss
- ivy
- Japanese camellia
- jasmine
- jojoba
- juniper
- kava kava
- kelp
- kino
- knotgrass
- ladys mantle
- lavender
- lemon
- lemon balm
- lemongrass
- lemon verbena
- licorice
- lilac
- lily
- lime
- linden
- liquidamber
- lotus
- lovage
- lucerne
- lupine
- mace
- magnolia
- ma huang
- maidenhair fern
- maize
- mallow
- mandrake
- Manila hemp
- maple
- marigold
- marjoram
- marsh mallow
- Mexican cress
- meadow rue
- meadowsweet
- mesquite
- mimosa
- mimulus
- mint
- mistletoe, American
- mistletoe, European
- Mormon tea
- mugwort
- mulberry
- mullein
- mums
- musk thistle
- mustard
- myrrh
- myrtle
- nasturtium
- narcissus
- neroli
- nettle
- niaouli
- nightshade
- nightshade, black
- nightshade, deadly
- nutmeg
- oak
- oakmoss
- olive
- opoponax
- orange
- orange bergamot
- orchid
- orris
- osha
- ox-eye daisy
- palm
- palmrosa
- pansy
- papyrus
- parsley
- passion flower
- patchouly
- peach
- pear
- pearl barley
- pecan
- pennyroyal
- peony
- pepper, black
- peppermint
- pepper tree
- pepperwort
- periwinkle
- Persian lime
- Peru balsam
- Peruvian cress
- pine
- piñon
- pipsissewa
- plumeria
- pokeberry
- pomegranate
- poplar
- poppy
- primrose
- purple medic
- quince
- ranunculus
- raspberry
- red sandalwood
- red storax
- rhubarb
- rooibos
- rose
- rose geranium
- rosemary
- rowan
- rue
- rye
- sacred bark
- safflower
- saffron
- sagapen
- sage
- sagebrush
- Saint Johns wort
- saltcedar
- sandalwood
- sarsaparilla
- sassafras
- selenetrope
- sesame
- shea
- Solomons seal
- spearmint
- spikenard
- spirulina
- star anise
- stephanotis
- St. Johns wort
- storax
- storax, red
- strawberry
- sumbul
- sunflower
- sweet flag
- sweetgrass
- sweet pea
- tamarisk
- tangerine
- tansy
- tarragon
- thistle
- thyme
- ti
- tobacco
- tonka
- trees
- trefoil
- true nard
- tuberose
- valerian
- vanilla
- vervain
- vetivert
- violet
- water parsnip
- white sage
- white willow
- wild bergamot
- wintergreen
- wisteria
- wolfsbane
- wood aloe
- wood avens
- wood betony
- woodruff
- wormwood
- yarrow
- yellow dock
- yerba santa
- yew
- ylang ylang
- trees
- gardens
- alder
- allspice
- almond
- American elder
- apple
- apricot
- avocado
- areca
- ash
- Asian pear
- banyan
- bay laurel
- bay rum
- beech
- betel palm
- birch
- bitter almond
- bitter orange
- black plum
- black walnut
- bodhi
- Brazil nut
- buckthorn
- candlenut
- carob
- cashew
- cedar
- cherry
- chestnut
- coconut
- common yew
- cypress
- date palm
- dogwood
- Douglas fir
- ebony
- elder
- elm
- eucalyptus
- European yew
- fig
- fir
- grapefruit/li>
- hawthorne
- hemlock
- hickory
- holly
- Indian sandalwood
- Japanese camellia
- jujube
- juniper
- key lime
- kino
- kukui
- lemon
- lime
- linden
- loquat
- macadamia
- magnolia
- mango
- maple
- mesquite
- mountain ash
- mulberry
- oak
- olive
- orange
- palm
- peach
- pecan
- pepper tree
- Persian lime
- persimmon
- Peru balsam
- pine
- piñon
- plum
- poplar
- quince
- rowan
- saltcedar
- sandalwood
- shea
- silver fir
- sweet almond
- tamarisk
- tangerine
- walnut
- white willow
- willow
- yew
- ailments and conditions
- acne
- anxiety
- asthma
- brittle nails
- cancer
- clumsiness
- cramps
- depression
- dermatitus
- diabetes
- fatigue
- glaucoma
- gum disease
- infertility
- insomnia
- irritability
- joint pain
- menopause
- miscarriage
- motion sickness
- nausea
- night sweats
- numbness
- osteoporosis
- poor concentration
- poor growth
- racing heart
- rickets
- tingling
- tiredness
- tooth decay
- tumors
- religious freedom
- illegal bias
- Witchs Rights Law
- Fort Hood pagans (Wiccan rights 1999)
- Sgt. Stewart (Wiccan gravestone 2006)
- Tempest Smith (suicide 2001)
- blood libel case
- divine
- Kemetic neteru
- Aah
- Agathadaimon
- Ahti
- Ahy
- Amon
- Anpu
- Anubis
- Asar
- Aset
- Aten
- Aton
- Atum
- Bast
- Bes
- Buto
- Djehuti
- Geb
- Hapi
- Hathor
- Heru sa Aset
- Heru-Ur
- Het Heret
- Horus the Elder
- Horus the Younger
- Isis
- Kherpi
- Khnum
- Khons
- Maat
- Mertseger
- Mwt
- Nebt Het
- Neith
- Nephthys
- Neter
- Nuit
- Nun
- Nwt
- Osiris
- Ptah
- Ra
- Sekhmet
- Selkhet
- Seshat
- Set
- Shu
- Tefnut
- Tehuti
- Thoth
- Udjat
- Wadjet
- African deities
- ancient deities
- Anglo-Saxon deities
- Assyrian deities
- Aztec deities
- Babylonian deities
- Buddhist deities
- Akshobya Buddha
- Amitaba Buddha
- Amogasiddhi Buddha
- Avaloketishwara
- Dakini
- Hotei
- Ratnasambhava.html Buddha
- Vairocana Buddha
- Caananite deities
- Celtic deities
- Chaldean deities
- Feri Tradition deities
- German deities
- Greek deities
- Acheloüs
- Alycone
- Aphrodite
- Apollo
- Ares
- Artemis
- Astraea
- Athena
- Cronus
- Demeter
- Dionysus
- Hecate
- Helios
- Hera
- Hermes
- Kronos
- Persephone
- Poseidon
- Rhea
- Selene
- Themis
- Thetis
- Zeus
- Hebrew deities
- Hindu deities
- Inuit deities
- Irish deities
- Japanese deities
- Mayan deities
- Minoan deities
- Norse deities
- Persian deities
- Phoencian deities
- Roman deities
- Abundantia
- Bacchus
- Bellona
- Bona Dea
- Ceres
- Cybele
- Diana
- Epona
- Juno
- Jupiter
- Luna
- Mars
- Mercury
- the Penates
- Sol
- Venus
- Vesta
- Scandinavian deities
- Sumerian deities
- Welsh deities