- fixed holy days (same date every year)
- Kemetic calendar
- Zoroastrian calendar
- Celtic Ogham tree calendar
- Roman calendar
- numerology
- tarot
- 2010 lunar days
- 2010 astrological
- 2009 holy days
- 2009 lunar days
- 2009 astrological
- 2008 lunar days
- 2008 astrological
- 2007 lunar days
fixed holy days
These holy days are on the same day every year on the solar calendar.
Day of Children of Bedesh:
Day of Children of Bedesh: Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) holy day. It is the day of the children of Bedesh. The neteru kills them when he comes. Then he sails south. (from the Cairo Calendar)
Vestalia: Roman holy day. Day of Vesta Asperit. Related to the six virgins who kept the eternal flame for Vesta.
This day on different world calendars.
Kemetic (ancient Egyptian) information
Season of Semut or Shemu (Harvest or Summer)
Month of Epipi or Epep-abet (Wadjet)
Day 24
Zoroastrian information
(Fasli calendar)
Month of Hordad (third month)
Day of Frawardin
Day 19
The day of Farwardin celebrates the Av. Fravashis, The Guardian Angels. Special prayers from the Khorda Avesta are recited in honor of the days spiritual being.
Activity for the day from the Counsels of Adhurbadh, Son of Mahraspand: (137) On the day of Frawardin take no oath, and on that day sacrifice to the Farohars (departed spirits) of the blessed so that they may be the better pleased. Adarbad Mahraspandan was a famous saint, high priest, and prime minister of Shapur II (309-379 C.E.).
The third week (eight days) of each Zoroastrian month celebrates moral qualities.
The Fasli, or seasonal, calendar is one of three Zoroastrian calendars still in use.
Celtic (ancient Druid) information
Ogham tree calendar
Huath (H)
Hawthorn Moon
Day 26
The Celtic calendar started out as a moon calendar, but was aligned with the solar year during antiquity. Robert Graves proposed the Celtic tree calendar described here. While widely used by Neo-Pagans, many critics dispute the authenticity. The Beth-Luis-Nion calendar (the one used here) starts with New Year on the Winter Solstice. The Beth-Luis-Faern calendar starts with New Year on Samhain.
Each Celtic tree month (or moon) is named for a Celtic Ogham letter (first line above) and a tree (second line above). All of the Celtic months also had additional folk names (folk names for this month listed below).
Polarity: Masculine
Planet: Vulcan
Archetype: Govennan (Celtic God of Smiths)
Symbol: chalice
Folk Names:
Moon of Restraint
Moon of Hinderance
Summer Moon
Asatru (ancient Norse) information
Month: Midyear
Roman information
a.d. VII Id. Ivn.
7 days before the Ides of June
Month: Ivnivs or Junius
The a.d. VII Id. designation means ante diem or seven days before the Ides (Full Moon) of the month. When counting days, the Romans included both the start and end day (in modern Western culture, we skip the start day). When the Romans switched to a solar calendar, they continued to use the lunar day names.
The Roman month of Junius is named for Juno. June was sacred to Juno, Roman Queen Goddess.
The earliest Roman months were lunar. According to Roman mythology, the ten month solar calendar aligned to the vernal equinox was introduced by Romulus, the founder of Rome, around 753 BCE. In Romulus calendar, June (the fourth month) had 30 days. Numa Pompilius, the second of the seven traditional kings of Rome, added two more months, for a 12 month year. In Numas calendar, June had 29 days. Gaius Julius Caesar, as Pontifex Maximus (supreme bridge-builder, a religious title), reorganized the calendar on the first day of 45 BCE. In Caesars calendar (the Julian Calendar), June had 30 days. Caesars calendar was calculated by Sosigenes, an Egyptian astrologer/astronomer. In 8 BCE, Augustus Caesar fixed errors by pontiffs after Julius death and made other minor modifications, resulting in the modern Western calendar. The modern Gregorian Calendar, named for Roman Catholic Pope Gregory the Thirteenth, was a realignment in 1582.
Today totals 7 in modern Western numerology. See the article on seven for more information.
Todays tarot card is The Chariot.
date: | Monday | June 7, 2010 | |
Moon:![]() | waning crescent | 4th Quarter | in Aries![]() |
Mercury:![]() | Direct until August 20 | ||
Neptune:![]() | Retrograde until November 7![]() ![]() | ||
Pluto:![]() | Retrograde until September 14![]() ![]() |
lunar information 2010
Moon: | waning crescent | 4th Quarter | in Aries![]() |
![]() Next New Moon June 12 | ![]() Next Waxing Quarter June 19 | ![]() Next Full Moon June 26 | ![]() Next Waning Quarter July 4 |
Fourth Quarter in Aries:
Fourth (Last) Quarter: The moon is in the fourth (4th) quarter (waning crescent) in Aries.
Aries Rewarding: This day in 2010 is rewarding for those who are Sun sign Aries because the Moon is in your Sun sign.
Libra Challenging: This day in 2010 is challenging for those who are Sun sign Libra because the Moon is in the sign opposite your Sun sign.
astrological information 2010
Mars enters Virgo:
Mars Enters Virgo: Planetary ingress. Mars enters the sign Virgo at 2:11 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) today or 11:11 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT) yesterday (June 6). Time for paying attention to details. Work on diet, hygiene, and daily cleaning routines.
Mars Quincunx Jupiter: Mars is quincunx Jupiter at 10:26 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 7:26 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). Too much enthusiam.
Sun Sextile Moon: The Sun is sextile the Moon at 10:31 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 7:31 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). Work hard to obtain your desires. Ritual related to Neith or Athena.
Mars Quincunx Uranus: Mars is quincunx Uranus at 3:03 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 12:03 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). Time of rash actions. Time of impulsiveness. Ritual to Sekhmet.
Moon Square Venus: The Moon is square Venus at 9:44 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) or 6:44 p.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time (PDT). Time to relax with friends. Ritual to Het Heret (Hathor).
Magick Color:
White: The magick color for this day, based on planetary influences and the day of the week, is white. You may want to burn a white candle or wear some white this day.
Magick Incense:
Hyssop: The magick incense for this day, based on planetary influences and the day of the week, is hyssop. You may want to burn hyssop incense this day. You may substitute a similar incense if you dont have or dont like hyssop.
See also the article on incense. An American source for high quality incense is Mountain Rose Herbs. A British source for incense is Pagan Magic.
date: | Sunday | June 7, 2009 | |
Moon:![]() | Full Moon | in Sagittarius![]() | |
Mercury:![]() | Direct until September 7 | ||
Neptune:![]() | Retrograde until November 4![]() ![]() | ||
Pluto:![]() | Retrograde until September 11![]() ![]() |
holy days 2009
These holy days are on different day each year on the solar calendar.
Full Moon:
Full Moon: Wiccan holy day. Wiccan Esbat for the Full Moon. Known as the Strong Sun Moon.
Day of Isis:
Day of Isis: Greco-Roman holy day. Full Moon worship of Isis (Aset in the original ancient Egyptian language). Worship of Isis spread throughout the Hellenic Empire and the later Roman Empire and beyond into Germanic, Norse, and Celtic lands, across the Middle East and Asia, and south through Africa.
The city of Paris is named for a great ancient temple to Isis (Per-Isis) and the Notre Dame Cathedral, built on the site, still has the original Isis altar with the myth of Isis and Osiris depicted. Until the 1700s the Notre Dame Cathedral still featured a prominent ancient statue of Isis (under the claim that it was the Black Madonna). Unfortunately a French Witch stormed into Notre Dame and demanded the return of the entire site and artwork, pointing out that the statue was actually of Isis rather than Mary. Horrified Roman Catholic priests smashed the statue into rubble. The fate of the French WItch is not recorded, but probably was death by torture.
The Day of Isis (each Full Moon) was celebrated with feasting, dancing, and singing. Along the Nile and in other locations near a river, lake, or other body of water, the celebrants would float small wooden or paper boats with lit candles in honor of Isis. In some places thousands of little boats would light up the water. Sometimes colored paper would be put around the candles to create dazzling colored light displays. Isis worshipers would put their hopes and dreams on scraps of paper on the boats, in the belief that Isis would grant these in the coming lunar month.
Poornima: Hindu holy day. The Full Moon Day that defines the Hindu lunar months unique qualities.
lunar information 2009
Moon: | Full Moon | in Sagittarius![]() | |
![]() Next Waning Quarter June 15 | ![]() Next New Moon June 22 | ![]() Next Waxing Quarter June 29 | ![]() Next Full Moon July 7 |
Second Quarter in Sagittarius:
Second Quarter: The moon is in the second (2nd) quarter (waxing gibbous) in Sagittarius.
Full Moon:
Full Moon: Lunar. Occurs at 2:12 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT) in 2009. This is a Wiccan Esbat. Also known as the Strong Sun Moon. See also Isis Full Moon love spell. Great for prophecy magick. Time for travel and education.
Third Quarter in Sagittarius:
Third Quarter: The moon is in the third (3rd) quarter (waning gibbous) in Sagittarius.
Fishing: The Moon makes this day excellent for fishing.
Sagittarius Rewarding: This day in 2009 is rewarding for those who are Sun sign Sagittarius because the Moon is in your Sun sign.
Gemini Challenging: This day in 2009 is challenging for those who are Sun sign Gemini because the Moon is in the sign opposite your Sun sign.
Lunar Planting: Lunar planting for second quarter in Sagittarius: Good for cannabis, onion seeds, onion sets.
Lunar Planting: Lunar planting for third quarter in Sagittarius: Good for onion sets.
astrological information 2009
Moon Square Saturn: The Moon is square Saturn at 10:35 a.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Time for serious thinking.
Sun Opposite Moon: The Sun is in opposition with the Moon at 2:12 p.m. Eastern Daylight Savings Time (EDT). Full Moon. You may find yourself working very hard for very little gain.
Magick Color:
Gold: The magick color for this day, based on planetary influences and the day of the week, is gold. You may want to burn a gold candle or wear some gold this day.
Magick Incense:
Catnip, Frankincense, Marjoram: The magick incense for this day, based on planetary influences, is frankincense. The magick incense for this day, based on the day of the week, is marjoram or catnip. You may want to burn catnip, frankincense, or marjoram incense this day. You may substitute a similar incense if you dont have or dont like catnip, frankincense, or marjoram.
See also the article on incense. An American source for high quality incense is Mountain Rose Herbs. A British source for incense is Pagan Magic. Another American source for incense is Pagan Shopping.
lunar information 2008
First Quarter in Leo:
First Quarter: The moon is in the first (1st) quarter (waxing crescent) in Leo.
astrological information 2008
Sun Conjunct Mercury: The Sun is in conjunction with Mercury at 11:27 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Mercury Conjunct Venus: Mercury is in conjunction with Venus at 5:03 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Moon Conjunct Mars: The Moon is in conjunction with Mars at 9:38 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Moon Sextile Mercury: The Moon is sextile Mercury at 10:57 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Moon Sextile Venus: The Moon is sextile Venus at 11:48 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
lunar information 2007
Moon enters Pisces:
Moon Enters Pisces: Lunar Ingress. The Moon enters the sign Pisces at 5:23 am GMT.